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prophetik music

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Posts posted by prophetik music

  1. could someone explain to me how to use automation (specifically to adjust volume on tracks to create crescendos/decrescendos)

    uh, search the thread, n00b.

    automation is basically just when you say 'hey computer do THIS at THIS time on THIS specific pattern track'. you NEED to remember that automation isn't global - it applies to certain tracks ONLY - the one thats active when you apply it.

    try this. rightclick on the volume know of the track you want to edit. select 'edit events' - this is automation in general. you can edit almost anything like this. click once on this where you want the first volume to be - by looking up at the status bar just under the filebar, you can see what % your mouse is at. then, after clicking once there and seeing your beautiful volume line (in a nice shade of pink) drag your mouse on a rightclick up to where you want your decrescendo/crescendo to end, at what volume. just remember that you've gotta place it in the right spot, and you can't shift it from side to side like you can an entry in the piano roll.

    simple, really.


  2. I've been using samples from songs by uploading them into the slicer. My problem is that many times I want samples/instruments/effects from the middle of the song or near the end and the slicer only has as many keys as the piano roll, so I can really only use stuff from the beginning of a full-length song. Is there another way?

    get audacity 1.2.3, and just hack off the front of the song using that or any wave-editor tool. Or, you could just isolate the part and use it in an audio clip using that program. pretty easy to use, you'll see where it is.

  3. How do I remove a channel from an fx track. I can link them with the mixer window menu, but I can't "unlink" any channels. W. T. F?

    Well, you should be able to select *none* under the channel type. Like, when you go to the big menu that says all the different effects to apply, the top one is *none* - select that.

    Also, how do I route an fx track to another fx track? All of the FX tracks are grayed out in the "out" menu at the bottom of the mixer.

    That's cause you're mixing through the master track. Put all the crap that you've got in there under some of the other FX channels (1-64) NOT the 'master' track. then you can route them wherever you want through that 'out' menu.

    Hope that helped. im me for anything else.


  4. I'm trying to load in a .wav sample of my guitar into a project, but whenever I try to play it inside fruity loops, all I get are these weird farting-type sounds...

    perhaps your guitar sample wasn't recorded or exported the same way as the others. if i'm not mistaken fl/fls only support 44mhz/16 bit wavs. you should check that out.

    how are you telling it to play? if you have a thing in the piano roll, put it at C5, else it will slow it down and beat it into the lower pitch. that could cause it.

  5. I've got a problem with FL Studio 4. Every time I save a MIDI, the instrument patches revert back to ---. So I have a midi that's entirely piano (except for the percussion track.) Is there a simple solution to my problem, or do I need to download some other program and try it? I've tried some other MIDI programs, but they usually end up messing something up with my song.

    Sounds like you automated the MIDI stuff after the first beat of the MIDI - like in most of the downloadable MIDIs for FF7 and a few other games. Try, instead of automating them, setting each track to the MDID channel and leaving it so that it won't change. Thats all that i can think of that might cause it. If that doesn't fix it, send me the .flp that's giving you problems and i'll see if i can figure it out.

  6. There should be a whole board for FL...this is too long

    I've been seriously debating going through and compressing this whole thing into a bunch of compact info sections, and starting a new FL thread with them. Like, only one thread, and first post is your basic stuff, then the next one is on clipping or something, then going from there. I've only got a 56k here at home though - is there any way someone can get this whole thread into a PDF or HTML file or something so that i can work on it offline? If someone can load each page and save it, that would work too - just something so i can access it offline at home. I'll go from there.

    EDIT: clarity and spelling.

  7. Yes, you can use swing in the piano roll, but not in the same way as the step sequencer. You can either attempt to write it in yourself (you might need to change the snap settings in order to get the notes to land in the right places), or you can try to quantize the notes (select all/ctrl+a > alt+q, and find a quantizing pattern that works with what you're doing. In my experience, though, it's difficult to find one that works well). Hope that helps.

    So what do you normally do?

  8. I'm here to offer a variety of performance for whoever needs it.

    :arrow: I personally can do anything on saxophone (I've got a soprano, alto, tenor, baritone, and bass sax at my disposal). I can read just about anything you feed to me on paper or MIDI, i can lsiten and play out a solo on a different instrument if you recorded it and need it on a sax, and I can do improv over just about anything you've got. Understand - i was ranked first overall on alto and soprano sax for two years in the New York State School Music Association's ranking system for the allstate bands and stuff. trust me - i can handle anything you've got.

    EDIT - sample available at www.soundclick.com/theprophetofmephisto. The song is called 'Legend of the Saxes'. There is also 'Canvas of Dreams'. Both of these songs are available at Veggiemix through my name there, 'The Prophet'.

    :arrow: As well as this, i do bass guitar, string bass, some piano work, and some guitar work. I also sing anything from bass to tenor voice.

    EDIT - now, I can do trumpet and trombone, some basic tuba.

    EDIT 2 - add vocals in general, for male voice. I've got a pretty wide range. I recently acquired the equipment to record for voice, so add that in hurr.

    EDIT 3 - Add in a little french horn, violin, clarinet, and flute. Hooray for instrumental teaching methods classes!

    :arrow: I have a professional studio available for anyone who needs good recordings live of anything.

    I've got a wide range of piano, vocal, and instrumental options available to me for anything needed. If you're an orchestral writer, there's a chance I can get the college orchestra or band to perform it and record it if it is good enough.

    :arrow: I also do a wide range of effecting, remastering, etc. on Fruityloops. I've got available to me Reason, z3ta+, Acid...basically anything y'all need.

    :arrow: I do a lot of composition too - if you're a performer and want a song in a certain style, i'll see what I can do for you.

    EDIT3 - If you want examples of my composition, check out my soundclick site. its going to have the best showing of my talent, or check out my CD. both will have a good example of my compositional skills.

    :arrow: I have several recordings showcasing different skills that I have that you can get from me if you ask. Just pm or im or email me and i'll get you mp3s.


    A live sax part...sounds a hell of a lot better than any synthetic sax you can find.

    The Prophet of Mephisto

  9. Hi. I am a grilled fish. Let me tell you a story. When a pack of wild animals is attacking, the baby giraffe will hide under the legs of the mother giraffe. And the mother giraffe kicks the giraffe out from under her and runs away. It is with this beautiful story that I begin my days here.


    I second that.

    At least they haven't posted again. i got a headache after reading that and trying to understand what the hell they said.

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