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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. extra time would be awesome! i could compete then, which normally i'd be out.
  2. i wish i'd have had time to get something together for this, but moving really put a crimp in it =/
  3. ok, time to actually buy. rezound is 80$. preowned razr is 100$. preowned droid 4 is 50$. iphone 4 (not 4s) is 50$. incredible A is free. i'm thinking the rezound is the way to go. yes/no?
  4. wish i'd seen this ages ago. if you're still around, give me a ping. i build systems for OCRers for next to nothing.
  5. if you're building zil for early-game harass, he's severely limited by his mana costs and can't harass too effectively because of it. i understand that he does have utility and can work with certain team comps, i just feel that almost always a different support is a better pick. shen gets you just as many kills in bot lane, and is way more innately tanky, and also has one of the best ults in the game. while karma's percentage heal is great for certain characters, kayle's is by far the best in terms of the hp it can give your carries (which are all that matter, honestly, anyways). i understand her heal isn't as good for a 2x mogs tank just from those items, but a 2x mog's tank also has over a hundred hp regen per five (and probably another 60 or 70 from other items and base regen) and shouldn't necessarily be receiving those heals. also, they're a 2x mogs tank...if they need heals they're doing something wrong =) and kayle's harass is lower mana cost and almost as good as zil's, between the smite and her ranged auto-attack. with no damage built she can still go to town on someone easily. heals on a support are there to support the carry, and kayle's is the best (although soraka's super close). like, if you look at the course of a game, who needs that heal more - a low-hp carry, or a heavy, heavy tank? a percentage heal isn't much worth at all in that case.
  6. but nunu's ult does 750 damage base at level 3 with no ap. zil has one offensive spell. utility is only effective if you can do something with it. sona has her ult and various buffs for the entire team. soraka has mr boost, amazing heals, shreds enemy defenses, and space bananas! janna has tons of cc, a great shield/dps buff, and her ult which if used correctly can win teamfights almost singlehandedly. nunu has almost infinite sustain in-lane, the longest slow in the game, an as/movespeed boost, and a crazy ult. blitz has three forms of cc, hidden tankiness with his passive, and is a game-changer if played well. taric has great heals, easy mana regen, armor boost, and (imo) a fantastic ult that is basically a short baron buff. shen has that dash that always gets kills, a dagger that heals his carry, and an awesome ult. jarvan...well, don't botlane jarvan, but his ult basically makes it impossible to towerdive him. naut has tons of cc, gap-closing abilities, and crazy innate tankiness with almost no items. kayle has the best heal in the game pound for pound, a better ult than zil, excessive ranged dps, and a great slow. plus almost no one can 1v1 her at early levels if you have a brain. i don't think zil matches up with any of them. he has a movespeed buff/debuff, his bombs, and his ult - but kayle has the same stuff and can do it better. nunu does the speed/slow thing better because of his sustain and better damage. shen has a better ult as well, and gives you that huge taunt and healing in-lane. zil may be effective to a point, but so are a lot of better options.
  7. usage numbers are weird. i mean, zil is used more than singed? zil doesn't get played much because he has no sustain, and he's either a support character that can't offtank, heal, or easily set up kills easily (nunu, shen, blitz, etc) or an ap burst mage with one spell. i think his character concept is super cool, but i think he has zero place on a normal team until dual top comes back (and even they he's mostly worthless). he can be decent late game but invariably he's got nothing built by then and either evaporates or uses his speed boost to run away. there are a lot of champs that used to be great but aren't anymore. sivir is a trainwreck now, nerfed to oblivion. eve is always mentioned as a terrible champ now that she has no stun. corki's a decent player but never gets played anymore. same with malphite (whose numbers aren't bad, so i don't know why he's here) and alistar (some of the best tank CC in the game if you can afford CDR).
