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Posts posted by AMT

  1. Ok, the first 30 seconds is just noise, really. I can't make out anything except a few inklings of Green Brinstar. After that it picks up a bit and I really like the instrumentation, but it's really muddy. Try using a lowpass filter on some of that stuff. It kinda looses momentum after that, until the synth at 1:20ish picks up, which sounds pretty cool, but again, it's crazy muddy. Get rid of some instruments / pads that you don't need by that point. The more tracks you add, the harder it is to balance them, so keep it down to only a few and make the most out of those. The wierd piano section after that is pretty gross sounding, and I really can't make out much more after that except what sounds like someone looking for Spore Spawn in the biggest cave imaginable. The easiest way to learn to improve your mixing is probably going to be to pick a style and stick with it for a bit. Make as many songs in that style as it takes until you can get the mixing down pat, and you know what to listen for. Then start expanding it to incorporate different elements and the like. What works for trance could sound abysmal for orchestral or metal. Keep working on this, and maybe try and go for a more conventional style instead of trying to be really original. If you can get that down, then you can move on to more interesting stuff.

  2. Saw this today and wow, I thought it was an amazing movie. The story wasn't anything amazing, but the presentation was fantastic, and there were some pretty awesome moments throughout. I highly reccomend it.

  3. I'll agree that 2D gaming is in a bit of a decline, but it's by no means dead. The Megaman Zero series was fantastic, and ZX seems to be continuing a similar level of quality. I really really hope there's another 2D Metroid though, because the 3D ones just aren't the same. Even so, there are still some great 2D games that have been coming out, like Contra 4, the DS Castlevanias, and that one Chrono Trigger looking RPG, for example. Sure, there could definitely be more, but it's something.

  4. Hey, can you use a Electronic Keyboard (With a MIDI output, of course), to enter MIDI notes and stuff in REAPER?

    Yup! Once it's connected and everything is installed correctly (This depends on your specific keyboard, I'll just outline what to do in REAPER), open up REAPER and go to Options > Preferences > Midi Devices. Right click on your keyboard and select "Enable." Now add a new track, and give it a VSTi of some sort (ReaSynth works for testing). Click the "R" button to arm the track for recording; a VU meter should show up on the track, and something like "Input 1," or the name of your audio capture device will be on it. Right click the VU meter, go down to MIDI inputs, and select the device you just enabled. "All Channels" or "Channel 1" should work. Now, click the little speaker icon that's on the left of the VU meter to turn on input monitoring. Now, when you play something on your keyboard, you should hear it. You can now record input from it as well. If there's a large delay between pushing a key and hearing something, it's because of the latency settings of your audio device. Use the button in the far upper right to configure this, try setting a lower buffer size.

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