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Everything posted by zykO

  1. i'm with shariq; tricky decision on one hand, it sounds organic, real and human. you know that means i love it. on the other hand, even i can play the guitar tighter than that and my playing is as tight pamela anderson. the surf guitar playing is too amateur even by my standards. unless you've been playing for a couple of monthes (doesn't sound like it), a few extra practice runs could have eliminated some of these timing issues. and this is coming from the biggest proponent of sloppy guitar playing that you'll get on this panel. still the lo-fi (god, i hate that term) element is a total win and this is an A+ in any fan's book. the arrangement isn't really too impressive as it lumps different themes behind each other without much cohesion. however, i could rock this thing all day because the energy in it is alive as fuck and that ultimately trumps all the timing issues; if must be, we'll request a re-sub, but i'm willing to accept it as is. YES
  2. hmm, i don't see why the repetition is a problem. some music works BECAUSE it's repetitive (has anybody really knocked ravel's bolero for repeating the same alternating parts for 13 minutes?) and this one definetly works - it has "x factor" personality to it and that has to count for somethin, right? the vibe is killer... i'm entranced by it; it has such a transporting element to it and while it isn't the singly most impressive example of instrumentation, it has just enough texture to work. it really carries itself on its groove and its ambient feel. this could be listened to for a loooong time. i just think the repetition is too much of a stylistic issue to drop the track solely upon. very solid SOC work YES
  3. wow, one of my favorite games on the genesis. i remember when this came out and how, for its time, innovative it was as a fighter game. jetta was smokin, too the only that bothers me in the track is the snare although it isn't the volume of the snare that irks me as it has other judges... i don't like the tone of it. the kit sounds like an acoustic drum soundfont that i have... i've struggled much with that snare so if it is the same, i won't blame you for not being able to get any more meat out of it as there isn't really much there to begin with but really, a mix where the only drawback is the snare can't really have that much to pick apart. the arrangement is spot on (excellent union of themes), excellent chip synth parts, and all in all, rockin stuff you've got. also, 1.45 - 2.00 is tits. YES
  4. i got on a good roll and ripped out the finishing touches to get it out the lab. i'm shocked that the album took as much as a year when i usually will have an album wrapped up in a month or two at most. but thanking a several-monthes-long computer failure for forcing me to take a longer time assessing the material isn't so farfetched cuz it appears to have done the trick. in spite of all that time dedicated to editing and revision, i still left in there a hefty, solid amount of errors and funky, unorthodox production to keep it as zyko as possible. so, definitely expect the usual untuned guitars, boring drums, overbearing bass, weird vocals, and general chaos =) Circumstantial Zen 1. Something wicked… 2. I must Believe 3. Everything you’d Expect of a Hero 4. Something about Laughter 5. Remember me? 6. Patience in Love 7. Some kind of Luck 8. The Dangerous Things 9. Lady in Dreams 10. My last goodbye to You 11. Dreaming of Time Travel (is a dangerous thing) 12. … this way comes or: http://www.zykomazika.com/zykO%20-%20Ci … %20Zen.rar dig it.
  5. it is disappointing that there is any sort of argument in this thread about anything at all no matter the relevance - rather than bickering about how you'll pay him tribute, everybody tribute him in your own way and get on with it. arguing amongst yourselves on a thread dedicated to his passing is trite. please pay your respects with dignity rest in peace, reuben, it is a tragic loss to the world that someone as multi-talented as you is no longer with us. in peace
  6. happy thanksgiving!!! footbaalll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. i really dont know any other way to say it but i don't hear what you hear. literally i don't mean that figuratively =) i'm most probably tone deaf, tuning-blind and i kinda make all my music like that. i'm not going to take an auto tune to it... that's like saying you're gonna slap a hemi on a mini cooper. it is what it is and if it doesn't pass, it doesn't pass i have plenty more where that came from =) oh yea, the source files are all gone. so a resubmit isn't likely. and the transition at 3.11 is intentional.. come on y'all, its me
  8. been listening to this for almost half an hour. don't know what to tell you. i dig it. there are some really good ideas, especially at the beginning ... very smooth. however, the instrumentation gets progressively weaker and has some really harsh textures. the chillness of the intro becomes lost i am more entertained than i am impressed. NO
  9. holy hell, this is good. the intro was not boring but it was not engaging either and i didn't know how i'd feel about the piece. then it got going and i was blown the fuck away. then i listened to the intro again knowing what came after it and the intro was fucking incredibly cool. nice. the instrument balance is fantastic; excellent choice, excellent phrasing. i don't like how distant the guitar sounds at times. very awkward in the soundfield but REALLY too insignificant to even warrant mention. i don't even know why i'm still talking YES
  10. scott are you fucking serious? just for the record, i love this (as i do most soc work). but don't submit this to ocremix, knucklehead. love you, brother
  11. i gotta agree that the arrangement isn't so strong to the point it can carry the track on its own. the playing is emotive and i'll give it that. there's still some work than needs to be done on the strings backing the piano at times when they clash really bad with the piano. there are timing issues on the piano playing that while humanize the part also stand exposed because of how loud and front and center they are. if they sat back into the strings more, the mistakes won't be as glaring. truth is, i really do enjoy this track. it is beautifully sorrowful yet lifting. i would listen to this driving along the california coast during a sunset with a joint and i am not being funny when i say that. but there are too many factors that don't pass it here and think of it this way: you've really already got the most important part of this piece down and that's the emotional side of it. now you just gotta work on the cerebral one. NO
