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Everything posted by Powerlord

  1. Yeah, I was kinda not feeling well and went straight to bed after work. The downside is that RED never got updated... one of these days, I should make it so that the event server auto-updates, too. Or just switch it back to normal. Both players also get an equippable ring, according to the TF2 Blog. I assume it's an all-class Misc item.
  2. Blah blah blah BLU should be updated, RED updating now.
  3. I'm actually quite busy today and tomorrow is a work day. It's Coldfront without the snow, plus the right side of point 2 / left side of point 4 have been raised up and can be seen from the point itself (it used to be they were lower). Spawn room #2 is also raised up because of this. Honestly, I prefer Coldfront.
  4. BLU is updated, RED isn't (yet). The new Promo items are for purchasing Jagged Alliance: Back in Action. They are: Merc Medal - All-class Misc Battle Bob - Soldier Hat Bushman's Boonie - Sniper Hat Also, the Conquistador is a Soldier hat.
  5. Steam Mobile is out of Beta Basically, it's an independent Steam chat app for iOS and Android. You can also see what the latest deals are on Steam (although you can do that from the web) and buy things from your Steam account. Note: They don't sell mobile games on it, just regular Windows/Mac games for your computer.
  6. Yes, because in the hands of a good Heavy, is essentially made them have 450 HP and impossible for a Scout, Soldier, or Pyro to kill (for example). Essentially, no one ever bothered to use the normal Sandvich ability any more, they'd just toss it and run over it, then grab a small medkit (and thus get another sandvich).
  7. Apparently our server's box was rebooted at 7am EST today. It doesn't automatically start the TF2 servers when it boots, which meant our servers were down for the 11 hours since then. I'll look into fixing this soon so that it starts the TF2 servers on boot.
  8. And yes, it does say undocumented changes in the update notes. BLU is slowly waiting to update. Unfortunately, since Valve updated frontier and steel, the update is relatively large ( >200MB ). BLU has been updated.
  9. The servers are now running on their new box. New addresses are: BLU: (blu.ocrtf2.com will be updated to this address soon) RED: (red.ocrtf2.com will be updated to this address soon) HLStatsX CE is currently showing the wrong map in its list for unknown reasons, despite the stats daemon being restarted following the IP address change in its configuration. Edit: HLStatsX is showing the correct maps now.
  10. The server is down for the moment. The instance is being moved from its current server in Chicago, IL to a different server located in Dallas, TX. This means it will likely have an IP change. I do not yet have what the new IPs are, but I will post here (and update DNS entries/stats server settings) when I do.
  11. I've had some times where the game simply hasn't drawn it for whatever reason. Also, 12 people on BLU and 12 people on RED. I can't make up my mind which to join! >_<
  12. From a few hours ago: Both servers were updated... I'm still updating the Event server manually, but I have access to the shell on that box from work while I don't to these forums...
  13. I'll be honest, I've been playing on Reddit Midwest lately. It probably doesn't help that I haven't contacted the server host about moving to Dallas yet. Speaking of our server, there's a Prop Hunt event scheduled for tonight 9pm EST / 6pm PST.
  14. I'll check soon if it installed.
  15. Word on the street is that people who do this are seeing their accounts suspended.
  16. I was going to schedule a WarioWare event, but I just found out that it's been broken since sometime in mid-2011 due to the speedup effect not working properly (it requires sv_cheats 1, and there are exploits that can be run on the server to compromise it if sv_cheats 1 is set).
  17. Warning: Valve ran out of third-party prizes yesterday evening. Everything from now on will be coal, a Valve coupon, or a Valve game. Crafting coal still has a chance of crafting the B.M.O.C., Ebenezer, or Holiday Headcase TF2 hats.
  18. Most newer crate series (except naughty and nice crates) have a very high chance of giving you stranges. Naughty crates have a slight chance of giving you a Strange version of the festive weapons.
  19. BLU appears to have updated correctly this time (it didn't for the previous two). I'm manually updating RED now. In addition to this update: People are reporting lag on the current server. I don't see anything in the server configuration that would cause that sort of thing, unless it's replays (but those are being offloaded to www.ocrtf2.com). I believe I can change what data center the server is in for no fee. Currently it's in a Chicago, IL datacenter, but I'm considering moving it to a Denver, CO or Dallas, TX datacenter instead... I'm trying to keep it near the east-west center of the US/Canada. I originally chose IL because it's also closer to Canada. Here's the kicker: Some lag yesterday may have been caused by routing issues that XO Communications was having yesterday. I know that my ISP was cut off from the majority of the Internet last night due to this issue.
  20. I haven't scheduled any events for the next two weeks because a lot of people will likely be out of town for the holidays.
  21. If you were paying attention to your server list, you may have noticed that RED is now running the Prop Hunt game mode rather than Vs. Saxton Hale. I figured after two weeks we were due for a change. Having said that, is anyone interested in the Dodge Ball or Wario Ware game modes?
  22. I had to restart the server BLU and RED are on for a security update. They're both back now.
  23. BLU is back up post-update. Stupid updater wasn't working properly unless I passed -verify_all to it. >
  24. So, it should install very shortly.
  25. I've received both 25% off Valve games and 50% off Rockstar Games. I'm not sure where the second coupon came from.
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