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prophetik music

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Posts posted by prophetik music

  1. Yo everyone. Yet another new guy. I go by the name Wicked, as you can see. I've been hanging around OCremix since 2003 but never really cared to visit the message boards. I have enough of them bookmarked already but now that I'm half interested in remixing, I figured I might as well start participating. I'm sure everyone and their mom is interested in remixing on THIS board, though. Chances are I'll never make a remix just because I seem to have the worst grasp on all of the software. I've downloaded the demos for Fruity Loops and Reason and looked at what was there, tried messing around with it for a while but came up empty-handed. I'm planning on ordering the FL Producer's Edition when I start doing a little budget here in the next few days so maybe I'll have more luck when the SOB actually has a tutorial.

    If I ever need help, I'll call on you guys. I've got some great ideas for remixes that I'd love to share with you, two in particular. I can play them in my head forever but until I learn how to get them on computer, it'll drive me nuts.

    Anyway, it's a pleasure to join the site and hopefully I won't come off as a lame newb (and if I do, hopefully not for very long).

    Welcome to the forums, Wicked. Don't forget to read (or re-read) the n00b stickies - i wouldn't want to chalk you up on my wall like the rest of them. As for software - work with it. It took me forever to get the hang of Fruity, but now i dont' even have to think to apply good effects and stuff. It comes naturally soon enough - just give it a few weeks. Ignore the stuff you're never gonna use (fruity vibrator, scratch pad, wrapper) and focus on the more important stuff, like the 303 OSC, samplers, layers, and such. Feel free to PM for any questions.


  2. Hi. I'm HS. I hate that 'covers' are frowned upon. I personally frown upon tunes that take the original and change it so much as to be a slap in the face to the original composer. That's just me. I'll probably never have a tune on this site for that very reason...

    It's just really strange how some songs are considered a 'rip' ('funk dreamer') and others aren't ('bar hopping')...would be nice if someone could explain it for me...and yes, I DID read the submission guidlines. ;)

    Anyway, good day to you all. :)

    There are quite a few people who think like you do - trust me. A rip is when a song takes the MIDI and does instrument changes. I've noticed as of late that this term is being passed around with increasing consistancy - its because some of the judges aren't really qualified to be saying some of that stuff but they do anyways cause they're dumb. Also - a remix that is really far from an original composer's stuff isn't necessarily bad - it shows other ways the composer could have taken from the original. A composer doesn't think that this is bad - its merely a different direction that the composer could have taken and as such isn't really that bad as you make it sound like. Anyways - glad to have you here!


  3. There's an entire section in the help file dedicated to CPU usage reduction. What tends to work for me is increasing the latency (settings>system>audio, then increase the buffer length, providing you're using the default directsound drivers), although if it's a problem having too much latency you could try using different drivers (ASIO4ALL works well for me, and I think there's some sort of KX drivers available, but I don't know where).

    Thanks for this...its been a problem for me for a long time. I appreciate it.


  4. 8) Lavos spawn (chrono trigger) are pretty hard to beat, but they're not bosses.

    Lavos wins the prize. I had to beat the game four times to be able to defeat him ( Chrono Level 56, Frog Level 52 and Marle Level 48). And it is one of the most time consuming bosses. It takes a lot of time to beat him. You gotta fight it from outside, and then from inside. When you beat the "inside lavos" then, lavos core appears. The worst thing is that it heals itself, sou you gotta have a lot of healing items, elixir, etc... to survive the long combat.

    OMg u suck at those lvls I lvls I would of Owned Lavas I fought him at like lvl 40-47

    you can always see a n00b...



  5. when i try to render my midi master piece into a mp3 and then i export it and i try to play it on my media player it doesnt play the midi that i rendered into a mp3 and exported.It plays all the other FL instruments but it doesnt play the midi.Am i doing something wrong?or is it something that i didnt do?

    This is what I was talking about, those who doubted me. :evil: If you check Fruity's website then you'd have noticed that you need a Fruity LSD to make MIDI go through FL instead of processing post - FL. What you do is load the LSD into an effects channel and then set all the port numbers on the MIDI channels (in the middle you'll find that thing) to the same effects channel. Go under Fruity's troubleshooting section on the website and look under MIDI - you'll find exactly what I mean.


    i did go to fruityloops site but i couldnt find Fruity LSD i think maybe im looking in the wrong place.im so lost :lol:

    According to the FAQ section under the support section of the website...

    If you're playing the General MIDI (GM) synth on your sound card, its output is being mixed in OUTSIDE of FL Studio, so it doesn't get rendered in your wav.

    There's a way to work around this:

    You can load a Fruity LSD (software MIDI synthesizer) in one of your empty FX slots, set the "Port" number to a number other than the one you have set for your sound card ("5" for example), and then point your MIDI Out generators to it by setting their "Port" numbers to match the number set for the LSD. The Fruity LSD outputs to the Mixer channel in which you have it loaded, so its output will be in your exported wav.

