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Everything posted by Powerlord

  1. It is. You have to buy the game before April 23. I'm currently waiting for support@telltalegames.com to cancel my existing order before I re-purchase it through Steam. Although, Jake from TellTale is saying that he's trying to work with Valve to get people who ordered the game through them the TF2 hats. I wonder how many people will buy it just for hats. P.S. I forgot to mention I already restarted the servers, so they should be updated.
  2. I preordered Sam and Max through the Telltale Games store. That used to be the way to do it. Not any more. Not only was the game released early on the iPad, people who preordered it through Steam get things that are actually useful rather than a "free episode" of a game they didn't really want and the opportunity to buy it on DVD for an extra $5.
  3. from a Radeon HD 4500? You are aware that the Radeon 4000 series is from the same generation as the GeForce 9000 series?
  4. Hell, my GT240 (which is one generation newer) set me back $100... before a $20 mail in rebate. And it came with a coupon for a free Capcom game download. I chose Resident Evil 5 over Dark Void or Street Fighter IV.. Edit: Also, third Backbiter's Billycock! GO ME!
  5. Paranoid stole it from me and you stole it from him. I should point at Paranoid and laugh! Seriously, I might play more during the summer. Right now, school (2 programming classes) and work are taking up far too much time. The few times I do play are on weekends and when I should be doing homework.
  6. After the master servers went down earlier today and Left 4 Dead 2 couldn't find any US servers to connect to, I poked around some configuration files for our Left 4 Dead 2 server. I noticed that our L4D2 server has both a sv_steamgroup key set and a sv_search_key set. From what I've read, these two settings do not work together, and it appears that the search key is ignored if the steamgroup is set. Now, I know that my group of friends from another website use this server using the somewhat convoluted ms_force_dedicated_server command, but it'd be grand if we could just use the steamgroup key. The real question is: Should I change it so only one of them is present, and which one? Personally, I think the Steamgroup stuff should go and keep the search key, as the search key makes it a WHOLE lot easier for lobbies to connect, and that's the primary way Left 4 Dead 2 uses to connect to servers. (Note: For those of you who don't know, I have the account information for the game server account because FireSlash and I administer the TF2 servers on the same machine.)
  7. I lost most of my titles lately because I haven't been playing. At various times in the past I've had: Most Revolver Kills Most Huntsman Kills Urine For a Surprise (Most Jarates) and the one I still have is Not Even Winded (most Scout Taunt Kills)
  8. I used to, but I had a sudden outbreak of 9-5 job.
  9. Because not enough people want them... and ctf_bball in particular is balanced for 3v3. We thought the old values for rtv and votescramble were too high. As it is, only a forced !votescramble is 50%, a normal votescramble is still 70%. Having said that, there has been discussion of moving !votescramble to admins only. I thought Brushfire already talked about this. People complained that there were too many customs in the nominate list. No, I'm serious.
  10. I'm glad someone else finally replied. I don't feel so conspicuous creating a new post now. Anyway, it was mentioned last week that we don't have very many customs on BLU. However, that's not exactly true. We have lots of customs, but only 7 or so are on the nominate list. Do we want to add a few of the ones we like to the nominate list and remove the ones we don't? For example, ones people seem to like that are there now: plr_scoville_c2 plr_panic_b2 Some that are on the server but not in the nominate list that people seem to like: arena_starship_v1 cp_follower (hate this one personally, but...) cp_pacman_plus_wtf (for its novelty value) ctf_aerospace_b4 pl_cave_b6 pl_cranetop_b8 pl_frontier Note: I'm not suggesting adding new maps to the server, just re-adding ones from this list back to the nominate menu. BLU wasn't talking to the master servers, so I restarted it after updating the logging plugin.
  11. I think the Red Rover mod might be fun to try on some arena maps at some point... maybe schedule a time on RED to do it? The idea behind Red Rover is that a person will switch teams every time they die, with the goal to get everyone on to the same team. Also: I may install some plugins listed on the SRCDS Hardening page over at AlliedModders wiki (they wrote SourceMod). Particularly the one they say gets rid of the Half-connected crashed client bug. Edit: Updated our MOTDs to have them link to the new forum thread. I may make a special redirect on the OCRTF2 website just so I can update it in one location, rather than 2 links in 2 MOTD files, Sourcebans, and HLStatsX CE. Edit 2: If you use a Mac, Valve has a beta program for its Mac software. Edit 3: The logging plugin for HLStatsX CE was replaced with a new version by a new maintainer. I've just updated to the new version. This version should fix the in-air logging routines to not count swimming people, among other things.
