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Everything posted by Powerlord

  1. There's an interesting bit on the Steam forums about a guy who visited Valve and interviewed Robin Walker. The interesting parts are: Meet the Medic is nearly complete. There's a new map named pl_barnblitz coming soon... pictures of it were used in the Steam Screenshots press release. Source Film Maker will be released soon. It sounds like there may be more Medic weaponry coming soon. Portal 2 is great.
  2. TF2 BETA has also been updated with some new balance changes. Specifically: Sun-on-a-Stick base damage lowered slightly but guarantees crits against burning players instead of minicrits Fan O’ War - Marking someone for death now lasts 15 seconds (from 10 seconds) Concheror damage-to-health conversion increased to 35% (from 20%) They also fixed Shogun items causing client crashes and having missing models... which was exclusive to BETA because they forgot to sync the models when they synced BETA with the Shogun update.
  3. It's covered WAY back in the first post of this topic. Basically, it involves selling your soul to FireSlash. Or sending him $2 or more a month to cover server hosting costs. On another topic, in recent weeks I've added a few new maps to the nominate list. They are: pl_cashworks_rc2 (Requested by Bahamut) cp_redfort_b5 (a Medieval map) koth_aperture_science_iiia (Portal map)
  4. Servers have been updated and restarted. Ooh, what color should I paint my Blighted Beak now? I know! Pink As Hell!
  5. lol, I've got at least one funny line in that video... "No, he got revenge on me! That's not fair."
  6. Sadly, these lucky streaks are few and far between... my last two hats were on two consecutive days back in... January, I think. After a 9 month period with no hat drops.
  7. I know. Anyway, played on Beta a bit. I'm not impressed with the map voting... there's no equivalent of rtv or nominate. Oh well, this might be the motivation I need to fix some issues with mapchooser extended.
  8. Beta server is up at This is the old Highlander server address. Note: Switching to koth_badlands seems to crash the server.
  9. I'm going to be setting up a TF2 Beta server again to test how voting works in it. Simply put: I want to suggest to Valve as many improvements to the built-in voting system as possible before it goes live... mainly features that Mapchooser Extended has that TF2's built-in voting doesn't. I'll announce it here once I have it set up. Oh, testing koth_badlands might be interesting too. Same for the Coaching system.
  10. It's great that you're published, but no mention of how the corpse it drops is different if you're disguised as your own team? No mention of the silent decloak effect with the Saharan Spy set? No mention of missing particle effects if the player they're disguised as is wearing an unusual hat? As for new stuff, it's important to note that the Fan o' War's effect does not show for cloaked Spies (or not that I noticed). However, it will appear while they're disguised and uncloaked. As I recall, the Half-Zoitichi does not grant its heal bonus for "killing" a Spy with the DR out. I haven't tested the Kunai.
  11. Updating servers now. Servers have been restarted. Also, interesting that they made crafting recipes take less stuff but make the old crafted versions vintage...
  12. I just checked the TF2 Beta Updates thread while talking to some people in #ocremix. Apparently voting is being rolled directly into TF2 and is now present in the Beta, along with a Coaching system and a new Replays system. Guess I'm not going to bother updating Mapchooser Extended after all, as it will quickly be obsolete.
  13. I updated SourceBans on the server and web sides. Apparently the web side of the old version had some bugs that could be exploited to gain the server's remote console password.
  14. Gee, thanks Paranoid. I start checking that for you and now I'm in the middle of redoing this plugin's additional functions (from mapchooser) from the ground up. Which isn't easy or quick, even though it's based off of the standard mapchooser plugin. Oh well, at least so far I have it so it fires off hookable events when the warning timer ticks, so I can separate out the Sounds plugin!
  15. BLU and RED updated and restarted.
  16. I'll double check it... I may have forgotten to upload the new translation file when I put the new version on RED/BLU (I was using the event server binary on the old Highlander IP for testing). Just checked, it should be using the new version. Not sure why it wouldn't be displaying properly.
  17. Which items are you missing? I mean, heck, at one point I had SIX Candy Canes.
  18. Second TF2 update. Servers are being restarted now.
  19. Servers restarted. And I read the update notes about the maxplayers wrong, our maxvisibleplayers fix will stay like it is.
  20. A new TF2 update named The Shogun Pack is coming soon. 8 new items that will be available for preordering Total War: Shogun 2, purchasable through the Mann Co. Store, or through the random drop/craft system. From the images on the update page, they look suspiciously like hats.
  21. That was actually part of the config we copied from the old server. It's actually a per-server setting in HLStatsX. I'm personally not against it, but I seem to recall people complained about how much it spammed. P.S. My Internet connection is sucking harder than usual this week, so no clue how often I'll be on. Need to talk to my roommates about switching to DSL...
  22. Updated mapchooser. Consider it a late birthday gift... wait, you're supposed to give me gifts on my birthday, not the other way around! Among things changed are: The announcer finally knows how to count, even if she counts a little fast sometimes (SourceMod uses inaccurate timers). I spent several hours ironing out issues with Runoff votes. If no one voted during a runoff vote, there was a 2/3 chance that it would cause all map-related SourceMod tools (rtv, admin map change, etc...) to stop working until the map changed. Fixed now! Fixed where it wasn't showing percent signs where it should have. No more "53 of 21 votes" sillyness. Updated colors.inc to fix both performance issues and add additional colors options. I'm not sure why we'd ever want olive colored text for the mapchooser, but at least it's an option now!
  23. I'm pretty sure this is a limitation of the Source engine's in-game menu system, which SourceMod uses to pop up vote menus.
  24. Technically, I think I've already fixed it. I just need to test it.
  25. I'm going to do some testing this week to see if I can fix some issues with Mapchooser Extended... minor things like teaching the Announcer how to count correctly. I'll likely also merge in some updates IJ did to the translations file, and maybe... JUST MAYBE... get it to show a percent sign when it's supposed to ("cp_dustbowl won with 70 of 21 votes") Edit: I probably should have mentioned I put Paranoid's map on the servers Saturday morning shortly after he posted it.
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