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Posts posted by AMT

  1. I don't have any actual tutorials, but here's how I do it. There might be a more efficient way, but this works for me, so, yeah.

    -First, you'll need a seperate track for each sample. In the FX > VSTi category, put a ReaSampl0matic5000 on each track. Select the wav file of the sample you're going to use for each one (Kick, Snare, etc, you should be able to find some pretty decent samples, if not just ask) and make sure the drop down menu is set to Sample and not Note. Then on the top menu bar go to Insert > New MIDI Item... and double click on what was added to go to a piano roll editor. Now just click in there to place your samples where you want them for that channel. Make a MIDI track for each one and you're in business. Since playing them from a MIDI track like that can be kind of resource heavy, if you need to speed it up a bit, right click the track you made and select "Apply FX As New Take (Mono)". Then remove the ReaSampl0matic5000 and you have an actual wav file of the drum track. If you have any more questions or need help, just ask!

    EDIT: Oh yeah, a quick note; I think I read elsewhere that you're using Audacity for this right now. I'd highly recommend switching over to REAPER entirely, as it can do recording as well, on top of a lot of other stuff. I used to use Audacity as well, but I moved over to REAPER entirely, and it works fantastically.

    EDIT 2: One more thing, I heard your "New Mix" version you posted in the Remixing forum. It's sounding a bit better, but I can't tell if there's a bass there or not or what. If there is, it definitely needs some sort of work, and if there isn't one, you could use one =P. If you want live bass, just PM me, I'd be happy to record something for you. The mixing on the rest of the instruments is starting to sound better; with drums and bass, I think you've got a pretty good sound on your hands.

  2. Just beat the third healthbar'd boss (first boss on Bryyo) and all I have to say is wow. This totally trumped my expectations so far, and I can't wait to see the rest of this game. If anyone reading this has a Wii and no Prime 3, they need to fix that. Like, now.

  3. Awww why not? Reverb is cool.

    Reverb on everything makes it really muddy, especially on bassy stuff. Using reverb in just the right spots can definitely sound great (Why else would we use it?) but it's far from a "just slap it on everything to make it sound good" effect. Treating any effect like that isn't going to sound good at all.

    As far as the mix, I'm really really liking the newest version. The reverb actually isn't THAT bad, but I'm on headphones right now. Tone it down some regardless, but don't ditch it completely. This newest one could easily go into the electric guitar thing you had going in the first recording with a clever transition, and it'd sound awesome. The mixing isn't as bad as you said it is, but it's not perfect. There's not much high end, and the bassline could be brought out a tad more. If there's any reverb on it (I can't quite tell), you should tone it down or take it off. Here are a few tutorials on mixing that really helped me out:



    Also, as far as percussion goes, look into using REAPER. It's an awesome little program, and you can sequence drums in that. You should be able to do it fine with the sound card you have, I'm using the integrated one in my laptop and it works great. The sound card quality mainly comes into play when you're recording, as far as I know. Don't take everything I said here as totally 100% accurate advice, I'm far from knowing exactly what I'm talking about, so, yeah. Keep working on this mix, you've got a great start so far!

  4. Awesome, thanks for the quick reply! It's a live electric guitar, sometimes I use distortion, sometimes not. To test I just quick recorded in REAPER, peaks at about -11db with no processing at all. Same with live bass. Drums are for more rock / real sounding songs, as opposed to electronic and that stuff. I'm just using samples / soundfonts (Ken Ardency Drums among others). Is that enough information? Thanks!

    EDIT: Listening back to what I've been working on, it's mainly the drums (Particularly kicks) and overdriven guitar I'm having trouble mastering. The kicks are either impossible to hear, clip, or have absolutely no bass to them, and the song always sounds too empty when I'm trying to use the overdriven guitar, like something is missing from it. I guess my real problem is I can't seem to get a "full" sound out of drums, a bass, and two guitar recordings. Any tips?

  5. Alright, so it's come to my attention while trying to make a few songs that I am terrible at mastering anything. I can tell it sounds totally off, I just can't seem to fix it. So, I have a few questions to clarify some stuff, and any other suggestions people have would be awesome:

    -About how often should EQ be used? Right now I have some pretty heavy EQing on almost every track (+-6db). Should I leave EQ alone for the most part unless something sounds muddy or is drowning another instrument out?

    -Compression is a strange one to me too. Just to point me in the right direction, what are some common levels to set, say, recorded guitar at? Drums? If these are too general, would it be too much to ask for a before-after example with the levels you used? I heard the one in zircon's tutorial, but a few more would help a lot I think.

    If you can help with either of these, or just have some general advice, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!

  6. I've listened to this song almost every time I come on this forum, and I still can't place my finger on what it is that it needs. A suggestion would be to tone down the lower frequencies on the Sound Stone melody instrument you've got in there, it gets a tad muddy, but I really don't know what else to suggest. Someone else who knows better than I could probably give you much better advice. Awesome job so far though, I'm really liking this.

  7. Arrangement wise I'm really liking this so far. The thing that sticks out most to me that you could fix is giving the bass a bit more oomph; I could be wrong, but I think it'd sound a lot better with the low end boosted a bit. You could maybe go with a different sample for it too, but that's up to you. Other than that I'm not really sure what to suggest, the new part sounds pretty good. Looking forward to hearing more!

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