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Everything posted by Powerlord

  1. According to someone on the hlds_linux mailing list: "Client crashes still occurring, my server just lost 5/12 players at once."
  2. Updating TEST shortly.
  3. You are aware last year's event started on the 27th, 4 days before Halloween? Granted, that *was* on a Wednesday, so the precedent could go either way.
  4. Possibly, but I was waiting until the new map came out to make that decision.
  5. Just a heads up. BLU/RED are registered, but TEST isn't. It will be shortly.
  6. Valve threw the switch on the Halloween event yesterday. In addition to the stuff my Halloween plugin does, this should mean that haunted holiday presents are showing up on cp_manor_event. I've updated the default map vote pool to switch out koth_harvest_final and cp_mountainlab for koth_harvest_event and cp_manor_event. I'm also going to disable my Halloween plugin, just to make sure it doesn't interfere.
  7. So, my headset's Microphone finally broke. I guess that's what I get for buying a cheap headset last time. I noticed that it was cracking like 6 months ago. I ordered a new headset, but it won't arrive for like a week. P.S. My new one will have noise cancellation... one that my last one didn't have and really needed.
  8. Updating TEST now, RED/BLU should auto-update. Edit: As of this time, all servers are updated except for my plugin test server.
  9. Still no update today, but someone pointed out a that seems appropriate:
  10. No, sadly those last two fixes were server-side fixes, and the second was just to fix the first (which caused servers to crash far more often than before due to introducing a new bug). But yeah, last Thursday's update makes the game crash a lot. I crashed out twice last night and finally just went to bed.
  11. A 24-slot server there is about what I pay now, except that they insist you have the Multiplay logo unless you want to pay an extra $4.80 per month.
  12. TEST is operational again. SPEAKING of TEST, I feel we need to have more conversation about this. People have been reporting periodic problems with TEST other than the problems Valve introduced in recent patches. Mostly where it basically drops everyone from the server, or where everyone's ping is suddenly is the 500+ range. Additionally, I had my credit card number stolen just recently. I've only had this card for about 6 months. XFactorServers is the only company I've dealt with on this card that could be considered a "small" company, and I consider them the most likely to be the leak of this number. In other words, expect to see yet another server soon to replace TEST, but I'm not sure where yet.
  13. TEST is down for unknown reasons. I'm trying to bring it back up, but I'm not having much luck. RED is still operational at its old address.
  14. Applying to TEST now. TEST is now back up and running.
  15. Valve's update earlier today has a bug loading some models, mostly hats and the like. Valve's Henry Goffin says they're working on it. P.S. The edits to my previous post mention that there's a bug in this update and that TEST was updated (and thus crashy), while BLU/RED aren't.
  16. Strangely, this wasn't announced on the TF2 server mailing list. TEST has been updated and restarted. BLU and RED haven't yet updated. Edit: Reports are coming in to the dedicated list that the update introduced a new crashing bug. BLU and RED will remain running the old version until further notice. BLU's password is "ocremix"
  17. I forgot to mention it, but there was a TF2 update earlier today. Also, Valve's Tony Paloma (aka Druken F00l) has already stated they plan to have another TF2 update tomorrow to address some crash issues on both clients and servers.
  18. I tend to play on some of Reddit's TF2 servers... Great Lakes or Midwest.
  19. Done. 10char
  20. There aren't really any plans to change it at this time. One thing that we have changed is the icon hiding thing. Also, Valve has said they plan on pushing a TF2 client update out to fix the crashing problems.
  21. TEST should be restarted. Hopefully it doesn't crash. However, item server appears to be down.
  22. It appears that BLU/RED did not update after all... I guess I never started the tf2-updater last time I restarted the machine. I'm forcing BLU/RED and TEST to both update. Edit: WTF, I can't wear my Familiar Fez and Le Party Phantom at the same time?
  23. HUGE update just hit. The Manniversary Update. RED will update autmatically, but TEST will not. I'll try to update it from here (I'm not at home). Edit: I can't appear to update TEST from here. BLU's password is "ocremix" as I recall, if you guys really want to use it.
  24. Today's update has been pushed back a day. An update moved back to TF2's normal "big update" day of the week? Hmm... On another subject: I've discovered some new bugs in my nearly complete TF2 voting extension that I need to iron out. I realized earlier today why it was crashing the server on vote end (yay). Then I discovered something that will likely make it crash when a player casts a vote (boo). The code to send the vote to players is a mess and needs to be cleaned up in order to fix the previously mentioned crash on vote end. Also, revoting isn't working (and likely won't in the initial release). What is working: 1. Displaying the vote on the screen with appropriate options. 2. Displaying the running vote leaders at the bottom of the screen (like SourceMod does). SourceMod 1.4 is just around the corner, so I may need to rework some of the code for this extension and its associated plugin (dubbed TF MapChooser).
  25. The official TF2 wiki has a new theme, and the old tf2wiki is apparently getting hit by people defacing it.
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