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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. not just the thread! i played a five-man with miki zero tolerance. i was bot lane as ali with a level 9 ashe with zero runes. MZT was mid with bomberman, zircon was pigbitch jungling, and nasus top was wynks. we got *slaughtered* bot by swain and panth, since they just double-lockup and then panth eats you. it was, also, apparently my fault, since we never got any ganks ever even though they pushed like madmen. i was killed four times where i never got in front of the back end of our bush - swains root and panth's stun just beat the shit out of us no matter what we did. level 9 ashe was actually playing ok, but there's nothing you can do when they can harass so effectively. i wanted to apologize for that game, guys - after the first kill i should have danced in the fountain with how the game was going. with how every game with MZT goes. he is so mad all the time because i can't play OP carries like he does =) if i was amazing at ali (which i'm definitely not terrible), we still would have lost bot lane, no questions asked. in other news, talon is broken as shit. he's so good, early, late, no matter what. i've played three games so far. one i got stuck against an ap teemo, and did ok until two people left, so then that game was over. my first game i had most kills by the surrender, and my last game i had ten kills and a 25m surrender. rake has to be one of the best abilities in the game (right up there with mummy tears and malz's shutdown ult and cass's ult) right now for the slow, the damage it does, and the cooldown. it's just so amazing to farm, to slow, to burst...he's so much fun. i've been playing him 21-0-9 with armor pen quints, armor yellows, mr/level blues, and ad reds, and it works out really nice. the extra armor and mr in lane means i don't really need to buy tanky items until i eventually get a frozen mallet, but i've had bloodthirster early in both of the good games i've had. having 150ad super early in the game, plus all that lifesteal, means you're guaranteed kills it seems. i wouldn't mind switching out blues, but i haven't found a better choice yet. mana/5 blues only give you 3.5/5, which really isn't much, and i don't have huge issues with his mana usage unless i'm spamming. maybe cooldown blues? but that's barely 10%, on a spamalot, so it's not as useful as on someone like fiddles who needs them to do damage. any ideas? then MZT ragequit with about ten seconds left in the game.
  2. wait, you don't want to play because they don't give you everything right away? it's a free game, man.
  3. listen to my baba yetu remix and the synth transition into the rock. it's really blatant.
  4. except he's incredibly susceptible to cc - just like other "broken" characters like skarner, xin, garen, riven, singed, and the new jax. if he's on you, exhaust him. if he's on someone else, stun him and cremate him. his early game laning is tough, because he has no mana so it's easy to blow through it all and you have to be pretty passive early, and his jungling isn't super easy because he has no close the gap and often can't finish off champs solo before he gets items. he's really dangerous with a few kills...but that's just like everyone else. kanthos - yi is pretty fun, especially AP yi (alpha strike and meditate ftw!) on dominion. as for burst casters like Annie, they're always really good at the lower levels where people don't know how to focus damage. once you've played a lot, you'll find that burst casters get focused down and busted up early, but a character like annie can still carry pretty easy.
  5. but you always get drunk...at least until you have to talk in front of ocr.
  6. i am a good champ to play with. really, just play who is free and get the hang on what play style you like. do you like tanks? mages? bruisers? fighters?
  7. the big damage dealers are kong and morg, with mao and mummy not dealing tons of burst damage, and mao not doing much late. the key is to never fight them together, and ward like mad =)
  8. bracelet was fine. i've never had a problem with it falling off.
  9. this was so much fun =) this was also awesome!
  10. you better keep me awake, dude. i'll be buying caffeinated beverages like it's my job, but it's still ALL ON YOU.
  11. i tried to get one for my wife, but she's not a gamer. so i bought her a cute little stuffed owlet instead. much better.
  12. amphibious, myself, and some dude named luigi are driving in tomorrow and will be there roughly 10pm. i am really excmagfest
  13. wish i could be there tonight or earlier tomorrow. oh well, see you in line on thursday night! =D i'm bringing my tenor and a mandolin, so that's a unique combo of instruments.
  14. cycloDS is about as good as it gets. it plays almost every game for the ds, and lets you back up saves and the like from your games on your computer. it's a used cart (i know, i know), but i figured you'd get more use from it than i did =) also, yoshi! =D
  15. thanks for the props, man =D

  16. this is the point where i point out that mixing on a ventrillo headset really did me in. a broken one, too, the ear dangles and it sits weird on my head. i did all three tracks on it but it really hurt this time around. no interface makes for a sad bradley =(
  17. is there somewhere to see the tallies besides the first post? i only see rounds 1-5 there.
  18. i got Fluxx from wildfire and am looking forward to playing it soon! i need more card games to play with small groups, so it looks really fun =) thanks, beth =D
  19. i want rumble as a tanky dps ap character. i'd like to try kat for the heck of it. and i want karth because he's a total dick. i mean, why not? =) i like trollface characters, so he'd be fun. cass is another one that'd be fun to try, but she's kind of expensive. i'd have to wait for a free week.
  20. HOOOOORAYYYYYYY i am excited about mag! if someone in my room wants to put the room on their card instead, we can check in earlier. i won't get there until like 1030 that night and i'll have to sign in and get my badge. might be better if someone puts it on theirs and goes from there.
  21. i just mailed mine now, because i forgot to send it in yesterday =( i wasn't around my system until now. worst part is that it's been uploaded for a day and a half =(
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