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Everything posted by Powerlord

  1. Miyako stole my Wayne (Revolver kills) global award! More people need to play tonight so I can steal it back! (I gained the global Urine for a Surprise (Jarated players) award at the same time, though)
  2. Although, now that I look, it's possible to disable logging of backstabs with Superlogs, it's just that it defaults to on. Anyway, I turned on all the logging options, they'll take effect on the next map change.
  3. Well, in this case, they just aren't be logged at all, rather than simply not being tracked correctly. All the other achievements appear to be working. The only ones not awarded yesterday are some of the taunt-kill ones, Baseball kills ("Fly Ball"), Chargin' Targe kills ("Got something for ya!"), shovel kills ("Gravedigger," because people rarely use the Shovel), Bone Saw kills ("The Saw," because people rarely use the Bonesaw), some of the deflect ones, the pumpkin bomb one (only available on harvest_event), and the telefrag one ("Lucky Duck"). Hungry Hungry Heavy and Got something for ya! are the only two awards to never be awarded; I'll see if there's something to fix the targe one while I'm looking. On a different note, my most used Weapon is The Huntsman now rather than The Knife. This apparently changed the last time I played... which incidentally was also when I passed 300 hours as Spy. Edit: OK, who's the joker who changed RED to harvest_event?
  4. So, I found that I need to make a configuration change for Superlogs for it to track heavy sandvich eating for the Hungry, Hungry Heavy Daily Award. I'll change it later when I'm not in class.
  5. Oh, I changed some permission flags around to fix a bug that let anyone (even pub users) use !cancelvote, so if anyone who has a reserved slot is missing admin menu items, let me know.
  6. I've updated Sourcemod to 1.3.1, HLStatsX CE to 1.6.7, HLStatsX's SuperLogs plugin to 1.4.6, and one or two other things that seem to have slipped my mind. Report any errors you find.
  7. What's his in-game name? I dunno about the other admins, but I tend to lose track if people ask for them in game. That and we post them for one other admin to approve, and I think all the ones in that request list have been processed. Edit: Also, the program we use for stats has been updated again, but I haven't updated our install yet. I'll probably update it sometime on Monday afternoon (I have Monday off because it's a federal holiday).
  8. Updates to Team Fortress 2 and Day of Defeat: Source have been updated. These are just contain client-only fixes. The specific changes include: - Fixed a case of client-side hitching caused by writing a file to the hard drive too frequently Also, sorry that I haven't been on too much this week. I've been bogged down with homework, plus my Internet connection has been sucking... I need to call my ISP and complain.
  9. Yes, the new weapons are being tracked now. The upgrade was easier than I thought it would be. I'll have to make sure I keep up with the HLStatsX updates rather than letting a bunch of versions go by. Also, I'm going to manually redo Sourcemod on RED soon. Right now, it's an exact copy of BLU's but with one file different. However, each files is individually linked at the moment, and that extremely fragile. I'm going to change it to link entire directories except the configs directory, which will be linked on a per-file basis.
  10. I updated the stats program both on the webserver and the server plugin. Hopefully this prevents some of the weird stats we've seen in the past... oh and if it made the ribbons/daily awards that weren't working before work, that's all the better.
  11. Jaswald: I see your Steam nick is currently "Jaswald: still no Reserve Slot" Why exactly do you think you don't have a reserved slot? It was added at the same time I added ST Turnip, Crit-Magnet, Dr. Waltz, Overcoat, and Mrs. Bark; on January 8, 2010 at 10:40 PM EST.
  12. I was gonna update HLStatsX CE tonight, but apparently there's some problem with ocrtf2.com right now and I can't access it. I had to reboot the machine earlier following a core update, and the machine is probably stuck at a "Keyboard not found. Press F1 to continue." error like it was earlier this week. Seriously, why would the hosting center have that enabled on a server machine in the first place?
  13. That's just the one (actually two) times I know about. No, seriously, there's at least 3 admins who you manage to piss off on a regular basis, and frankly, I think you've finally been given a well-deserved timeout. And actually, I don't have to find a reason. Trolling is against the rules, listed right in the MOTD.
  14. Ah, yes, logs. Here's what they say about the incident I mentioned earlier. L 02/03/2010 - 00:56:31: "atmuh<2133><STEAM_0:0:16969216><Blue>" say "voteban IJ" and L 02/03/2010 - 00:57:44: "atmuh<2133><STEAM_0:0:16969216><Blue>" say "voteban IJ"
  15. Really? I had a report that you were doing one of the two (the person didn't say which) just last week.
  16. My observations so far is that Admins have less menus than before (5 instead of 8?), but I couldn't say which ones aren't there. I could find everything I looked for (including things added by plugins like SprayTracer and our custom menus which include ScrambleTeams), so maybe I'm just misremembering. Actually, it looks like the SprayTracer commands were merged into an existing menu, so that may be what I missed. I think I've enabled both the hintbox and console versions (that's assuming console is the server console, as there's also a client_console one).
  17. The server has been updated to Metamod: Source 1.8 and Sourcemod 1.3. Report any problems you see with them. Edit: I reinstalled a missing extension: RunTeamLogic, which we use to increase the amount of players per team in Arena mode. I also updated the SDKHooks extension, which is used by the HLStatsx plugin.
  18. While uncompressing a new addons directory (with a different name so I can swap them over later), 7zip just totally screwed up and dumped a 7zip with a directory structure as if it were flat instead of hierarchical. If the server crashes, I probably deleted something I shouldn't have during the cleanup process. I'll run Steam again with the verify-all option when I'm done to replace any missing files. Edit: I used a standalone copy of the TF2 server to determine which files and directories to keep, with a few additions because the other server hasn't been used ever.
  19. Just a heads up: I disabled tf_teamtalk on our non-scrim configurations as it's causing dead players to have double-messages to their teammates. It's still on in the scrim configuration, as DeadChat is automagically disabled during scrims. Or at least will be now that it's no longer needed.
  20. Well, now you can! The points on it capture a bit more quickly than one expects, although that may have been because we only had 8-10 players.
  21. Tricks on you, we already have both the updated ctf and cp versions on the server. Having said that, I only played ctf_vector once, and I hated it. I also decided that I hated that game mode, as it reintroduces a bunch of problems that cp and payload fixed.
  22. cp_waste_v2 is a 5CP currently in rotation. Oh, and I can't stand Follower.
  23. That's the server we serve maps from for custom maps if you don't have them already. Oh, and it's back up now and I switched the configuration back (just before plr_panic_b2 last night, so... just in time)
  24. Not sure why, but files.ocrtf2.com is down at the moment. I've switched things so that the game servers will (temporarily) serve files directly from the server. Edit: Also, a minor, client-only TF2 update. Servers do not need to be restarted. - Fixed a client crash during the localization of item names - Fixed a client crash caused by selecting Random in the class menu and then clicking on "Edit Loadout"
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