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Everything posted by Powerlord

  1. NEVER use the map command, only changelevel. No idea why, but map boots everyone while changelevel doesn't.
  2. Only loosely related, but if you have problems with the Highlander server, let me know. There shouldn't be any issues... the configuration for it is rather simple other than the league config, and that has (presumably) been tested already.
  3. Nope, it was an addon we had. We disabled it because Valve has (presumably) changed how their internal scramble system works. That and it seemed redundant if the game is auto-scrambling now. And yes, it seems to be smart enough to consider the map goals in its scramble calculations. I assume it shares the tournament stopwatch logic in this way (On Dustbowl, one stopwatch round = each team as BLU once for as far through the map as they can get before time runs out).
  4. I seem to recall seeing it a different color in when spectating waiting for respawn.
  5. Few new updates: I bumped the auto-scramble thing back down to 2 (or rather removed the setting from the config and it defaults to 2). This is because 3 is too high on PL, PLR, non-symmetric CP, etc... Unfortunately, Valve doesn't give us the ability to set cvars per-gametype, only per server and per map. Since we no longer have a votescramble command, we can no longer force a scramble after an 7-0 Dustbowl round... for example. I also updated the HLStatsX logging plugin. This should fix the issue where it was logging every fish hit as a kill. Side Note: HLStatsX was supposed to have an update soon. However, the release may have been bumped back now due to the new weapons. Edit: I also replaced the version of Mapchooser Extended we use with the one from this post. Edit 2: One last thing... I swapped the starting maps for BLU and RED. BLU now starts on Thunder Mountain, while RED starts on Double Cross.
  6. I started a Hat Trading thread over on the Social Group if anyone is interested.
  7. See: Caltrop, a Scout grenade from Team Fortress/Team Fortress Classic.
  8. I don't blame Valve... I mean, they have had free updates for this game for 3 years now, for a game that originally shipped as one of 5 games in a $50 set. Speaking of which, TF2 is $10 this weekend, although if you're going to get it and don't already have HL2 or Portal (but you'd BETTER have Portal), consider getting The Orange Box for $30 instead. Oh, and atmuh was right... I did end up buying the Polycount Pack. Good thing Valve started this sale on Payday, or I might have earmarked that money somewhere else, likely on Dominion: Prosperity (also $50 on Amazon). I kinda wish I had decided this before I crafted a bunch of Polycount items, though... I used 7 reclaimed metal to make items of the 9 it takes to make a random hat: the items on row 3 of page 1 of my inventory. Valve is adding new recipes tomorrow (well, today in this time zone) and I want to find out what I need for the other items before trading any of them... GRU is probably KGB, and the Medic one is prolly Ubersaw... which I already have an extra of. No idea about the Frying Pan, though. Edit: BAH, I forgot that I'll likely be working on a paper after work tomorrow. I'll probably leave early to work on said paper, as my boss is pretty flexible about that.
  9. They have crafting recipes. I assume they were added to the drop system too. However, the crafting, and item/drop systems have been up and down all day.
  10. RED was down for unknown reasons. Restarted. Apparently Sourcemod needs to be updated to prevent crashes and FireSlash has already disabled it. When it comes back up, the votescramble plugin will have been removed. The mp_scrambleteams_auto_windifference value has been adjusted to 3, as per our standard. Also, here's the update notes: TF2 ----------- Added the Mann-conomy. - Added 65 new items (hats, weapons, tools, minigames, gifts, crates). - Added the Mann Co. Store & Catalog. - Added Trading. - Added Item customization. Additional TF2 features: - Added new auto-team-scramble system: Set mp_scrambleteams_auto to 1 (default) to automatically scramble the teams if the criteria is met Set mp_scrambleteams_auto_windifference to set the number of round wins a team must lead by in order to trigger an auto scramble (default is 2) - Updated how Spy disguise targets are selected to more randomly distribute the selections - Fixed the FreezePanel background not using the correct color if you were killed by a player or building on your own team - Server browser tweaks: It will now encourage you to add servers to Favorites or Blacklists after you have a good/bad experience on them. The Server Browser now automatically closes after successfully connecting to a server (opt-out via the Options-Multiplayer->Advanced dialog) Achievement tuning: - Demoman achievement "The Stickening" changed to 3 from 5. - Heavy achievement "Krazy Ivan" changed to 50 from 100. - Medic achievement "Consultation" changed to 3 from 5. - Medic achievement "Peer Review" changed to 10 from 50. - Medic achievement "Placebo Effect" changed to 2 from from 5. - Medic achievement "FYI I am A Medic" changed to 1 from 5. - Medic achievement "Family Practice" changed to 5 from 10. - Soldier achievement "Geneva Contravention" changed to 3 from 5. - Scout achievement "Strike Zone" now counts assists. - Scout achievements "Fall Classic" and "Foul Territory" are fixed. Engine changes (CS:S, DoD:S, HL2:DM, and TF2) ----------- - Added sv_alltalk to the list of convars that are checked for the sv_tags list. - Fixed a model instance crash. - Removed engine ConVar "r_ForceRestore". Other Games ----------- Half-Life 2: Deathmatch - Updated to run on the Orange Box engine with CS:S, DoD:S, and TF2.
