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Everything posted by Powerlord

  1. What kind of bandwidth are we talking about?
  2. Well, look at the bright side... there was only 10 people on the L4D2 list before I stole your copy... er... decided to get it, now there's 11. That's almost an entire group right there!
  3. Good, drama over? Excellent. So, how about those maps? Also: When this plugin is updated, will people need to download new versions of the files in the maps directory? Those don't appear to have version numbers, which could cause problems.
  4. Did you miss the giant purge of admins a few months back because certain admins tended to abuse their admin privileges? Also, to everyone else, I apologize for not being on lately. I've had a lot going on in my personal life (family, education, work) this week. The one day I knew I would be able to play, I lost connection to the server. My ISP also hasn't fixed my ping times. Or even called me back. Even now at 2:30am EDT, I have a ping of 150 to the server, when I used to have 30. However, they irritatingly close their customer service desk at 8pm EDT, and I have yet to have a free moment before then this week. Bahamut's not around much, and I've only been on the boards, so essentially FireSlash is running the show at the moment. I also finally got around to giving him the file mirror info, so he doesn't need me to take care of that end... should make it easier to update things.
  5. OK, done. I wouldn't have done it until morning, but I woke up and decided to use the computer for a bit.
  6. Super Admins (Group consists of Bahamut, Fireslash, and Powerlord) (Note: This group was only implemented last week) z Admins: abcdefghijkopqrstuv Reserved Slots: aboprstu
  7. I wasn't originally going to pre-order, but I'd be in for it if you have an open spot.
  8. I've disabled it at least for the moment. Should go into effect next map change.
  9. Er, yeah, whoops. I meant I disabled sudden death. Did I mention I tend to type the wrong thing sometimes if I'm in a hurry? That's a fair point. I don't know if it's been enabled on the server or not, I just made the files available on the file mirror, which is a prerequisite to running it on the server. Ooh, yay, not just a stack, but a double stack (nQa and ZuZ). Lovely. Oh wait, Ubel always team stacks with other ZuZ guys. So... any objections to reenabling the gScramble mod, but with a different config?
  10. Sorry, typoed. It's 20 minutes at present: mp_timelimit "20" mp_stalemate_enable "0"
  11. Probably because it sucks? Don't look at me, I just disabled stalemate on it. I don't know who set the time limit to 20 minutes, but I'm guessing it was done on August 17 at 12:03am (the last time hydro's config file was updated). Edit: Typo, 20 minutes.
  12. There is, but I was under the impression it's set high intentionally. It's currently set to 65%.
  13. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I can't stand Hydro. Yes, the Classless Update.
  14. That sounds suspiciously like work... Edit: Or not, seeing as how I only need to copy the fastdownload directory to the main file mirror. Done, but I haven't added the server component to the server.
  15. QFE I would go more into my own list of 5cp maps I like/dislike, but I'm a bit busy right now.
  16. Anyway, I gained access to the server again about an hour ago, and to the site sometime in the last 20 minutes. My ping times are still pretty high, though.
  17. So, apparently XO Communcations currently has a major fuckup in its routing. Unfortunately, my ISP routes all traffic through XO. Not only does any traffic I send to the TF2 server get "Request timed out" at, so does anything I try to send to ocremix.org Right now, I'm entering this message by proxying it through my own site. To put it short, I have no idea when I'll be back on the server. (Site note: Other sites that this happens to include thatguywiththeglasses.com, fmylife.com, notalwaysright.com, kongregate.com) Edit: There is a certain irony in this, according to the MaxMind IP Geolocation (City) DB, ocremix is hosted within 10 miles of where I live and even closer to where I work.
  18. It's kind of funny as a Spy with the Dead Ringer... it'll trigger the Dead Ringer effect, pushing you for a few seconds, then kill you outright. Either that or it just looked like it pushed me because I was laggy.
  19. Also, the bugs mentioned above were fixed in yesterday's updates. The other reason I didn't bump the other topic is that everyone else is talking about L4D in this one.
  20. So, not wanting to resurrect the old Left 4 Dead thread 10 pages down... Left 4 Dead (the original) is on sale this weekend on Steam. $14.99 (50% off) for a single copy, $44.99 for the 4-pack.
  21. I agree. I don't care for ctf_sawmill, but I like koth_sawmill (most of the time).
  22. I think you need 17/24... so yeah, ridiculous. There's probably a place to change it, but as I recall, Baha intentionally set it high.
  23. I haven't said anything either. I've been a bit busy, but I have been (kind of) following the topic.
  24. I'm beginning to think you have me confused with someone else, because while I do have a mic, I rarely talk. And rarely if I'm spectating, for the reasons outlined above. Perhaps you have me confused with Brushfire?
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