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Everything posted by Powerlord

  1. Before I forget, I added koth_harvest_event as the default map for all 3 servers, as well as put it twice in rotation for each of them. Right now, no custom maps are present on #1 or #2, so #2 just has the stock rotation.
  2. There are some problems with something in addons on Old at the current moment. Until Sourcemod is fixed (or we track down the problem), addons are disabled on Old. Addons are working properly on #1 and #2... I'll be copying the addons folder from #1 to Old shortly. Reminder: OCR Old and OCR #1 are essentially identical. If one is full or doesn't work, try the other.
  3. I'm assuming the update hasn't gone live yet, since my client hasn't updated yet. P.S. Thanks Valve for making the sale during normal working hours so that those of us with day jobs couldn't take advantage of it. Ditto for the hat thing. P.P.S. Adding koth_harvest to the lineup probably won't help, as Valve will rename the map when they release it with the game. Most likely koth_harvest_final
  4. Actually, I was hoping I could import admins from the SourceMod config for use in the Web Admin part, but thanks for playing!
  5. Oh hey, I made the mistake of not writing down the u/p you sent me yesterday. Contact me when you get a chance. Anyway, I'm not sure how SourceBans integrates with SourceMod. It appears to keep its own Admin list, which would be extremely inconvenient.
  6. I'm not sure why everyone is commenting about 32-player servers, considering the new servers are already up and running and clearly show a maxplayers of 24 each.
  7. Mirrored! However, tonight's also the night the L4D2 early access demo comes out. I assume this would be the more serious server. Anyway, crits are in the game to help randomize it. Some weapons are more likely to crit than others, such as the eight standard melee weapons (nine minus the Spy's knife) having a default crit rate of 15-20%. Yes, your skill does affect the crit rate, but only by a maximum of 10% (whereas it was 15% when TF2 first launched).
  8. Unfortunately, Fireslash and I have some other stuff we want to set up (moving stats around, installing Sourcebans to coordinates bans between servers), but I need to do some setup on my end first... and I'm about to hit the sack. Oh, and what are good names for the servers? I control DNS for ocrtf2.com and can set them to anything. custom.ocrtf2.com ? spy.ocrtf2.com ?
  9. Updating now. Expect to see it on the server later tonight. I'll also replace cp_waste in rotation with the new version.
  10. I should correct this: it's what I do if I'm unsapping an exit when the other end is being sapped. An entrance, I'll stand on it to try to go through it while the Spy is resapping it.
  11. and this is why I stand back from teleporters when unsapping them.
  12. So, does anyone know how mp_maxrounds affects cp_dustbowl? Does it consider each stage a round, or just all three a round?
  13. People who pre-ordered can now preload the L4D2 demo so you have it when it launches on Tuesday.
  14. I use IRC all the time, just not on EnterTheGame's network because I don't like it. I take it that geolocation is disabled and/or not working in HLStatsX CE? Everyone appears as unknown country.
  15. I received word that Pav is working on setting up a server now. Edit: Old server is now up and running again.
  16. I haven't heard anything about Pavlvs server in a while. I was beginning to think it was never going to happen. I was beginning to think I'd have a new server capable of running TF2 first! Edit: The server console appears to be responding quickly again, restarting to see if the server is just stopped waiting for Steam or not. I'm also grabbing all the configuration files I can via FTP in case we have to do a server reinstall.
  17. Brushfire seems to think the server may be under a DDOS attack after kicking a problem user. I've restarted the server, but it's stopped at "Checking bootstrapper version ..." I'm going to file a bug report momentarily.
  18. I've heard the server is having issues right now. So is Gameservers control panel; I tried restarting the server and it doesn't appear to be restarting. Gameservers own control panel software appears to be having issues connecting to it as well. I'm going to attempt to stop the server in a moment.
  19. Nitpick: The ninth isn't really a change, is it? Still, it's a better visual cue as to which disguise a Spy is using than the current system.
  20. On a completely unrelated note (no, seriously): I know you guys are going to be really disappointed by this, but I bumped the votes required for a team scramble from 65% (17 votes (yes 17 rather than 16. No idea why.)) to 50% (12? votes).
  21. OM NOM NOM NOM <-- Sorry, Heavy Tank Missile Launcher (HTML) decided to eat your spaces.
  22. I was on the losing round that game, and I must say... ...if a roll like that happens again, I'm scrambling as soon as it resets back to round 1. This is in reference to the person who was bitching after the teams switched and the team that defended in the video steamrolled through all 3 stages for one of the shortest Dustbowl rounds I've ever seen. In fact, since we've had two rolls like this both on Dustbowl in the past week, I nominate Dustbowl for removal from the map cycle. (P.S. I was [OCR]The Cake is a Lie, playing Spy then Engineer on BLU in the previous videos. I'm also the person who capped point 1.)
  23. I've only had it happen 2-3 times... The ones I remember are Gravelpit point B and Dustbowl 3, Point A.
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