  12. Here's a quick guide to Things You Should Know In TF2: The Medic's Medigun/Kritzkrieg can heal people. It can also overheal them to 150% health. Right-click specials: Scout with Sandman to hit baseball at someone Pyro with Flamethrower to activate airblast to extinguish burning allies or push enemy players away Demoman to explode sticky bombs Demoman to charge with shield Heavy with Minigun/Natascha to keep barrel spinning Medic with Medigun/Kritzkrieg to ubercharge themselves and a teammate when their Ubercharge meter is 100%. That's 8 seconds of invincibility or 100% crits on target depending on which one you have. Sniper with Sniper Rifle to zoom in. Spy to Cloak/Decloak with Invisibility Watch or Cloak and Dagger Spy to pull out Dead Ringer or deactivate it Sniper headshots (with the sniper rifle or Huntsman bow) will kill most classes guaranteed. A fully charged Sniper Rifle shot will deal 450 damage, killing anyone who isn't invincible. Soldiers can rocket jump by jumping just before shooting down. Demoman can sticky bomb jump by jumping just before right-clicking to explode their sticky bombs Engineer weapon 4 is the build panel. You can use it to build a sentry gun, an ammo dispenser, and a teleporter entrance and exit. Note that this takes metal. You get more metal from ammo boxes (and your dispenser). Note: Each building can be upgraded to level 3 by hitting it with your wrench (melee weapon). It takes 200 metal (25 at a time) to upgrade a building 1 level. Engineer weapon 5 is the destruction panel. It does the opposite of the build panel. Engineer: Hit a building that has a sapper on it twice to knock the sapper off. Engineer: Hitting a building with your wrench while it's building makes it build faster. Engineer: Hitting a building with your wrench uses your metal to repair it if it's damaged or needs ammo, or uses 25 metal to partly upgrade it if it isn't damaged and not yet level 3. Spy weapon 2 is the Electronics Sapper. It is a short-range item that is placed on an Engineer building, disabling and damaging said building. Using it does not break your disguise. You have an unlimited supply of these. Spy weapon 4 is the Disguise Kit. 1-9 correspond to the classes in the class selection screen. Press - first to switch team color. Spy's right-click activates his cloaking device. Pressing b as Spy disguises using your last used Disguise. If you're already disguised, it changes the weapon your disguise appears to be holding to your current weapon's slot. The exceptions are that you can not appear as an Engineer holding their build toolbox or as an enemy Spy holding a Sapper or Disguise Kit. Things You Should Know In TF2 - Spies: The Spy has 3 special features: Spies briefly show their real team color when cloaking/decloaking and disguising. When bumping into a cloaked enemy Spy using the Invisibility Watch or Cloak and Dagger (or Dead Ringer after ~8 seconds), they will show up as a translucent red or blue outline of their current disguise. This does not apply to the Dead Ringer for the first ~8 seconds. However, you can still run into them. [*]The Dead Ringer cloaking device allows a Spy to fake their death. Just because you see a Spy die, don't assume they really did. The Dead Ringer also makes a somewhat-loud zapping sound when it wears off. Spies that disguise as people on their own team will drop a fake corpse of that class rather than a fake Spy corpse. Beware of anyone who dies too quickly. [*]Since friendly fire is off on most TF2 servers, check for spies using your weapons. Pyro is especially adept at this, because spies can be set on fire. Speaking of which, players burn with their team color. A player burning the wrong color (red player, blue flames and vice versa) is a disguised Spy. [*]You can pass through your teammates, but not enemy players. This can also be used for spychecking, although it isn't recommended. [*]Spies can place sappers on Engineer buildings to disable/destroy them. This does not remove their disguise like their gun and knife do. This has a special animation for all 9 class models. If you see a player slap something onto an engineer building with their hand, they're an enemy spy. [*]The following are never enemy spies: Engineers carrying a toolbox. Spies with their sapper out Spies with their disguise kit out A teammate that is currently shooting or using their melee weapon. A player carrying the enemy intelligence. A dispenser, no matter what Brushfire says. tl;dr If you see a teammate acting suspicious, shoot them... they might be a Spy. The Spy can disguise as any class from either team. The Spy can turn invisible for a limited amount of time. Spies have an instant-kill backstab with their melee weapon.
