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Posts posted by AMT

  1. To do slides in the piano roll in FL, make a note where you want the slide to start at the pitch you want it to start at, and make it long enough to cover the entire slide. This is a normal note, not the slide one. Now, click the slide note thingie (The little triangle in the corner) and place it at the pitch you want it to slide to. Make sure the slide is before the previous note ends. The slide starts when it hits the slide note and how fast it slides there is determined by how long the actual slide note is. Sorry if my wording is a little confusing.

    Also, there's a forum specifically for FL Studio questions, so this probably should have gone there.

  2. Jet Grind Radio! Play it. It doesn't have the most polished gameplay in the world, but it's still a ton of fun, and also one of the best looking Dreamcast games out there. Awesome soundtrack, awesome style, just all around really worth playing.

  3. Oh awesome, these sound great! I absolutely loved the music in the previous UT games, and it sounds like this one isn't going to dissapoint in that aspect. The ONS1 mix and the menu sound great so far, not too different from the originals, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. I can't wait to hear the rest.

  4. From my experience, GM7 is going to be your best bet. It's a bit slow starting off learning to program and the like, but if you're going to pursue this further, GM is the way to go, as a huge amount of the stuff you learn will later apply to C++ and the like. MMF is a bit simpler, but has a pretty different way of doing things. GM7 is really powerful and you can make some awesome stuff. I have plenty of experience with it, so if you have any questions, shoot me a PM!

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