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Incoming news from the TF2 blog:
Those were fixed months ago.
Our server stats have month-long average statistics on a per-server basis. Last Month for BLU (Primary): Last Month for RED (Secondary/Event): As you can see, traffic to our primary server died off when the Halloween event started at 9pm Wednesday, October 27th. The Event server had no less than 12 people every time I checked up through Sunday, meaning that I had to kick people off when changing server plugins leading up to Sunday's Halloween event. This was one week ago. As for the Private server, it's not normally there. It came into existence at Brushfire's request for private halloween achievement stuff, and has only really been used for a Halloween Special Event I scheduled. The server normally living at that address is the private 28-player Highlander Competition server. In addition to those three servers, the machine hosts the Spengboob's Fightatron TF2 server, which FireSlash is paid separately to host. This server is not tracked on our stats. Also, as previously mentioned, the remainder of the server's cost is paid by 34 TF2 players, myself included, and FireSlash himself. One last note: Only two of us can start/stop the Minecraft server: FireSlash and myself. tl;dr Your generalization of when the TF2 servers are and aren't used is wrong, the TF2 players pay for the server, plus only two of us can switch the Minecraft server on and off.
RED will be switching back over to a normal server momentarily, but with a new startup map: pl_badwater.
"Beat me once, shame on me. Beat me twice, also shame on me. Beat me three times... I am sent to my death." -- Heavy, Edit: I've recompiled the Mapchooser Extended plugin so that cp_manor_event and cp_mountainlab show up as non-custom maps.
Minecraft's server is a serious oinker. I'm not sure what it's doing, but it sucks down CPU power and memory, plus does a lot of disk access. It literally uses more resources than all 3 (4 if you count Spengboob, which is paying to host their TF2 server here, too) of our TF2 servers combined.
Last I heard, FireSlash was making arrangements to move the MineCraft server to another machine.
Are you paying monthly donations for the Minecraft/TF2 server machine? No? I am. So are 33 other TF2 players. So yes, it's not unreasonable for us to request the Minecraft server be killed if it's affecting the service we're paying for. P.S. Technically, I don't have to ask... I'm the other person besides FireSlash who can shut it down.
A required update for Team Fortress 2 is now available. Please run hldsupdatetool to receive the update. The specific changes include: - Fixed a bug that prevented Mac players from getting the Halloween achievements. - Fixed a bug that prevented Mac players from receiving the in-game notifications for items, duels, etc. - Fixed Engineers being able to build under the final capture point in Mann Manor. - Added the Dealer's Visor for players who pre-purchase Poker Night from Telltale Games. ---- See http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=4608&p=1 for full details. All servers restarted, updating Highlander for future use. Edit: If it wasn't clear, no one with an updated client can join the servers until they're updated.
I already preordered it. If it helps, you can preorder it through Steam for 10% off ($4.49), or through Telltale's store ($4.95) with 25% off of any other non-sale items in your cart. Telltale has already confirmed that people buying it through their store will get the TF2 in-game items (no lobbying for them to do it like last time). Also, the 5 in-game items are won by beating said players at Poker. Tycho has the watch, Max has the Lugermorph and badge, Heavy has the Minigun, and Strong Bad has the glasses.
In a "surprise" move, preordering the Telltale game Poker Night at the Inventory, starring TF2's Heavy and 3 others, will net you a Poker Visor hat for Heavy in TF2. Playing the game can net you 5 more items: License to Main - A Misc slot badge The Enthusiast's Timepiece - A Spy Watch (likely replaces the Invisibility Watch) The Lugermorph - You've heard of this one already (Scout/Engineer Pistol replacement) The Iron Curtain - A Replacement Heavy Minigun Dangeresque, Too? - Sunglasses Misc item (or hat, but I'm betting Misc) for Demo
Speaking of the RED and Private servers, should I kill the Thriller music that's on there now?