  8. well, he's a burst champ. there are loads of ap characters that do that kind of stuff - like ahri and others. it's just that he's AD rather than AP. xin is a similar playstyle (as does talon, but talon has higher mana costs and is squishier, but with a bigger cap) and can do most of the same stuff. fiora's another one that makes you pay for not noticing her mana levels and range. you just have to play against him differently...it's the same as trying to do a melee bot against a ranged ad/support character, you need to build and play differently than normal to beat them. i went 12-3-15 as ap mummy bruiser against a darius top. started doran's shield, farmed poorly, but beat the shit out of him despite him having tons of MR to start. you beat him the same way you beat talon or other tops - they're squish to start, so boss them around and prevent them from farming, then keep the upper hand. remember that once their kit is out, they need to wait before they can do stuff again. mummy's tantrum passive all but ignores darius's bleeding, and i built tons of regen and a hextech early to prevent him from really being able to do lasting damage against me, and to be able to heal up quick. they ganked me twice (udyr both times), but i got kills out of it each time because darius's grab basically gives me a free tantrum every time thanks to his abilities almost immediately refreshing it. got two successful ganks against him basically under his tower because he just couldn't build anything worthwhile all early game, and then went for catalyst, wota, spellpen boots, roa, and started on a ga before the game was over. all that said, his cooldowns will likely get longer after this patch, and they might reduce the range on his q, but it's far from op atm. his mana and regen are trash, so he will blow through it quick if he's hitting it every time you're in range.
  9. i think the nerfs to darius are spot on and what they should have been - ult refresh only if you land the killing blow with it, significantly less bleeding damage, etc. if they balance him to roughly what riven is now (in lane, i realize he's different from her in late-game), i think that's a huge positive. he's super fun to play, anyways, so he's joining mao and kennen as my go-to feel-better bot-stomper characters right now =)
  10. i moved away from it for two reasons. one, prophet was cool but mephisto is wannabe metalfacerawkomgbbq and it sounds cool only to strange people. you get odd looks when mephisto is part of your artist name, particularly when you're attended a christian liberal arts college. two, it's super long and clunky, and i'm not a fan of being called tpom. prophetik is tight, clean, and quick, and it's relatively unique. well, not anymore. i haven't heard from them since the letter from tbevibeshowroom (sic), honestly, and if they pursue it they're welcome to contact me via snailmail. i'm just deleting everything else that comes through the email pipe without reading, if anything else does. i mean, come on. it's obvious that they've got even less legal counsel than me, so i'll leave it at that. edit: also, i really don't want to roll off your tongue. personal preferences and all.
  11. so, zero, that game last night went pretty well all told =) their comp was trash but we still did pretty solid IMO. also, let it be known. i outfarmed zero playing singed top as morde mid. didn't out-gold him, but i had four more CS at the end! thank god for morde's autofarm.
  12. i already said that they were welcome to contact me through the information at the ISP. i refused to give them any information over email, for obvious reasons. if they can get the info from the ISP - which, if they're real lawyers, it should take about a day - then i'll gladly turn off the front page for the site and start just going under my name. until then, though, i'm just ignoring their garbage. interesting point you make, but prophetik is an intentional misspelling, not a made-up word. there's at least twelve companies out there operating with "prophetik" in their names, with three or four of the music artists of some sort. a better analogy would be me trying to copyright "beetle music" and being contacted by whatever's left of the beatles...except the beatles if they weren't one of the most popular bands ever, but rather some scrub. all that said, i wouldn't mind if we didn't freak about retribution (meteo)...as soon as i've got more information, i'll post it.
  13. i offered to sell them my domain. they ignored the offer.
  14. meteo, if i'm reading that right, the music-based part of this copyright crapped out in 2004, right?
  15. missing the point, bs. if they were a band, that's one thing. they design clothes. HIPSTER clothes. i'd prefer not to lay down and die to a dude with a duct tape wallet that he paid eighty dollars for.
  16. this is a bit of a priority, but i need my username changed from prophetik to prophetik music as fast as possible, please. data here.
  17. a guy on the forums who thinks i'm a better musician than i actually am has offered some lawyerly assistance, so i think i'm going to ask him to help me trademark "prophetik music". i think i can do it for pretty cheap. i will use kickstarter to fund it. i then will make an album called lifestyle brand and give it to my contributors because this whole situation is patently absurd.
  18. stevo get a picture of the beard with LIFESTYLE BRAND put over it and i'll give you monies i promise
  19. more derp. this looks even weirder. like, look at the email address - thevibeshowroom@prophetik.com. but, the name shows up as "tbevibeshowroom".
  20. i use the name Brad Burr, but i don't directly sell anything through the site anyways. the site's primarily for hosting my stuff more than anything
  21. yeah, and he says straight out that he's got "prophetik music", which isn't in there at all. i contacted a lawyer buddy of mine to see if he had any ideas, or knew someone who'd give me some basic info for cheap. we'll see what happens.
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