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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. mine's 'mailed' via email as of yesterday...check your mail, dude!
  2. mine's fully digitally mailed, so i'll send it out as soon as i remember when i'm home. having a newborn just makes you forget everything else
  3. 9800GT will run on basically any PCI-E 2.0 slot, and should run on PCI-E slots as well. How much are you looking to spend? RAM is cheap - if you don't know why you'd want better RAM than just G.SKILL's standard 2x2gb or 2x4gb packages, you shouldn't get it - but there's lots of options for other stuff.
  4. there isn't two deal threads. one's a history of builds and computer questions, and one's a specific deal that i am running. similar topics but definitely not the same thing.
  5. kenogu labz got a slightly modified version of the first system in the thread, in a storm scout case. check it out here. there are dancing cats!
  6. i just want to point out that it's super hilarious how everything goes full circle. someone quoted neblix in this thread a few posts back as their guy that they learned computer stuff from. neblix learned from me. it's the ciiiiiiiiircle of liiiiiiiiiife! anyways, COMPOOTAHS -------- http://i.imgur.com/Do3dz.jpg sorry for the crappy picture - my phone's camera is only kinda ok. this one's clearer but smaller. modular PSUs are just so expensive nowadays for what you get. i could have done more cleanup but wanted to leave it a bit loose for additional stuff down the line. also, those cronos SDDs are fantastic. i've got a video of it restarting - that is, from windows to off back to windows again - in under 25s, after graphics drivers and everything are installed. not bad at all. my only complaint is that they lack the nubs that allow for snap-in SATA connectors to stay connected no matter what. it might have been my cable, too, so maybe they're flawless =) really a nice tight system. the only issue i encountered was that i underquoted the shipping cost by almost 40$ (40lbs to washington is apparently more than 40lbs to ohio ), but kenogu was nice enough to cover the difference. he can post specs if he wants. edit: yes, those are cats dancing around sheet music. a friend of my wife's family made a quilt when we were married. i build computers on it.
  7. there are some kick-ass games on there, though, so it's not THAT bad =) DA:OU will be pretty sick, as is ruse and SoaSE. and they'll run like butter on that system when i finally get to build it!
  8. if we have questions for our person, should we send them to wes, or what?
  9. doug, if i got you, i'd want to get you percussion stuff. you should clarify with what you actually don't have. i'm not buying you a black swamp tambourine or something, but maybe i can find some metals you don't have or something.
  10. i should post some interests. i play league of legends, eve online, and a bunch of other random console things. i don't really have any games i want for consoles, but i am interested in pokemon conquest if anyone wants to splurge on a real game (not really keen on most other ds games, i've played most of them). i have an xbox, so live points is a positive if you want something simple. i have a blu-ray player, so i'm always up for blu-rays. it might be worth checking to see if i have it already. i like explosions (a la Avengers) and intrigue (a la The Prestige). along the line of games, i love card games and the like, particularly economy games like catan and dominion (i own no expansions!) and cooperative games like flashpoint. beyond that, i like game-y stuff. i'm 26 and married and a Christian so not everything's really appropriate when it comes to gamer clothing and the like (i'm a mens L/XL depending on the day) but i still like a lot of it. i'm not a huge fan of memorabilia, but if it's something stuffed and cute and able to be nom'd by a baby, well, i've got one of those on the way before christmas, so that's totally cool. i like whiskey but don't own a good whiskey glass or any stones, so that would be a cheap cool thing. i also love love love bawls guarana, in the blue pebbled bottle (as anyone who knows me from mag knows, i'd blow 20-30$ on the stuff every MAGFest because i don't get it elsewhere). my wishlist at amazon is here.
  11. i would love to participate. i have had fun with this the last two years and while i don't have a ton of liquid cash i am still interested =)
  12. anyone who wants to pay me something fair, it's yours. you can use it with steam if you want. first to respond gets it. i don't need the whole preorder price but a reasonable amount is appreciated.
  13. http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01357/ also, pandora's got some solid stuff if you look under 'new age ambient' or something like that. owen won't be sleeping for very long at one time for a while anyways =)
  14. awwww, i missed that computer. zoltan, i banish you! intel. there are a ton of awesome CPUs for cheap in the intel space. amd is hot, inefficient, and slow, and you are basically wasting money if you're going for the same performance envelope as intel. G.SKILL is the only ram i bother to buy. it's cheap as balls. don't worry about the speed unless your board can't handle 1600mhz. if you actually want to overclock your CPU - which i wouldn't bother with unless you really know enough to bother with it - spend the cash on an awesome CPU that's unlocked (the "k" designation). your cpu is the only thing drawing power in a build without a big graphics card, and even an overclocked mega-cpu ain't taking more than maybe 300w total from the wall. look in the 400-450w range. look for the 80+ label for efficiency. corsair, silverstone, and a few others make nice PSUs in that range. you should be spending roughly 40-50$ for that size. ignore cheap crap. shoot me a mail with your pricing level that you're looking for and i'll see what i can work up for you to build.
