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prophetik music

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Posts posted by prophetik music

  1. I'm planning to get the last track to be a collaborative remix between a couple of the mixers.

    Primarily, I would like one person (preferably not me) to do a basic lay-down of the whole song, say on piano, (I'm looking at you Iggy) and then the other remixers can add parts like guitars or synths, or beats to it that will improve the mix and flesh it out. That way, We'll have something fittingly climactic for the end. I'm looking for Epic and exciting without being frenetic or eccentric.

    In mind, I have Iggy (on piano), MagiNinja (on violin), Myself (on atmosphere and percussion, possibly guitar) and Maybe Taucer or Prophet of Mephisto on guitars and saxophone respectively. If anybody on the project is interested, and if anyone who can contribute live instruments is interested, let me know, and we'll get on that.

    This idea is secondary to the remixing of all other tracks. SO, Primarily, work on your own track, and in the off time, or when you're done, work on this track.

    Wait until I've secured a person for the main-layout, though.

    That is all.


    i can do vocals, also, if you need them. I've got a lower voice, but i can still help out. also, I can do bass guitar, if we so feel the urge.

  2. For the record, I'm planning on keeping the wips private for now. I don't want the mixers to have any input on their tracks outside of my own, or that of the other mixers. This is because...Personally, I don't trust the opinions of the general populace of these forums, and In reality, this project is for my own pleasure and entertainment, and not yours, and so I don't really give a crap whether anyone but me likes the results...


    Wips are to be kept private/secretive.

    Keep your stupid ideas to yourselves.

    fair enough.

  3. Thank you very much. I download the demo and just that alone answered pretty much all of my questions, however it made a new question arise. I can only make about a six-second loop. How can I make that longer? I asked somebody this and they told me to go to the playlist and draw it out. I went to the playlist but couldn't figure out how to "draw it out." :?:

    Again, any help would be great!

    lol. make sure the playlist is the big grid...lol.

    in making a loop, you create something called a pattern. using the playlist, you can arrange a bunch of these different patterns into a song by clicking them into the grid. the top has measure numbers, and the left has pattern numbers.

    that make sense?

    next time, search the thread, n00b.

  4. there are times when i've found that having an eq with more bands to be something i'd like to have. granted, not all the time, but there are times when i'd like it.

    using more than one is irritating because you haVe to figure out what is where (don't forget you need one slider at the low end for bass rolloff and one to be at the high end for high rolloff) so you wind up with competing freqs. i just would rather having one with more than seven.

  5. fruitys parametric eq is EXTREMELY competent.
    Agreed. I still recommend you import it to an external audio editor for post-production.

    eh. you can do it all in FL if you wanted to. granted, its tough getting a good full eq done on the whole piece, but thats a problem in general, i've found.

    or does someone know of a good free software that has a really nice eq on it? i don't like the lack of flexibility that the fruity one has.

  6. what?

    Look, I have a first note that is 12 steps long, and starts on the 1st step. 2nd note, 4 steps long, starts on 4rd step. I use FL preset sound Strings->STR_GTF_C1 (non looped bass sample with a slow decay). When I play that track with Cut Itself ON the 2nd note simply cuts the previous one and I only hear the 2nd note. When I turn OFF Cut Itself, 2nd note sums with the sound of the previous, making it all louder. So again I turn ON Cut Itself, but also I set my own ADSR setting in the Channel Setting->INS->VOL. I set min att, min hold, min dec, max sus, min rel (so sound is heard only during the duration of the note). When I play that track again, the sounds are summed (louder) and I hear the 1st note playing after the 2nd note. Is this more clearer now?

    OH. yeah, thats a lot better.

    so you basically want two notes playing, and you want it to stay the same volume, right? don't use the asdr for something like this - its more for articulated passages and looped notes that have to be an exact length, like in padded stuff.

    you're going to have to automate the volume on the whole thing to get it to stay one uniform volume. i'm not sure why you'd want to do that since it'll sound a little wierd - its not a natural sound to hear that, specially down low, but whatever. automation is the way to go - just edit events and set the channel volume at half of what it is now when it reaches that note, then pop it up back to normal at the end of the second note.

    is that what you needed?

  7. I asked for other way cuz I like using the Time multiplicator and stretching (in sampler) on the whole beat when adjusting tempo rather then using slicer (still a noob) when adjusting tempo... Slicer tutorial anyone?

    easy. one of the things that is included is a tutorial on the slicer. look around in your fruity directory to see where it s to open it up. it explains everything - its not as complicated as it looks.

  8. If I have a sampled beat that is something like "kick kick snare hat" is there a way by using cut/cut by or similar that doesn't inculade automating (like automating volume) and avoiding slicer?

    after some deciphering...

    why wouldn't you use the slicer? i guess i don't understand why you DON"T want to use the best drumtool in Fruity. if you don't want to use it, get a wave editor like Audacity and chop it yourself into pieces. thats the best way.

    why would you automate volume to slice something?

  9. Addition to Myth's tutorial:


    Vibrato :)

    Experiment with the length of the slide notes to get different vibrato types.

    too slow.

    how can i add vibrato to a soundfont that almost sounds good? it doesn't work to use the edit events window and do it through there cause its too big of an adjustment to automatically apply an LFO to the whole thing. it tries to go based on 20 cents, not 6 or 7 cents. whats a way to apply vib. to a simple violin sf?

  10. could someone explain to me how to use automation (specifically to adjust volume on tracks to create crescendos/decrescendos)

    uh, search the thread, n00b.

    automation is basically just when you say 'hey computer do THIS at THIS time on THIS specific pattern track'. you NEED to remember that automation isn't global - it applies to certain tracks ONLY - the one thats active when you apply it.

    try this. rightclick on the volume know of the track you want to edit. select 'edit events' - this is automation in general. you can edit almost anything like this. click once on this where you want the first volume to be - by looking up at the status bar just under the filebar, you can see what % your mouse is at. then, after clicking once there and seeing your beautiful volume line (in a nice shade of pink) drag your mouse on a rightclick up to where you want your decrescendo/crescendo to end, at what volume. just remember that you've gotta place it in the right spot, and you can't shift it from side to side like you can an entry in the piano roll.

    simple, really.


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