An optional update for Team Fortress 2 is now available. The specific changes include: - Fixed a minor issue with the Horseless Headless Horsemann Updating RED and Private now and will restart then when done. I'll also update BLU in a moment, but it's not running Mann Manor 24/7 like the other two.
As many of you have likely figured out by now, the thing where the server played parts of Thriller (BLU, RED standard) or the entire Thriller song (RED Halloween, Private) were done using a server plugin. This plugin has been removed from BLU and standard RED. I wonder if I should mention what the trigger to play Thriller is... nah! If you haven't noticed by now, you never will.
Just to warn people, Steam's network appears to be having problems this afternoon, so don't be surprised if you have problems connecting to it.
It is kinda silly. In other news, I moved RED over to the Halloween install (the private server is also using it). Having said that, it needs a restart to fix a few issues that remain such as MOTD being wrong and advertisements having non-working color codes in them. Edit: Restarted at around 10am... thanks annoying roommates for waking me up on one of the few days I can actually sleep in!
I dunno... I didn't really like Penumbra. I tried the demo of Amnesia and didn't really convince me that I'd like Amnesia any more. On the other hand, the Overlord games are pretty fun, although they do start getting bogged down towards the middle and end.
Before I forget to mention, the Halloween Event has been moved to the Private server. I may change the event to earlier in the day... it's quite late for anyone from Europe. Speaking of which, has anyone figured out what's with the Thriller music that's happening on BLU and RED yet?
Our private Halloween Mann Manor server is now operating at private.ocrtf2.com:27015 / password: ocremix Admins can also change the map on that server to koth_harvest_event Edit: Map change bugged... fixed now.
Hey Brush, I heard a rumor that items that you created by crafting together non-tradeable items have been losing their non-tradeable attribute after a few days... might want to check your store extras... I know some metal I created from them became tradeable, but I'm wondering if it applies to other items.
- (soon to be private.ocrtf2.com:27015 ), but I'm still setting it up.
There has been a request for an additional private 24/7 Mann Manor Halloween server. Expect to see that later tonight at the Highlander old address.
TF2's $9.99 on Steam this weekend. It's not the only thing on sale, though. Other things include (but are not limited to) L4D+L4D2 for $14.99, Resident Evil 5 for $14.99, the Overlord Complete Pack for $7.49, and Amnesia: Dark Descent for $13.39. Basically, most of Steam's supernatural-related games are on sale.
A required update for Team Fortress 2 is now available. Please run hldsupdatetool to receive it. The specific changes include: Shared Changes (CS:S, DoD:S, TF2, HL2:DM) - Fixed a dedicated server crash when HLTV disconnects. - Fixed a crash in the materialsystem. Team Fortress 2 - Fixed a bug with the Horseless Headless Horsemann falling through playerclip ladders. - Fixed a bug with grenades sometimes exploding on friendly players. - Fixed the Sticky Jumper doing damage to enemies. - Fixed spectators collecting the Haunted Halloween Gift in Mann Manor. - Fixed trading the Saxton Hale Mask granting the achievement to the recipient. - Fixed the Candy Coroner achievement not awarding the Mildly Disturbing Halloween Mask. - Updated Mann Manor - Improved clipping to prevent players from getting out of the map and to fix various exploit ledges. - Updated the Ghastlier Gibus to be tradable. - Updated the localization files. FireSlash is updating servers now.
The TF Wiki says you can craft the Unusual Metal plus 4 Refined to get one of the 4 new halloween hats instead... keeping in mind that you can't get multiple Unusual Metals. Those hats are: Spine-Chilling Skull (all-class) Voodoo Juju (all-class) Horrific Headsplitter (all-class) Cadaver's Cranium (Heavy) These four hats are also in the TF2 store for $9.99 each, but the Skull and Juju are only for sale during the Halloween event. These hats can be worn at any time, not just during the Halloween event. Edit: Paranoid may find this funny... I noticed I'm only one day shy of having the Gold L'Etranger kills award on HLStatsX... meaning I've gotten the daily award for it 10 times. I guess Paranoid and I are the only regulars that use it, though.