  15. yeah, we're kind of pinching pennies ATM too for the same reason - although linnea's got another month till the due date. you never know what the holidays bring. let me know when it's time, bardic =)
  16. quiet little bump. i've had a few people inquire about systems, but they want to change the builds some. that's totally fine! i'm cool with adjusting for whatever you want, like if you want to go a step down on the graphics card, or you want to add hard drives, or something. just let me know and i'll tell you roughly what it'd cost. i also use different cases if you want. those were just a few demos.
  17. i'm agreeing with your point, not going around it. that's why i think that either an existing trilogy close to ROTJ - like the thrawn trilogy or (to a lesser extent) jedi academy or the x-wing series - or a few books immediately following the end of ROTJ, like Courtship of Princess Leia, Bakura, or I Jedi - would be awesome picks. they're still SW as we know it, they introduce some baseline characters that can be worked with in other movies to provide a transitional point between the old and the new and the newer, and they've still got recognizable symbols - the Empire, the Rebels/Republic, all the main characters, etc - that are easy to pick up on without losing anything big. you can't go too far into the EU before you start hitting the wall, but there's a lot of content right after the fall of the empire that would be worthwhile to get into. as much as i'd love to see the corellian trilogy or the black fleet crisis in-film (and black fleet is perfect if you want a rawer, more adult set of films), it's never, ever going to happen. i know they're going to pull a Star Trek and spin off in some new direction, complete with children's books and action figures, but i can hope, can't i?
  18. i hope they just pick up and option something awesome and self-contained, like the thrawn trilogy. slice out some of the garbage and you've got a pre-made three-movie set with the ability to have another two in the duology. it lets them develop new characters for future movies in mara, pellaeon, the noghri, and karrde, it introduces a whole new side to the universe for a lot of people...there's a lot to like there. they could also go the safe route and do something like the Truce at Bakura, I Jedi, or any number of *freaking awesome* solo books. or go with the x-wing or wraith squadron novels, all of which are basically pre-made for episodic release. i would be surprised if they rebooted the series, particularly with the enormous amount of effort and development that the Unifying Force series, legacy of the force, and especially the fate of the jedi series. there's just too much material there, and half of it is recent within the last 4-6 years.
  19. i wasn't clear. either $50 off, or 5% of parts instead of 10%. you can see the two varieties in the sales above. baha, yeah =) i love that 256gb SSD...so awesome. sphexic, let me know when you're ready to buy. i'm sure we can work something out =)
  20. hey, i haven't run a deal in a long time. hurr we go. my wife and i are expecting a baby by early december. if you buy before the baby comes, i'll give you a deal on labor costs for the system! normally i charge 10% the cost of parts plus 50$ as an assembly, handling, and random parts fee. i'll reduce that fee down to 5% + 50$ or just 50$ (whichever saves you more, 5% less on cost of parts or 50$ off). so, you're effectively getting a ton of money off the cost of a custom-built computer, made by OCR's most well-known and active system builder - building systems since early 2008. here's a few of the systems i have priced out recently. take a look and see if you want any of them. obviously they're completely flexible. just tell me what you're looking for and we'll go from there. ---------------- Ivy Bridge and 7000-series graphics for under $1000 CPU: i5-3570 3.4ghz quad-core (3.8ghz Turbo Boost), with Hyper 212+ CPU fan GPU: Radeon 7850 2gb - excellent for 1920x1200 gaming RAM: 8gb (2x4gb) DDR3 1600 Mobo: Z77-based motherboard, USB 3.0 and SATA 6gb/s support PSU: 650w 80+ BRONZE power supply SDD: 120gb SSD DVD: DVD-RW drive Case: Antec Three Hundred this is an excellent sub-$1k gaming machine. the combination of an awesome CPU and one of the best price-performance GPUs on the market make for an awesome machine optimized for most things you could ever want to do. having a solid-state drive makes for sub-30s boot speeds and an exceptionally responsive OS, and the PSU is a awesome long-term solution that allows for upgrades down the line as well as rock-solid performance until then. parts: $866 fee: $86 ($50 waived) total: $954 ----------------- Music making monster CPU: i5-3770 3.4ghz quad-core (3.9ghz Turbo Boost) WITH HYPERTHREADING (8 cores!), with Hyper 212+ CPU fan RAM: 16gb (2x4gb) DDR3 1600 Mobo: Z77-based motherboard, USB 3.0 and 6x SATA 6gb/s support PSU: 500w 80+ BRONZE power supply GPU: GT 520 - fanless card SDD: 256gb SSD HDD: 2x 1tb WDC Black DVD: DVD-RW drive Case: BitFenix Ghost - complete with sound-dampening panels! this is a fantastic music-making machine for most people out there. eight cores of 3.4ghz is amazing - you'll really have to struggle to max out that much parallel processing power. 