  12. wow what the hell on one hand, this track is ferociously chill... missing a few parts of the soundfield that make it sound hollow and a little TOO SPACIOUUUSSS... but chill on the other hand, i'm not sure where this is going. like brother vig pointed out, it does jump, seemingly at least, independent of purpose and as a result doesn't make sense as a musical unit... and this is coming from somebody who's been hospitalized for medleyitis. the ending too. very indicative - the musical ideas just... run out. if you dedicated to a centralized theme or destination and took advantage of your ability to chill your audience out that you displayed in the first theme you tackled in the arrangement, you'd have a winner. as it stands now, however, i'm afraid you don't NO
  13. i echo brother BGC. my loss for not hearing these sooner. part II is even more exciting than part I. the mood is a killer setting and i'm a sucker for that kind of thing. add to that an unusually subtle dynamic beneath it all and you're actually still moving the audience even in the calm. very clever. the two of these tracks looped together provide a great storytelling experience, truth be told. you know what you're doing and i wish you the best of luck with your professional career! YES
  14. i think i'm gonna pretty much end up repeating what everybody else has been saying nice idea - the source is awesome and one of the great old school blizzard themes. your arrangement idea is very clever but that is where it sort of drops off. for one, the instruments don't sit very well together... primarily the piano and the deep, aggressive strings. the piano is at times, really, all over the place and can be distracting from the movement of the piece. in fact, the piece also could use some rhythm to it to help move it along and drive it. the overall thing is great but it is hard not to notice the missing tightness. this needs more work but is not really that far from where it needs to be... NO
  15. oh ok marathon music is, indeed, very similar to halo music and you definetly got the style down. this is an engaging piece through out... almost in a subtle, exploratory way. the violins are key to this as i think they bring on the sensation of movement. i'm impressed with your ability to seamlessly bridge one source into the other. excellent. i hear something that a lot of people will enjoy to hear. YES
  16. hmm i agree, the piano is special. the oboe is kinda far back but i like it there. the tone of the piece is sorrowful and introspective... it does not carry up-energy but carries plenty of down-energy. there's a phenomenal amount of writing here that is terrific. i really like that somber, lumbering piano. the oboe is not the most realistic oboe in the world but it is far from the worst i've heard. it's clear to me where the dilemna in passing this is; the issue is in the muddy, soaked production. it sounds like it is douzed in swamp puss. the conflict exists because on one hand, that's so fitting and in a way, kinda perfect... on the other hand, it sounds really iffy and amateurish. my decision will ultimately be based on the fact that the ending works very very well. the reason it sounds that way to me is because the muddy, drabbiness of that section is, in fact, perfect as it totally sums up the piece. but even more importantly, and the reason i'm giving it a yes, is that it validates the rest of the piece sounding that way. reminds me a lot, in essence and feel, of Disturbed's Nostalgia (Dreams Forgotten) YES
  17. wow, thanks for the comments! i was afraid i had rushed through this track too quickly as it was finished in less time than i am even accustomed to. a few comments: the piece arranges actually only one theme from the game... it is the midna theme that is reiterated several times as different songs throughout the OST... rather than remix any particular incarnation of it, i focused on the character midna instead... yielding what you hear the percussion is live! i don't think i have the patience to sequence realistic hand percussion, to be honest... i am a very impatient drum sequencer. yes harmony, that is a doumbek... in egypt we call it a tabla but (and there is an epic, years-spanning debate between virt and i concerning this) that is an invalid moniker. sometimes, it is also referred to as a darabuka (i believe doumbek is the more specifically turkish nomenclature) not sure if taucer meant that it was a medley because it surely isn't... it only reiterates the same short thematic phrase over and over again a hundred times hehe. snappleman, i'm sure he was referring to the stop and go nature of the track which, as you know, is pretty much my calling card. disjointed only remotely begins to describe everything about my music and i =)
  18. my favorite track off the EP, by far and that is saying a lot as i love all my fellow bad dudes and their mazika very very much. but my homie, mr. getman, knows how to get funky better than anyone and this is the usual refined, brilliant chaos. this is wicked as hell. i'm not familiar with psyhonauts at all but after listening to this, i think i wanna play it. spy hunter was nuts. the musicianship, the intensity, the artistry. YES
  19. http://www.zykomazika.com/Final_Fantasy_III_Keep_out_the_Veldt_OC_Remix.mp3 updated =)
  20. The Bad Dudes are back with another EP just in time for halloween. Get y'all fright on, kids ZOMBIES ROCKED MY NEIGHBORS featuring: Diggi Dis JigginJonT Kunal Mazedude Mustin Tim Sheehy zyko dig it
  21. haha great no, this is not really oil ocean. but this is really freakin good. i'm absolutely in love with this mix but i really wonder how you could say this is oil ocean at all... there is a very distinct melody to the source (i listened to that game's soundtrack religiously for about two years of my life and i can hear oil ocean AN?YWHERE and incidentally, i "hear" it here... but the question ought not be whether we hear it or not... but rather should we consider THAT as "hearing it.") only the vocals do anything remotely similar to sonic or oil ocean as it does something like the main melody but still nothing like it. perhaps to some, any combination of notes on the arabian scale sounds the same but there is too little oil ocean in that lead. i can see this track spiraling into an ocarina boogie type of scenario where the art of interpretation divides the panel and causes a fiasco as to the integrity of our opinions. however, i'm pretty sure we can all agree that being this borderline usually is wisest given the axe outright. your track has groove, personality, artistry and a worldly beauty to it. however it walks a very thin and indiscernable line between arrangement and non-arrangement. sorry. no
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