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Claado Shou

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Posts posted by Claado Shou

  1. SirRus...fuh-reakin' awesome. Love the strings, man.

    Also, about Emperor's updated piece and the usage of other source tunes...my original stance was that the only reused song would be "Far-Off Promise", but since in this form it isn't immediately reconcilable for strangers to the OST as Frog's Theme, and since it will probably be a different style in the other song to use Frog's Theme...dat's aight.

    So yeah, both wonderful pieces. Emperor = accepted, and SirRus = well on his way.

    P.S. I realize that we have a shortage of remixers, but I think that as long as we don't rush the project and allow everything to happen naturally, we can seriously get this all done, or at least enough done to make other people want to help with the rest. I hope.


  2. Hey, Claado.

    If I don't finish my audition entry, am I eliminated from the project? It's not like I enjoy putting you the position of having to choose, but I'm not sure I feel like working on this audition piece anymore. It's basically as simple as that; been having computer problems, have had/will have tons of work (although I doubt it will be as bad as it has been in the future), it doesn't please me to work on my entry, so if I don't have to, I won't. So tell me :P

    Anyway, glad to hear your grandma is fine.

    Aw, man. This just keeps getting stickier. Well...




    ...You're alright. I've heard your other stuff, and I know that your orchestral skills are up-to-par. Besides, with the stuff you've already shown me, I'm pretty sure you'll work out just fine. 8)

    I just hope that you don't lose the desire to remix when you're in the middle of doing a piece for the ST. That would be very bad.

  3. Well, honestly, the reason I'm thinking about changing it is because one particularly big-named remixer won't participate unless they can use the samples they're familiar with, and I'm willing to sacrifice that tiny part in order to get their cooperation. If they still won't join, then the rules stay as they are: one sample set.

    Also, if you think about it, if the actual movie ever gets made, there will be plenty of time for a single remixer to go back and recreate every mix with a single soundfont in order to achieve the most perfect sound. That's a far-off possibility at the best, but it's enough to change my mind should the need arise.

  4. That's alright, sephfire...I'm thinking about getting rid of that limitation anyway, to make for a more quality-driven ST. So yeah, this is great stuff. Still love those drums. Very Halo in the middle.

    Also, for trimming up, at around 3:01, you have a perfect opportunity for a slow violin fadeout. As long as it's less than 3:10, you're alright.

  5. Uh...I'm back?

    Wow, guys. This is...amazing. Almost makes me want to cry. Except for you, Froyst (one too many "Y"'s in your name, eh?).

    Anyway, about the mixes: Emperor, yours is SUPERB. Very coooool, very nice brass. It's another Gotham Symphony in the making.

    Also, sephfire...man oh man, is this getting super freaking sweet. I love the native percussion, and the dark undertones near the end. Reminds me a lot of "Flight"...you know which song I'm talking about.

    And for DarkeSword...I give thee many thanks for the ass-whooping thou hast administered on my behalf. That was some awesome pwnage.

    SirRus, I'm quite glad to hear you're interested in the project. That pleases me greatly.

    Also, I'm sorry, CTcronoboy (mouthful, ain't it?) but there is no thread specifically for the script. Clutter this one up if you like. More posts = more pages = more likely to be a site project. So be wordy.

    ((As a little piece of dessert for you all, I have another game-to-movie script I'll be writing very soon [i.e. tomorrow] that will hopefully give you all something else to read in your spare time. No project based on it, promise...but I won't tell you what it is, either, so you'll just have to wait and see.))

    ((No, it's not Chrono Cross.))

    And for everybody that was interested in what exactly the family problem was, my grandmother had a heart attack. After having two blockages cleared and being in the hospital for five days, she went back home and is as fit as a somewhat-rusty whistle. No offense to my grandmother or anything.

    A special word to Froyst: if you don't want to read the script, then at least read the rest of the thread and you'll see that a lot of your concerns have been dealt with. Ayla and Robo? Script, OST, but no movie? All addressed.

  6. Alright, I have some bad and urgent news. It doesn't involve the CT project, but then again, it kinda does.

    I will be indisposed (read: not at home) for the next week, until Thursday or Friday. There are some family issues that I have to deal with that I won't go into, but I'll tell you that it's important enough for me to leave immediately.

    If you want, continue to post audition pieces and get feedback. But just know that I won't be able to respond. Good luck.


  7. i just have one suggestion. it's kinda hard to find the audition pieces in this particular thread. with all the comments and ideas that are thrown out, it's kinda nasty to try and sort through each page to find the links. is there any way that they could be posted in the WIP forum as well. i could understand that djp might not like that, and that these pieces arent an actual remix but just an audition, but it would still be a little more organized that way.

    I'll do you one better. I'll copy all the links to the first post for easy listening.


  8. I'll have a lil WIP coming, though it's not good as I'd like it to be.

    Take your time. It's a three-week stage, and you still have over two weeks left. Nobody's rushing you to hurry.

    If what you meant, though, is that you'd rather use non-free soundfonts, then I can understand. Don't belittle yourself, though. I'm sure it'll be great.

  9. Unknown, thou hast outdoneth thyself.

    Since you had been pre-approved prior to making this piece, I won't say anything about it being so long. But just for the record, this is masterful work here.

    I have to ask, however, that when you do start making mixes for this project, that they stay within the time limit. That's my only worry. Quality, as I can tell, will be superb no matter what. :lol:

  10. Claado, was it really ever your intention to reject anyone? I understand about only one person being able to get the title theme, but does the "audition" count for anything else?

    Well, yes. Sort of. It lets me weed out the people that think they have what it takes, claim a song, and then never do anything about it. Let's say some starting remixer comes in here and claims a 6:30 song, and then just sits on it. That wastes the opportunity for other people to get it done, and also for it to be done at its fullest effectiveness. Besides, if somebody doesn't want to participate in the auditioning process because it's too much hassle, then what can I expect from them when it comes to the real thing?