16gb of RAM means you'll never load up too many instruments or synths, and the two 1tb drives means that you have twice the bandwidth to load and stream high-quality audio samples. note: for an additional $90, you can get a fanless PSU. another $40 will give you an almost-silent Noctua CPU cooler. i'm also familiar with water-cooling solutions and would be happy going over those options as well. the two above options - cooler and PSU - would make for an almost silent computer, easily well below ambient sound levels. parts as listed: $1275 fee: $64+$50 (5%+$50) total: $1389 ----------------------- Budget gaming beast CPU: i3-3220 3.3ghz dual-core RAM: 4gb (2x2gb) DDR3 1333 Mobo: H61M-based motherboard, USB 3.0 and SATA 6gb/s support PSU: 500w 80+ BRONZE power supply GPU: Radeon 7750, factory overclocked HDD: 500gb WDC DVD: DVD-RW drive Case: Rosewill Blackbone this is a great, cheap machine that'll pound through most modern games at 1920x1200 with medium/high settings. if you use a smaller screen res, this will easily be able to max most modern games that aren't known system-crushers like Metro 2033 or Witcher 2. it's got a speedy CPU that can easily be upgraded for more power or cores, a solid graphics card that is the rough equivalent of an Nvidia GTX 560 SE, and a great PSU and case to last you for a long time. parts: $540 fee: $54 (50$ waived) total: $594 --------------------- FAQ: Q: why not buy from another custom builder, like Digital Storm or Magic Micro? A: custom builders fall into two categories. they either are a boutique shop doing incredibly amazing builds for way too much money (like Digital Storm or Falcon), or they're an assembly-line gig building crap for cheap (like iBUYPOWER or Magic Micro). since this isn't my job, i don't have to charge stupid money, or cut terrible corners, to make a system that's pretty darn awesome for the price. Q: i saw a build with that processor speed for $350! why is your stuff so expensive? A: well, first off, numbers aren't everything, as any benchmark between AMD and Intel will tell you. in addition, most budget systems cut corners on mobo quality, PSU quality, etc. i only use high-quality components that i'd feel comfortable installing in one of my systems. almost all of the systems i've built are still functioning three and four years later for the people who bought them, which is darn good compared to most boutique manufacturers. Q: why is your fee so high? 10% is a lot of money for some of these builds! A: custom builders rarely charge less than a 40% fee just for putting it together, not to mention for the software installation, testing, or extra parts needed. since i do this in my spare time, i'm content to make a little less to help the community as a whole. Q: but you're a dick! how do i know you won't lose my money or something? A: i do everything through paypal, so we have a full record of the entire thing. paypal covers you for loss just as much as it covers me for fraud, so it's a win-win for us. Q: you should have used XXX instead of YYY! you're terrible and know nothing. A: if you think i'm using a poor choice of component, let me know! you're probably wrong and are just spouting whatever garbage you saw on 4chan, but it's worth talking about either way so everyone knows what's going on. i've put together more than 200 machines since early 2008, and performed countless hardware upgrades and fixes in the interim. i even worked in a computer shop, tearing down systems as the breadwinner for my family, for a while. i've got tons of hands-on experience, and if i picked a specific component, there's probably a good reason for it.
  21. yeah, you don't want to upgrade just because. wait until there's something you've really gotta have that makes the upgrade worth it. for me, that was an SSD for my primary and an eight-core CPU for my music machine that really turned out to be necessary, and both have been awesome upgrades that were well worth the price. ssd for my primary means 30s boots a year later and loading screens that basically aren't there, and the eight-core on my music system has meant songs that i literally couldn't have handled on my quad.
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