I'd just like to note that this applies solely to group PvP. When stuck either alone in the world or even in a large battle without more than one other group member paying attention to their situation and helping them out, Hunters are pretty much fucked PvP-wise (unless, of course, they get the jump on the enemy and know how to keep that advantage on their side, but that applies to nearly any class). I mean, sure, Hunters can rack up the second-most HKs and CPs or sway that Battlegrounds match more than any other class next to Mages, but seriously, Hunters have very few options for controlling a one-on-one fight successfully, even specced Marks/Survival with Imp. ConcShot/WingClip, Scattershot, and Counterattack.
I'm slightly happy with the new talent trees, but in my opinion they really haven't changed very much. The only real difference is that new Survival talents will make it longer and more tedious to kill Hunters (although most of them won't help the Hunters keep control of a fight and, you know, survive in the long run) and a BM build just might be possible to use in PvP now (although I'm not going to waste a re-spec testing out just how viable that build is).
hunters CAN kite very well, its just a lot harder to do than mages. I (as an enhancement shaman) totally WTFPWN hunters that make minimal efforts to kite, because i just run up and smash them to a pulp. however, with some hunters I only get one or two hits at most, and die a very, very frustrating death. im not saying its easy, but it is most definatley doable