    Pretty cool, but please tell me you're going to spice up the text a bit. And for the love of god, anti-aliasing.

    I maaaaaaay. 8) I'll probably just ask somebody to help me when it comes to design and stuff. krispy suggested somebody, and I'll look into it.

    BTW, krispy has been accepted into the mixing stage, as well as GrayLightning, who he dragged with him for collab.






    Very nice.

  11. Fiskin' awesome, Unknown. Holy shit, this is badass. I love the tempo/mood shift near the end, and the brass...so amazing. Truly the work of an orchestral extraordinaire.

    So yeah, make this the right length, do whatever it is that you do in order to create such masterpieces, and you're in. Most definitely.

    Nice project you got going on, Claado. It must explain the recent lack of your activity in these forums, but now I must say I'm very surprised.

    Are the track times merely suggested? I'm too lazy to add them up, but they will probably fit 2 CDs. Plan on making covers/labels for them?

    My lack of activity over the past month (I didn't know anybody had noticed) was a result of having been in PA for three weeks, without a high-speed connection. Believe me, if I had been able to post, I would've. Me love OCR.

    No, the track times are not suggested. They are mandatory. The reason is because each page of script is equal approximately to one minute of screen time, or one minute of music. So the estimates are based on that aspect, and are not subject to variation. Can somebody go 10 seconds over or under? Sure, that'll work out. But they should be considered the ideal length.

    Also, as per the labels/number of CDs, if somebody wanted to divide the OST into two CDs, the best place would be the End of Time/12,000 B.C. marker, making it a 44:30/49:30 split. I was just going to suggest people making MP3 CDs of the music, but if you really want to do something else...

    No, I'm not planning on making CD labels or distributing the album when it's done, though since I've already made a kickass banner (see sig) I guess I could do something for that. Upload them to the official CT:MSRP site, should that come about?

    BTW, anybody who's willing to help me create a website or who has webspace I could use for free, your help would be more than appreciated. This thing needs some good hosting.


  12. Well, I just finished the script. I must say, very beautiful. It feels a bit rushed to me, but then again, that could just be in comparison to the game itself. I think if it actually went cinematic, someone could pull this off very, very nicely. There were two typo's I saw (One dealt with Masa and Mune, the other I've forgotten), but other than that, character's were developed, memorable scenes, dialouge fits, it was sexy! Hope this can go somewhere, and again, good luck!

    I'm guessing you mean the fact that I spelled 'heroes' without a second E, which I just fixed. As for the second typo, could it be the Marle/Lucca mix-up in 12,000 B.C.? If it is, then all is good.

    Thank you for the kind words. Sexy? Well, I'll take that as a compliment. I appreciate it.

    And what you said before, Raz, that "support is wide"...what did you mean by that? Has this spread to other websites/communities already? If so, which ones?

  13. question...is the script based off the game itself or did you make some changes when writing it?

    Both. I took the main storyline of the game, as well as many of the defining moments within the game, and molded a new set of circumstances that fit the action going on. Basically, I used a third (or less) of what was in the game and turned it into a very full script. Of course, Robo and Ayla went bye-bye, but it was a necessary evil.

    Read the script outline using the link at the bottom of the first post in this thread. You'll see what I mean.

  14. Wow, dude, that was very nice. Great transitions and feel. Very intense and realistic. Just make a 3:00 piece and then you're in, for sure.

    Yeah, you can just post them in here. I want to give feedback as much as possible, because I want as many people as possible involved with this. The more feedback, the better the submissions...the better the submissions, the more accepted.

    Oh, and I'm sorry to hear that, LordMaestro. By your username, I thought that you were a sure bet, but I guess I was mistaken. Good luck, and thanks for the vote of confidence.

  15. Ah. Well, thank you Durinthal, I didn't notice that one. The reason that's there is because Marle was originally going to stay behind, but I changed it for the sake of the Crono/Marle connection. Anyway, I'll fix that right away.

    BTW, it's nice to know people are actually reading the script.

    As for the Jared Hudson piece, no I hadn't heard that yet, SirRus. But I very much like its professionalism, and the fact that it's CT. I might just drop Mr. Hudson a line...

    Also, SirRus, I heard your new WIP and I can see that your orchestral skills are definitely qualifications enough for this particular project. If you feel like joining in, the deadline is November 5th. I'm sure you'd find it a liberating experience. :P

  16. Oh, like a radio show? That might be kinda cool.

    Oh, and Robo was only vital to their quest when it came to accessing the Factory in the north. But since the Factory went bye-bye, so did Robo.

    I find it amusing that nobody's said anything about Ayla yet. Apparently cavewomen are at the bottom of the likeability food-chain. :)

  17. Yeah, leave Zaphlin alone. He's simply being the CT fan we all know he is. Understandable attachment to a likable, though unnecessary, character.

    Also...you know what, screw it. Use the piano. ZeaLitY's right, there's a crapload of time between the two pieces. Besides, it works.

    SCRIPT UPDATE: I took out a scene and redid some of the earlier dialogue, which I hadn't done any revisions on. I also tested out an idea on a new version of the script that I thought might work out, but I realized it wouldn't at about page 20 (ZeaLitY knows what I'm talking about). So yeah...thar ye be.

  18. Anyway, when you say the same free "set", does that mean we have to use the exact same samples?

    Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. Use what you like for the audition process, but just remember that in order to achieve the feeling of this entire thing being performed by the same orchestra, we need to achieve the sound of a single orchestra. Which means, one sample set.

    Sorry if that douses your plans, but it's necessary.

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