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Everything posted by Powerlord

  1. As a reminder, the Halloween event is still up until Monday, in case you still need the achievements/hats from it... old is now the 24/7 Harvest Event server. Oh, anyone know why #2 is set to scrim mode?
  2. ...and yet, people complain when I scramble. Captain Yahoo in particular bitches if there's a scramble when one side rolls the other in attack/defense maps. We get it from both sides. But yeah, I logged on just as it was leaving Gold Rush tonight and the score was ridiculous. And by leaving Gold Rush, I mean it went directly to the scorechart from the choose a team menu.
  3. Given that the second time I played the demo, the AI Directory actually spawned a Smoker up there (which is a damned good place for a smoker, actually), I figured the L4D1 peeps weren't really up there.
  4. Cashworks is extremely poorly optimized. I don't remember playing Aerospace before.
  5. If you preordered L4D2 and have TF2, you'll receive Bill's hat from L4D when you first die in TF2.
  6. Good idea. I started a new configuration for a scrim server (server2_scrim.cfg) and a startup script (tf2scrim_start) as well. Also, the deadchat plugin wasn't on the server. It is now.
  7. A few pages back, it was suggested that we remove all but a few of the maps from the server. Any suggestions as to which ones to keep? The complete list of maps we have available is here. Based on both my own thoughts and what we actually seem to play, here's what I think we should keep on the server: arena_harvest_v2 arena_starship_v1 cp_follower (I hate this map, but others seem to like it) cp_pacman_plus_wtf (the updated cp_pacman_wtf_party) cp_waste_v2 ctf_mach4 koth_garbage_day pl_dbheights_b5 pl_frontier pl_waste_v2
  8. If this were Wikipedia, I'd say [Citation needed], since the only official source I see still says the 2nd. However, there is a stealth update today, but no update notes for it yet...
  9. Server #2's config is now set for passwords and with mp_tournament on (assuming you guys wanted that). However, people are actually playing on it at the moment... only 2, so I'll wait a bit before restarting it.
  10. <sarcasm>Yay for not going to work because I have pink eye</sarcasm> Yeah, as I recall, the last day for the event is today. I was going to change the map list for #1 so that you can't nominate custom maps, but if you're going to be taking over #2 for other stuff, I may skip that for now. Also, there's a reason I've been referring to #2 as "Custom/Events" when talking to some people. P.S. I saw some people had changed #1 to be on koth_harvest_event earlier. I was all like "WTF?! We already have a 24/7 server for that!" P.P.S. I did some configuration changes on #2. The next time it changes maps or is restarted, these changes will go into effect: Alltalk is disabled. Teamtalk while dead is enabled. Maps are 30 minutes again by default. Map cycle is restored. Server description has been changed. MOTD has been changed. I have not enabled tournament/war mode or set a password... it's best to wait until actual scrim time for that, in case the server is restarted beforehand.
  11. I don't mean to be blunt, but I can see a potential conflict of interest with the current server arrangements and team stacking. Especially since I just left the server due to said team stacking because the game was extremely one-sided for several maps in a row.
  12. If you see #1 or #2 go down, FireSlash is working on separating out the configs for it, so we have separate sourcemod configurations for each server. He needs to restart them to make sure it's working.
  13. TF2 is on sale again today for $2.49 until 1:00pm PDT. That's about two and a half hours from now. Also, the new Allmaps file is finished. It's 929.2MB and includes all the custom maps currently on Old (soon to be on #2).
  14. I haven't locked the server, but I've changed the server name (well, it'll change on the next map load to fix a mistake on my part). Also, the old server will throw a center message every 6 minutes about this server closing and to visit #1 (well, it has the addresses in it). The message is every 6 minutes because it alternates between that message and one for the 24/7 Harvest Event thingy on #2. As I recall, it was for some Pyro thing. I just assume it was something that was slowing things down, as it was right after a map reload to fix a missing plugin on harvest event, but harvest event already tends to lag badly on map change...
  15. Oh yeah, they probably aren't active yet, but I'd added two subdomains for #2: harvest.ocrtf2.com custom.ocrtf2.com I'll probably add old.ocrtf2.com for the old server, too.
  16. OK, I did that instead, it'll go into effect when FireSlash restarts the server when he's done. As far as I know, there are only two hats new to this update.
  17. I'm playing around with server configs on #2 right now, so don't be surprised if it comes up and goes back down. Edit: Now that I'm done messing around with #2's config, FireSlash is going to mess around with it. Changes: #1: koth_harvest_event is nowhere in #1's cycle now. koth_harvest_final has been added halfway down the mapcycle. #2: 24/7 koth_havest_event. Map is set to last 900 minutes. It's also the only map in the cycle.
  18. I fixed the two new servers not having their hostnames set properly, but for whatever reason, tags are being included in the server names. No clue why.
  19. Yes. That will drop down to two when the third one's payment period ends near the end of November. Unless Bahamut can cancel that server early, that is.
  20. For those of you who hate downloading maps one by one, I'm generating a new allmaps 7z file. I'll post the url to it when it's done.
  21. No clue. #2 hasn't been that active. I know if you connect to ocrtf2.com it should now go to #1. Old is still out there as well, and I reset it while you were on it last night to bring addons/stats back online.
  22. It's on the rotation on all 3 servers. Actually, I vote we switch #2 or Old over to running 24/7 koth_harvest_event for the weekend! P.S. New servers should show up with the correct names shortly. I haven't restarted them, but next map change *should* do it.
  23. Sometime today, I'm going to upload the latest versions of cp_pacman_wtf to the server. They're named cp_pacman_reg_wtf and cp_pacman_plus_wtf now, which replace normal and party respectively. Edit: Also, I somehow managed to get pink eye in my left eye, so if my tf2ing seems a bit off today, that may be why.
  24. There appears to be a bug in the new servers that's causing them to not get their names set correctly. In fact, I have no idea where it it getting them from.
  25. (or ocrtf2.com) & Edit: Addons should now be enabled on Old.
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