  11. Canada's a large place... it spans more time zones than the US does.
  12. I wonder if the reason Polycount isn't out yet is because of the new DLC being made for L4D/L4D2, which according to the L4D blog, is due out next week. I know L4D/L4D2 have taken people from the TF2 team in the past.
  13. If you haven't been following the Left 4 Dead blog, the Left 4 Dead / Left 4 Dead 2 DLC, The Sacrifice, is due out next week. Speaking of which, the first 3 parts of the L4D comic of the same name are out now... next week is the final part and the DLC.
  14. There was a weird issue where the servers weren't showing up in the server list for some people. Restarted both of them.
  15. I'm going to take down BLU and RED temporarily later tonight. Things that are being updated: - HLStatsX:CE's logging plugin FINALLY got the fix they promised when the Engineer Update launched and will correctly log both mini-sentry kills and building moves. This means that the point values for building buildings will finally be added back to the stats. - Sourcebans needs to be updated to fix some potential bugs. Edit: BLU, RED, and CS:S Servers have been updated and restarted. The logging server has also been updated and restarted, following the restoration of Engy points for building sentries. NOTE: I have no idea if points are currently awarded for building mini-sentries, as logging has changed for them.
  16. Yeah, that one was horrid. So was the first version of tower (or was that skytower) although the newer version adds points, which means RED has to actively guard them instead of all hiding on the high beam. The version of zf_dustbowl I played was pretty bad, too... It was basically dustbowl with all the lighting removed and some points moved slightly. I never saw the humans win that one.
  17. I'm not sure why I made that last response, as it has nothing to do with the issue. I didn't do it to invoke a response. I did it in response to the things other people were doing. If anything, I responded to someone who was trolling me, much like I am now.
  18. Fun fact: I don't find Medic fun to play, but I'll play it if I random to it at the beginning of a match... unless the rest of my team is acting stupid or has no healable classes, in which case I'll change to a class I'd like to actually play. The problem wasn't necessarily that he was only healing Frogg, but that he was healing a Scout the entire time. Hell, I was on the other team, and I'm glad he did, because we won that round because of it.
  19. An opinion alone isn't trolling. However, you didn't just express an opinion; you made a comment that, linked with your previous comments, was an derogatory statement intended to evoke a response. What's the definition of trolling again? Lets ask Wikipedia: "In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking other users into a desired emotional response."
  20. If you've seen me on, it's been on a non-OCR server for this exact reason. It doesn't help when a bunch of people (Frogg included) ragequit because of a 2-1 score on a 14-player CTF map. (Dr. Suredeath, I know as a Medic you're tempted to follow Frogg and heal him exclusively... but when he's a Scout? Seriously?) Castlevania: Lords of Shadow in less than two weeks. This is more in reply to the comments saying this is wrong: Wrangler broke the game by allowing Engineers to rocket jump and reach places in the map that Valve (and mappers) never made no-build simply because Engys couldn't reach there before. Allowing for really cheesy teleporter placement that you can't see... although usually if a Demo can find it, they can take it out. This is going to sound like complete hypocrisy, but... it's better if you don't feed the trolls. There's nothing to stop us from adding more servers even without that, unless you want one server per IP. Might have to do some sourcemod/symlink magic to install the mod on just one server, though. Speaking of other mods, I played Zombie Fortress earlier this week. Interesting idea... Players on RED can be Soldier, Pyro, Demoman, Engineer, Medic, and Sniper. Players on BLU can be Scout, Heavy, and Spy... with a limited item selection (Bonk, Crit-a-Cola, Bat, Sandman for Scout; Sandvich, Dalohak Bar, Fists, K.G.B. for Heavy; Knife, Cloak and Dagger, Invisibility Watch for Spy... NO DISGUISE KIT) Each time a RED player dies, they get moved to the BLU team. Each time a BLU player dies, they respawn during the next spawn wave. The game has one or more goals: The main goal is for BLU to kill all of RED before time runs out. Some maps also have control points that BLU needs to capture. Side Note: 3/4 of the players start on RED. I thought it was pretty fun, although a few of the maps in there kinda sucked. Zombie Fortress is done through a SourceMod Plugin.
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