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prophetik music

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Posts posted by prophetik music

  1. Er... You didn't ask in the VSTi thread again, did you? Or did you look at KVR?

    That's the second time now that you ignore stickyfied threads and do researches on your own!!!

    i use reason, so I can't use vsts, right?

    as for kvr, I had no idea that they had standalone programs as well. my bad.

  2. so, i want to re-arrange a song by a Christian worship artist named Chris Tomlin. he's pretty popular among christian light rock nowadays. in order to publish the song, how do i go about getting copyright data - like, how do i make sure i don't get arrested? do i email the company, do i just distribute it freely...what do i do?

  3. Bigger, better, shinnier(lol), it's my new WIP! Tell me if you like the transitions. I fixed up lots of minor issues and stuff too. I'm approaching final, but still planning to add a decent amount of content onto the end.

    True, I haven't been working on this ALL that much. But it will turn out pretty good.

    Soundclick sucks

    And cool database. :thumbsup:

    soundclick may suck, but i jsut got that downloaded in 2 seconds. not a bad server.

    if i may offer forth some advice, the piano in the very beginning is too bassy, in my opinion, and could use some velocity work. good groove, though.

    edit - also, i've got some severe distortion on my end cause it's too loud. just turn it down a little or something, please.

  4. i just listened to shinny's wip...i've gotta say, there are a few issues but i am very much impressed. great job, shinny/shiny/whatever the heck your name is.

    ^^ thank you very much, well it is finished now, (shinny btw, technicly shiny, but >_< whatever) the fished should sound better

    The finished is better BTW (unless you heared it )

    so, if you could tell me the issues, so that i could better myself, i would be very pleased ^^

    damn you, don't post the final products!

    but thanks. and i did listen to the final version, actually. now EDIT YOUR POST!

    ._. I didn't know...I ahven't been active much

    s'okay. i shouldn't have shouted. sorry =)

  5. i just listened to shinny's wip...i've gotta say, there are a few issues but i am very much impressed. great job, shinny/shiny/whatever the heck your name is.

    ^^ thank you very much, well it is finished now, (shinny btw, technicly shiny, but >_< whatever) the fished should sound better

    The finished is better BTW (unless you heared it )

    so, if you could tell me the issues, so that i could better myself, i would be very pleased ^^

    damn you, don't post the final products!

    but thanks. and i did listen to the final version, actually. now EDIT YOUR POST!

  6. All legitimate users have access to the forums.

    Yep. If you bought it, put your Username and password in your "My FLstudio" page, and voila!

    Access. :lol:

    i didn't buy it yet - that's why i need info. i was using a hacked copy before...and now i want to buy it...which is why i'm so insisitant about finding out when it comes out.

  7. Yes, I usually do use the BooBass in FL, but I'm getting kinda tired of the same old thing and I'm looking for something else. So if you have any tips....


    not gonna lie but boobass is terrible. TERRIBLE. get the natural studios Fender Jazz Bass (google natural studios, it's a british site), and then rape kvraudio for your synthbasses and stuff. personally, i like the sound of a good distorted rhodes down really low for my synth bass sounds, but that's preference. i use the fender jazz bass on everything, though - if you use a lot of velocity work with your music, then you'll find that the ns bass has so much touch and feel. it's nice. it's big, though - just to warn you if you're on a dialup like me.

  8. i'll be uploading a revised version of my song soon to vgmix, and i'll put the link on this site. I played with some volumes, and added some piano at the end. Also, i fixed some problems with the double bass part.

    where the heck are all those wips we were supposed to have?

    EDIT - Facies Templum - this is officially the final version of my version of 'Face Shrine'. i'm assuming you guys will upload this to whatever server we're using?

  9. Really nice, I love the feel. The electric piano at 1:01 brought tears to my eye, that's what I wanted to hear.

    I do have a respectful complaint, though might also be personal bias for the kind of feel I want from jazz. To me, it feels like it doesn't flow enough. Not at all. Though a better way to put it is to say that it doesn't coax. The recording/fuzz issue is there, and the fact that it is so barely noticeable is what makes it hurt. The acoustics you have going with the sax are just stand-out excellent (in my unqualified opinion), it makes me want to listen to the instrument going around me.. I'm listening in it. (And you did that with a PC microphone?) I love the space its played in, I thank you for it. However its because I am able to take it in so easily that I feel the fuzz when it pops up - and that's okay with that mike - but its also because I am able to take it in so easily that I complain about the lack of coaxing.

    I close my eyes at that start and feel that excellent space in which the sax is played.. but it breaks. The sax doesn't softly lure.. it plays and stops. It gets better later on too, but I'm already hurt heh.

    However, I do love this piece. I really have to go out and find more jazz clubs.. You guys have taken the level I enjoyed the least in Sonic 3, because of the music I enjoyed the least in Sonic 3, and made it a non-coaxing heart breaking joy to listen to. I guess I'm hearing what this could have been to me, and venting about that.

    So despite my rant, this gets a proud place in the growing collection of Sonic jazz mixes that get played when other people are around hehe. I wouldn't have complained if it wasn't this nice.

    just to point this out, this wasn't originally done to be a smooth jazz piece. you want smooth jazz? i'll get you some of what i've done, if you want it. this was done to be more upbeat - the sax parts are similar to what i might find as the head to a slower chart on a set of bebop stuff. just fyi.

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