  13. Yes, and in the process, Valve has basically said "no new buildings." Also, one of the unlocks will likely be the P.D.Q. if Valve hasn't scrapped that idea.
  14. HLStatsX for Powerlord Last Connect:* Fri. Mar. 26th, 2010 @ 22:31:05 That was 11 days ago. Ubel: You weren't confusing me with Lumpy were you? I have a wide variety of hats now, so you'd probably know if I was killing you, as I'd be wearing: Trophy Belt as Sniper or Magistrate's Mullet as Spy (those being my most played classes lately). Ironically, I may have considered joining during this map, as I remember wanting to join, seeing it was Turbine, and deciding not to because I dislike Turbine.
  15. If I was on, then no. I haven't been on the server in over a week, iirc.
  16. Sorry, OCR's forum decided it wasn't going to email me that there were new replies, so my NO is several days late. Anyway, now that I've caught up with 5 pages of posts. Re: changing teams. I'll sometimes change teams when my team is steamrolling the other team. Sometimes, I'll just switch to classes I suck at (Demoman or Heavy). Oh, and if it wasn't obvious, on Goldrush/Dustbowl and 5cp symmetric maps (i.e. not steel), I force a scramble at the end of the final round when there's a 5+ point difference. I'll start a scramble vote on 5cp maps and badwater when there's a 3 point difference (after both badwater rounds). This is regardless of which team I'm on. Overall, I'd love to see less Dustbowl/Goldrush and more Gravelpit (and maybe even... Junction).
  17. For lazy people (like me), that's: koth_viaduct cp_dustbowl cp_fastlane pl_goldrush ctf_doublecross cp_gravelpit plr_pipeline cp_badlands cp_egypt pl_badwater cp_waste_v2 cp_granary koth_nucleus cp_dustbowl ctf_turbine pl_goldrush cp_gravelpit pl_frontier cp_badlands cp_gorge pl_badwater cp_steel cp_granary Edit: I'm thinking about opening IDLE to the public again with reserved slots enabled, but the maxplayers bumped up to 32.
  18. Nah, someone would have to be pretty stupid to create a program whose use would be a violation of the Steam user's agreement...
  19. I need to restart the server to disable Sourcemod, but I'm not going to do that quite yet.
  20. I'll be setting a password in a few minutes. Password is "ocrtf2"
  21. I run one over at idle.ocrtf2.com:27060 ( And yet, this is precisely why I had to create my own. Of the idle servers with open slots after the last update, you had: 1. Ones that lied about the number of free slots (using the Oil and CBaseServer plugins?), causing your to get a "Server is full" on connect. 2. Ones that have reserved slots set up the same way we do. After not being able to reconnect to my own idle server, I opted to set Sourcemod back up, including the reserved slots plugin.
  22. We had some awesome matches of tennis on IDLE today. Rockets, Arrows, Flares, and Direct Hit rockets. I wish I'd recorded a demo of it. Speaking of IDLE, it now implements the same reserved slots as BLU and RED.
  23. So, has anyone else noticed that you can't craft the Pain Train with your Soldier and Demo items? You can only craft them with other Pain Trains. Also, I don't know how, but I now have all 3 Spy hats (plus the Camera Beard). I got two of them in the last two days! Fedora yesterday and Mullet today.
  24. This may be due to yesterday's master server downtime. I know OCReMix IDLE didn't reconnect to the masters until I restarted it. Also, I has Fancy Fedora.
  25. Oh yeah, I forgot... L4D2 PC is on sale on Steam through Thursday for $24.99. Both PC and 360 versions were on sale on Amazon today too, but it's probably too late for that.
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