    The Fruity LSD uses the General MIDI software synthesizer that Microsoft includes as part of DirectX 8, so you'll need to have DirectX 8 or better installed.

    http://forum.e-officedirect.com/forum.exe?forumname=FLStudio_FAQ under MIDI

    Now do you see what I mean?

  6. when i try to render my midi master piece into a mp3 and then i export it and i try to play it on my media player it doesnt play the midi that i rendered into a mp3 and exported.It plays all the other FL instruments but it doesnt play the midi.Am i doing something wrong?or is it something that i didnt do?

    This is what I was talking about, those who doubted me. :evil: If you check Fruity's website then you'd have noticed that you need a Fruity LSD to make MIDI go through FL instead of processing post - FL. What you do is load the LSD into an effects channel and then set all the port numbers on the MIDI channels (in the middle you'll find that thing) to the same effects channel. Go under Fruity's troubleshooting section on the website and look under MIDI - you'll find exactly what I mean.


  7. You don't need it if you don't need to hear the output of the MIDI, but otherwise (and if your soundcard doesn't render FL's MIDI Out by itself) you need the Fruity LSD to render the MIDI output to GM or whatever. Slapping one into any mixer channel and setting the port number to the same as the MIDI Out channels gives immediate GM MIDI rendering.

    Not sure what you mean. I don't use fruity LSD, just MIDI outs, and my MIDIs render fine. I also hear the output in the project.

    No offense, but that shouldn't happen. The website specificly says that because MIDI is post-FL in terms of sound card application, it doens't render in FL. Are you playing the MIDI into the computer? that might be the only way that I can think of that would cause that.


  8. i dont think this will get read because of all the post on this subject.and i really dont have tons of time to read thru all them right now.not to be mean but i dont : :cry: i have a problem.i dont have the full version of FL and when i try to import midi files they dont play.I mean it shows it playing but none of it works.If anyone comes across this post and knows a solution to my problem it would be much appreciated.Ill take on tons of request if i can get this problem fixed!!!

    You need to use a Fruity LSD - and set the port number on the MIDIs to the same port that the LSD is set to. Check the fruity website for more info - thats where I got the answer from when I was looking. http://www.fruityloops.com/ is the site. have fun with that one, kingchris.


  9. Copy paste works pretty decent for some people. Other than that...you can kind of just make the beat short and bake a million of them onto the playlist thing.

    Took me a minute but I seem to have figured out copy and paste, so that should do. I'm not quite sure what you mean by the playlist thing.

    THe playlist is the part where all the arranging takes place. It is the screen where you place all the patterns in, whenever you want them to play. Now, if you do a short beat and you want to extend that particular beat, just putting several in a row on the playlist has the same effect as making one really long.


  10. Mephisto, the formula controller is something I've tried to stay away from since it looks unnecessarily complex.

    At your suggestion though, I loaded it onto an effect channel and had SFZ play through that channel. I used the "basic sine LFO" since I figured that would be the one I needed for an okay vibrato. Even turning all the knobs(on the formula controller) while playing, I heard no difference at all, and I tried several different formulas also with no difference in sound.

    There is probably something I'm overlooking, but like I said, I've never used this effect before, so I don't know anything about it.

    You need to link the controller to the pitch knob (or the volume ontrol, based on how you're doing the vibrato). Basically, you need the "basic sine LFO" to control what the pitch knob does. DO NOT make it hgue or it sounds nasty. Just setting up the controller doesn't work - you need to link it else its just a CPU eater and does nothing.d

    Or maybe i did it differently and i'm jsut an idiot. You decide. Have fun with this.


  11. Also, prophet, it's not really cute, funny, or unique to put a :twisted: at the end of all your posts, it's just annoying.


    I get this everywhere. Its a signature, man - some of the guys over in UnMod tried to yell at me about it but one of the moderators chewed them out for it. just don't hate the face, man. look up mephisto - you'll see why.

    Just don't hate the face.

    Besides...would you rather have me or some loser who proliferates those things all over the place? I use them once a post - and anyways, if you feel like calling me out use a PM or an UnMod thread - not the fruity thread.

    I'm not trying to be cute, funny, or unique - that's just what i do. its what i've always done, and its what i will continue to do until i leave these forums.

    Subject closed.


  12. yo, i didn't know this was in here.

    Name: Asmodeus, the Prophet of Mephisto

    Age: 18

    Occupation: College student, part time at Wegmans food market and Houghton college Music Library

    Interests: I'm a sax major here at Houghton, i like music obviously, i like techno a lot. I also enjoy basketball and verbal sparring.

    I am willing to help people if they have a need for bass/effects programming as well as live vocals, saxophone, bass guitar, latin percussion. Have fun with that, everyone.


    ps - i know i'm not exactly a n00b - i've been around for a little while, but i'm close enough to get that distinction to some effect.

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