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Everything posted by Powerlord

  1. To my knowledge, TF2 hasn't had guest passes in quite some time.
  2. Speaking of icons, if the forum admins would ever add the 64x64 TF2 icons, I'd switch to the ubered RED Spy.
  3. Festive Keys changed to normal, but as far as I know, all players that owned the game would have had a Stocking Stuffer Key in their pending drops and would have received it on their first death. In fact, they may STILL have those pending.
  4. No, there was someone doing it intentionally yesterday... I got contacted by a player currently on the server and banned the person.
  5. That's not a surprise... everyone got a stocking stuffer key.
  6. One thing I've noticed is that the new sets, the 3 that don't require hats, have no downsides. To date, the Pyro and Spy sets are the only ones with downsides... and unless that changes when they finally give the Engineer a set, that's the way it will stay. I suspect that this will eventually change, and that the older sets will no longer require their hats... but the question then becomes "When will this change?"
  7. I own it, but it's still on my "To Play" list. Anyway, my final tally is: Super Meat Boy The OddBox Puzzle Quest The Sherlock Holmes Collection Blue Toad Murder Files Global Agenda I thought about getting Amnesia, but having played Penumbra Overture and not really finding it that fun, I decided to pass on it. I got Killing Floor in the previous sale, but you should buy it if you play computer FPS games, so you can join us with our two OCR KF servers!
  8. Killing Floor is on sale again today for $4.99 standalone, $6.99 with all the character packs. Additionally, the character packs are being sold for $0.50 each today. Additionally, it looks like there may be issues with the reserved slots not being properly shared between the two servers. I'll have to look into this. I think it loads the reserved slots just once when the server starts rather than refreshing on map changes. This can be controlled provided we only add them through one server's interface. Side note: I may install the "Can't block players between rounds" addon, due to someone who was griefing players yesterday.
  9. Today is the recap sale... the following deals returned: Plants vs. Zombies GOTY - $3.99 Killing Floor - $4.99 ($6.99 with character packs) S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Bundle - $4.99 Amnesia: The Dark Descent - $6.80 Left 4 Dead 2 - $6.80 Dead Space - $6.80 The Hitman Collection - $7.49 Grand Theft Auto IV Complete - $9.99 Neverwinter Nights 2 Platinum - $9.99 Mafia II - $12.49 Empire & Napolean Total War GOTY - $24.99 Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit - $29.99 Strangely, I'm being shown a "Not available in your region" for GTA4.
  10. Implemented a slight change today: Cut the time on cp_takeback_mountain to match that of cp_granary (which is 20 minutes). I didn't just do this because I hate the map, buy lets just say that it encouraged me to do it sooner rather than later.
  11. I see you guys are hoping Valve considers "through January 2nd" to mean that the last sale day starts January 2nd. I will warn you, Valve can count that in either direction. "Through Sunday" almost always means through 10am PST Sunday. They are usually better when they name specific days, but don't be surprised if they opt not to.
  12. I've made some updates to the server. More specifically... there's now more than one server: #1: kf.ocrtf2.com:7707 / / (Steam) #2: kf2.ocrtf2.com:7707 / / (Steam) The second server may be locked down with a password at times in order to host private games. Note: The domain name kf2.ocrtf2.com was just added and will take a few hours before it actually appears in DNS. The two servers share reserve slot lists, which is why #1 was going up and down repeatedly... I was testing changes to the reserve slot system.
  13. Valve just put all the older paint colors, description tags, and name tags on sale for the weekend in the Mann Co. Store. This includes Team Spirit (but remember it was double the normal paint cost to start). Black paint and white paint are also in the store temporarily, but at the normal $2.49 paint cost.
  14. Speaking of trades, I now have the following new hats up for trade: Madame Dixie, German Gonzila, and Flipped Trilby.
  15. Want a Madame Dixie?
  16. According to the Wiki, Jag is actually the most common, but the other weapons are fairly common as well. So, I completed trades with Jovian and Brycepops... and through the magic of unboxing, added another Madame Dixie to my inventory. Whoops. I don't suppose anyone wants it?
  17. The KF server now has its own subdomain: kf.ocrtf2.com... it's a convenience if you ever want to add it to your list later and can't recall the IP. Maybe it wasn't clear, but the game assigns you a secret code that I can only see if you're on the server. I can't add reserved slots without it. Add me to your Steam friends list and tell me when you're on. See above.
  18. What do you want for the crates? I've got some extra items looking for a new home, such as... Fists of Steel, Warrior's Spirit, Ullapool Caber, The Claidheamh Mor, and The Back Scratcher. I just realized those are all melee items, but then again, those are the new item drops I've been getting. Oh right, I also have two dueling games.
  19. Looks like today's games are mostly focused on war. Team Fortress 2http://store.steampowered.com/app/440/ is $5 today, but I still think Orange Box for $15 is a better deal. But, if you get Team Fortress 2, you can join us on the two OCR TF2 servers.
  20. TF2 is $5, today only.
  21. I'm tempted to get it, but even half off, it's still a bit on the expensive side for me, considering the backlog of games I still have. Including Bioshock.
  22. Cashworks isn't because it tends to have bad framerates on lower spec computers. We know this because we used to have rc2 on our server, and rc2 is still the most recent (and possibly last) release.
  23. Oh wait, that game's Singularity? I'd heard of it before, but didn't realize it was called Singularity.
  24. TF2 is having a new item backend system pushed in a few minutes. Item system is expected to be down for no more than 10 minutes. Hopefully, there are no issues that would cause problems that would extend that. Also, a reminder: You have until tomorrow sometime to open any Festive crates you have before they disappear. If you don't want to open them, I suggest you trade them today. Personally, my crate open rate was pretty good... 6 misc/hats out of 9 Festive crates I've opened.
  25. I don't like the push CTF game type. I think I've noted before that Valve intentionally left it out of TF2, eventually coming up with payload as a replacement for it. There's also the issue where it wasn't clear if b2 or test6 was the newer version.
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