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Everything posted by Powerlord

  1. Yes, the drop rate on Crit-a-Cola has been bugged for a very long time. I even put it in with my new items when I found them in crates, because they had a higher trade value due to rarity. Crit-a-Cola is also used in at least one crafting recipe... can't remember what for, though. Side note: Server updater is only showing 50% complete. Apparently Valve changed something so that every prop model in the game needs to be redownloaded. And on the server, these are individual, uncompressed files.
  2. There are 3 items being added to TF2. They are: A Scout hat: The Superfan A Scout misc: The Essential Accessories An All-class hat: The Athletic Supporter
  3. They can be renamed, we just haven't bothered. Edit: The server update is taking longer than normal... apparently a bunch of models were updated and/or moved and thus are being downloaded.
  4. A required update for Team Fortress 2 is now available. The specific changes include: Shared Source Changes (CS:S, DoD:S, TF2, HL2:DM) - Fixed the dedicated server not running on machines using Win2k. Team Fortress 2 - Added the Monday Night Combat gear. - Added Crit-a-Cola to the weapon drop list. - Added missing chalkboard/serverbrowser materials for 5Gorge. - Fixed some missing particles systems in the low violence version. - Fixed a bug with the round ending when a control point is captured during Overtime in CP_Egypt. - Fixed the game not running on machines using Fat32. - Updated the localization files. Servers are updating now.
  5. I turned it on earlier tonight when I suspected there was a lot of team stacking going on from the pubbers. I've turned it back off now. The count was off by one before because of how the old reserved slots worked... there really were 26 (25 + Kagami) slots. Now, the problem is in the other direction; it's showing one less slot in use than are actually in use.
  6. If I knew what was causing it, I'd have already fixed it. :/ Particularly since the reserved slot plugin we use isn't supposed to change the number of slots... it may be related to SourceTV, but I'm not positive on that. Maybe I should disable SourceTV on RED and see if the count goes back to normal.
  7. Good thing I waited... there was a new HLStatsX CE update released 15 minutes ago. This time they actually announced it.
  8. So... apparently HLStatsX updated a while back without actually sending a message to their mailing list saying that it was updated. >:/ Also, we've talked a lot in the past about resetting said stats... and I think now would probably be a good time to do it. If there aren't any objections, I'll likely reset then one week from today (Saturday, January 29, 2011). At that time, I'll do a fresh install and then tweak the Medic Assist scoring.
  9. Well, granary wasn't updated today, so apparently nothing has happened yet.
  10. I liked the old way. Oh well. Also, cp_5gorge's middle point has been moved since Beta. There's now a new floor covering where cp_gorge's last point was. That's where the center point is on 5gorge. The area where it used to be (now directly below that) has a full ammo box and full health kit. Yes, that was one of my larger Spy pet peeves.
  11. A required update for Team Fortress 2 is now available. Please run hldsupdatetool to receive the update. The specific changes include: Shared Source Changes (CS:S, DoD:S, TF2, HL2:DM) - Updated the Linux srcds_run script. - Added warning message for people running the server as root. - Changed the working directory to the game tree before executing the dedicated server. - Updated the existing localization files. - Added Czech, Hungarian, Romanian and Turkish localization files. Team Fortress 2 - Updated several models with optimizations and new LODs. - Updated the default TF2 crosshairs to use the RGB and scale settings in the Options->Multiplayer dialog like custom crosshairs do. - Added a glow effect to the team intelligence entities when they're not being carried. - Added a timer to indicate how much time is left before the gate closes in DeGroot Keep. - Added a new plate model to be used when a Heavy throws the Buffalo Steak Sandvich to heal teammates. - Added a note in the trading dialog to let you know when your trading partner is typing. - Added a new Valve map CP_5Gorge. - Fixed the Mad Milk effect not being washed off when a player goes underwater. - Fixed being able to attack teammates using pumpkin bombs and arrows fired by the Huntsman or the Crusader's Crossbow. - Fixed switching to the melee weapon instead of using the lastweapon setting after drinking Crit-a-Cola. - Fixed not seeing the critboost effect on the Scout's Shortstop. - Fixed the Sniper Rifle and SMG view models having Red skins while on the Blue team. - Fixed the Engineer PDA view models (build/destroy) having Red skins while on the Blue team. - Fixed the mini-sentry HUD not playing the alert sound when the sentry is sapped or low on ammo. - Updated the community map CP_Yukon. ----Central CP moved up to bridge. ----Bridge widened. ----Several sticky exploits patched. ----Flat bridge added onto CP1's pipes. I'm updating BLU and RED now. BLU's default map will be changed to cp_5gorge when the update completes, as well as having that map added to both servers' map lists. Edit: Wait, WTF? They moved the middle point on Yukon up to the bridge rather than having it in the pit? Edit 2: Servers have been restarted, with an updated mapchooser with cp_5gorge added to it. Edit 3: Map lists fixed.
