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Everything posted by Powerlord

  1. For those of you who don't know, the Overlord series is sorta like a twisted version of Pikmin. So, while looking for other stuff on Steam today, I noticed that Overlord: Raising Hell is on Steam now. Clicking through to it, I noticed that Overlord, Overlord: Raising Hell, and Overlord II comprise the Overlord Complete Pack, a bundle for $8.75 as a Steam Weekend Deal. I had been boycotting Overlord II on Steam, because Raising Hell never got a Steam release... until today, and the entire series was put on sale to boot! (For reference, I bought the pack because Raising Hell + Overlord II together would be $10 even with the sale prices).
  2. Ignoring the fact that you have to type PRIVMSG #ocrtf2 : before every message...
  3. Or you could just pay to register it. I figure that's only proper for a program that I've been using for 11 or more years.
  4. What I'm looking forward to the most in L4D2 is Versus-mode in which I don't spawn as Hunter 10 times in a row*. I'm terrible at jumping on people as Hunter, thus it's my worst infected. * This is not an exaggeration. I actually spawned as Hunter 10 times in a row in Death Toll map 1. I started keeping count once it happened four times in a row. The map ending is the only thing that stopped this.
  5. Versus mode is what I usually play when playing L4D1. It seems like I haven't been playing L4D that much recently. Then again, Valve has actually been doing stuff with TF2, plus L4D2 is only a week away...
  6. I just got stopped from starting TF2 by an update... but when the update finished it said it was a Left 4 Dead 2 update... I'm going to restart #2 and see if there really was a steam update (it'll auto-apply it if there is). Edit: Doesn't appear to be a TF2 update. No idea why the updater stopped me.
  7. So, I forget... which server were we going to rename Red and which Blue? Since Red is team #1 in the editor (and Blue is team #2), I think #1 should be Red and #2 Blue.
  8. #1 should no longer have any customs in any of its map changing features. Let me know if there are still problems, and which map comes up. P.S. This was after it was on swiftwater earlier today.
  9. I didn't think server 2 was configured to use the other copy yet.
  10. It's already been two months? Damn, I thought it was just a few hours ago.
  11. Slowly? The subscription on it ends in a few weeks, and I doubt Baha is going to renew it.
  12. Wouldn't IRC be better for this sort of thing? Also, FireSlash started some work a while back to separate the two servers' sourcemod installs. I'm going to finish this later this week; probably Wednesday, as I have the day off. I have a feeling that the merged sourcemod installs are the cause of our current rtv problems, possibly with the mapcycle too. P.S. OCR Old is now password locked. If you *really* want to log onto it, password is "ocrold".
  13. I'm generally available during the evenings on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. This week, I have Wednesday off of work (government holiday: Veterans Day), too, but still have class in the evening.
  14. It seems to have something to do with trying to run two servers from the same tf2 install. The server is configured to use mapcycle_server1.txt as its map cycle. This appears to work for a while, but then it goes off and does something completely random. rtv is supposed to draw from the current map cycle file, too. nominate draws from maplist.txt, shared between the two servers. This did get messed up yesterday (I think I uploaded an old version over the new one), but I fixed it this morning and restarted the server.
  15. No, I obviously don't care. I mean, just because I left the server several times yesterday in the middle of a game to see what's up with the mapcycle and mentioned in several posts in the last few pages that I was trying to figure out what was up with it.. You know what, screw it, I'll just leave it the way it is. I don't have time right now to waste debugging srcds for Valve or sourcemod for the Sourcemod team.
  16. I agree. At first I didn't think 30 HP was that big a deal, but it's the difference between being killed by one rocket versus being killed by two. However, I'm not arranging or participating in the scrims, I'm only configuring the server.
  17. In the scrim configuration, I've restricted Demoman to 0 on request. Not really, but wouldn't that be mean?
  18. On request, #2 will now have crits disabled in its scrim configuration. It also has an item whitelist that disables the Sandman... unfortunately, it may also disable the Gibus and Mildy Disturbing Halloween Mask, as neither are in item_whitelist_example.txt Also, you guys should come up with a map cycle for scrims. Edit: For whatever reason, the maplist got replaced by an old version sometime yesterday, which may explain the screwed up things we've been seeing.
  19. I'm not sure what's going on with the mapcycle on #1 right now. I've used the sm listmaps command and the mapcycle there is correct (the contents of mapcycle_server1.txt). I'll restart the server later to if that fixes it. P.S. The nominate list hasn't been changed and is identical between the two servers. It also appears to be auto-sorted alphabetically now.
  20. I usually just use "View update news" from the Steam Games screen, which doesn't show those for demos. Whoops.
  21. Does anyone know what today's Demo update was for? Demos don't have release notes like normal games do.
  22. It was changed to 3 a while back, as that's what most servers use. It's the whole Principle of Least Surprise thing.
  23. Except that, say, on Dustbowl, if one team manages to capture all 7 points across all 3 parts of the map in less than 15 minutes, there's a definite imbalance there. The last time I didn't scramble (on Dustbowl) when this happened, the other team barely managed to cap each point... as I recall, I ended up spycapping the three points we did take, and every one of them was at the last minute. er... when have I ever done this? On a totally unrelated note, capturing 3 times ends the round. I can only remember doing this once ever, and it was after two (!) team scrambles that appeared to have absolutely no effect.
  24. That depends on the time of day and day of week. Pretty sure we have more than enough people to fill a server and a half just in regulars on weekends. Exactly how much space do demos take?
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