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prophetik music

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Posts posted by prophetik music

  1. I got the impression that he didn't know how to automate the tempo as you 'normally would'.

    oh. right click on the box that shows what your bpm is. click 'edit automation'. set it to what it should be. in order to tell what's what, look in the top left corner, where usually status updates are. when your mouse is on the automation window, it'll show up with BPM figures. just click where you want them...same as always, right click lets you drag a line, left click just sets it as normal...etc. if that doesn't explain it, whatever. read your damn manual.

  2. Your flare for the dramatic both astounds and disgusts me.

    Check in Remixing 101. The answer's probably there.

    lawl. i'll save you the trouble.

    assuming you know how to rewire, just automate the tempo (tempi?) in fl6 the way you normally would, and play the song in the 'song' mode (rather than pattern mode) the way you normally would. this'll probably mean putting in a black pattern track at the end of the song to get FL to play that long.

    if you dont know how to rewire...read your manual. i'm not explaining that obnoxious setup...it takes forever.

    but yeah, tempo stuff is just done the same way you normally would. fl controls the internal sync when it has reason rewired through it.

    is that what you were asking?

  3. Frtuiyloops is the most versatile music software I've ever encountered that didn't require any external hardware.

    Reason just sounds good, It's not ACTUALLY good.

    that's the funniest thing i've heard all day.

    dafydd, why are you using post distortion effects? nothing can really beat a decent live distortion pedal. also, if you know how to use Scream 4, its awesome. most people don't, though.

    And yet the issue here has been sound quality, mostly. How ironic.

    That's not really saying much. anything can sound bad if its been put together incorrectly. reason has a definate ability to sound like crap if you don't know what you're doing. fl PROVES that it'll sound like crap if you don't know what you're doing - look at the n00bs in the wip forum. its just a matter of learning what you're doing, and applying it.

  4. Ok, i've been working on an FF7 remix but everyone tells me the same thing: guitars = awesome, drums = not.

    I need someone, preferably a drummer, to help me out, or even better, record some live ones for me. I've also done a mix of the FF8 battle theme however this one would be a lot harder for live drums as the song is in 5/4, however, if you feel up to the challenge please PM me as its the only thing stopping me from submitting.

    You get full credit for the drum parts when i submit, unless you can submit under two names in which case i'll be happy to split credit 50/50 for the whole thing :).

    drumultima. nuff said.

  5. Unh? This is incredlible... reason doesn't allow for accelerando or decelerando. You need to hook it up with cubase to do that.


    How can they make such an advanced piece of software and leave out something so utterly basic and necessary? I've never seen another sequencer that couldn't handle tempo changes. Oh, yeah, it's so much easier to program plugins that allow you to link up with other applications than to actually program the function into your own sequencer... not. I'm not buying or downloading cubase just so I can change the tempo. I can't believe this bs. Maybe I can make the notes in reason longer so they're off tempo, somehow.


    wait, you didn't know that? that's always been one of the biggest critiques of reason - no time adjustment, and no external VST support.

    you CAN timestretch the parts you want to to make it work, but that messes up the sequencer roll. my suggestion? ReWire it through FLStudio, like everyone does normally since the mastering suite in Reason sucks balls, and use THAT to edit your time stuff. then use the mastering suite in FL to make the song sound good, since it's almost impossible in Reason.

  6. He probably means DarkeSword.

    @Prophet: Track 18 (Hen House) was ditched, since SirRus pulled out of the project, and Starky felt it didn't really contribute to the project. So instead of letting someone else do it, he decided to delete it from the tracklist. But good thing noticing it: Track19 should be renamed to be track18. Ima do that now!

    i did comfuzzle the two of you.

    but, that said, i checked my outbox and didn't see anything regarding the pms i thought i sent. i guess i don't know how to use the private messaging service...i'll try again :lol:

  7. Alright niggers, Joker sent me a WiP, and it sounded damn good :-)

    I expect you all to do the same. If you already did that, could you please look for other people that haven't been posting here, telling them to do so?

    http://thomas.balis.be/laproject by the way. Comments, Suggestions, Problems?

    looks better than before. but what happened to track 18?

    i pm'd gray like ten times about getting us out of the wip forum, but he never really responded.

    for the site record, sixto has a wip. so does dafydd and rexy. they probably just didnt get back to you.

  8. So motivate yourselves. I'm here to organize, not hold your hands.

    Agreed, the onus is on us mixers to get the job done.

    For my part, I've been incredibly busy in the last few months.

    Now all hell has broken loose where my music pc has crapped out on me. It's going to take me 1-3 weeks best case scenario to get it working again, and I have several work projects due once I get it working again.

    Due to all this crud going on, unfortunately I'm going to have to drop out of the project with my rexy collab. Hopefully Rexy can somehow finish it up on her own.

    Sorry Aetherius :(, I really wanted to be a part of this and finish my end of the collaboration, but right now my priority has to focus on real life work stuff once I get my music computer back working.

    I'm very excited to hear the completion of the project though. Best of luck Aetherius and to all the mixers involved.

    ahh, crap. i was looking forward to hearing Gray's submission.

    that said, what song were they working on? i might get a bolt of inspiration if it's good.

  9. I'll try to get another WIP by the end of this week, though honestly the lack of momentum is really killing my enthusiam and productivity for this project.

    i agree with the last half of this post. i've already got one final piece uploaded, do i need to upload it again? for the Richard's Villa song, i finally heard back from PriZm - he's finally finshed his half of the arrangement, and he's going to email me soon (hopefully) with guitar parts.

  10. Programs:


    FL6 (previously, i used FL4.1 - still a solid program)

    Reason 2.5


    Selmer Series III Super Balanced Action Alto Sax, Soprano Sax, and Bari Sax

    Selmer Mark VI Tenor Sax

    Peavey Foundation Electric Bass

    Alvarez *i think* Acoustic Guitar

    My voice =)

    various other instruments that i don't feel like listing

    Other Gear

    M-Audio USB Preamp

    Behringer Eurorack UB502 mixer

    Marshall MXL V57M Studio Condenser (my ocr mixes to date were made on a mike from a dat tape recorder :lol:)

    Some random pair or Sony headphones

    Various audio cables

    i think that's it...

  11. Hey, I'm just wondering. I've looked around, but I can't find any free electric guitar VSTs. I suppose I could always pay, but if there ARE any free ones that sound relatively good, would you letting me know? Thanks.

    don't quote me on this, but i haven't found any. look into good guitar soundfonts - they're easier to find, and tend to be easier to work with because they automate easily (in fruity, at least).

  12. halloo all.

    so, after my hard drive crashed a while back, i lost some very useful plugins that i really need.

    does anyone have:

    Sun Ra (elogoxa)

    The Devil Inside (elogoxa)

    Delay Llama (elogoxa)

    i'd get them from the site, but they closed up and i can't find them on the net anywhere. i very specifically need Sun Ra - i've got several files that need it for me to be able to work on stuff.

    thanks for your help. a yousendit link would be perfect, if anyone's got them.

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