  12. I have no real control over that. We do know that, if the server has been sitting on the same map for a while, it tends to lag. We don't know when this was started or why, nor do we have any real solution for dealing with it. Other than that, bug FireSlash to completely reboot the machine this is running from.
  13. I was trying to fix a few problems with the server today. Here's my results: 1. The Scramble plugin we use is totally busted and is not currently being maintained. If we want to be able to force scrambles, we'll have to either use the built-in (arena-mode) one that resets the map timer or rely only on the game's auto-scramble. Right now, the settings for Custom Votes votescramble have been reset to the built-in scramble. 2. I think I got votemelee working again, but I haven't tested it. I also made a few setting changes to melee-only, notably making it so arena maps no longer have random melee-only rounds. Right now, typing votemelee will prompt you whether you want to turn it on or off. Unfortunately, the plugin isn't smart enough to tell us whether it's currently on or off, so it was either that or ask if you want to toggle it.
  14. /slap ParanoidDrone Honestly, asking me if I'd trade it in the middle of a match...
  15. A required update for Team Fortress 2 is now available. Please run hldsupdatetool to receive the update. The specific changes include: - Added Loch-n-Load kill icon. - Added the mini-sentry kill icon. - Fixed the Kritzkrieg charge deployed sound getting stuck on. - Fixed the Heavy's fists not playing the critical hit animation. - Item Whitelist improvements by request: - The "mp_tournament_restart" command will now force the whitelist to reload. - Setting "unlisted_items_default_to" "1" will cause the whitelist to act as a blacklist. - Setting a specific item to "1" or "0" will override the whitelist/blacklist default. BLU and RED have been updated and restarted.
  16. Likely no, as it's a Unreal Tournament 2004 engine.
  17. I imagine it has to do with seeing a bunch of your own team being killed on like, a cart map, might cause someone to turn around. Keep in mind that it only suppresses the kill icons when the Spy gets the auto-disguise effect.
  18. Whoops, I was off taking a nap when this happened, but... A required update for Team Fortress 2 is now available. The specific changes include: Source Engine Changes (CS:S, DoD:S, TF2, HL2:DM) - Added the "Server can execute" flag to the "r_cleardecals" command. - Fixed a problem where the microphone transmit volume sometimes had no associated control and was disabled in the Audio options dialog. - Fixed a crash on exit for Mac clients. Team Fortress 2 - Added community submitted kill icons. - Fixed enemies seeing death notices when you backstab their team mates with Your Eternal Reward. - Fixed the attack animation not always playing correctly for Your Eternal Reward. - Fixed the critboost sound not playing when the Kritzkrieg charge is deployed. - Fixed a broken texture on the Flipped Trilby. - Updated the material for the Jag. - Community Request --- Fixed spawn points associated with a control point not being enabled/disabled correctly when the control point owner is set using the SetOwner input. --- Added the "Server can execute" flag to the "firstperson" and "thirdperson" commands.
  19. Practice, practice, practice. Also, you have to be able to read people. Also, it helps if the other team really sucks. No, seriously, I mean it.
  20. A required update for Killing Floor has just been released. You will need to update your servers in order to remain compatible with clients. This update turns off the Christmas mode and fixes some exploits on a few official maps. Installed on #1 and #2, servers have been restarted.
  21. I think you missed my point. The domination marker means that he would have likely gone after you more than normal, so chances are you wouldn't have gotten 7-8 kills in a row on him.
  22. Because duels give you both "permanent" domination markers until the round ends.
  23. A required update for Team Fortress 2 is now available. The specific changes include: - Fixed an exploit related to The Amputator. - Duel result notifications now show the winner's Steam avatar. - Fixed the alpha channel for CP_Yukon's donation stamp. - Fixed a client crash caused by overflowing the audio buffer. - The Earbuds and the Gentle Manne's Service Medal are now gift-wrappable. - Stock TF2 weapons with custom names or descriptions are now gift-wrappable. - Updated DeGroot Keep to fix a problem with missing models. - Fixed a server takeover exploit related to point_servercommand entities. - Fixed an exploit that allowed servers to circumvent the restrictions on commands they're allowed to force clients to issue. - Festive Winter Keys have been changed to regular MannCo Crate keys. Servers have been patched. I believe BLU restarted automatically, but I forced a restart on RED.
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