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Darth Lime

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Posts posted by Darth Lime

  1. You know the saying "beauty is in the eye of the beholder"? The same is true about violence in any form, whether its books, movies, video games, television shows, etc.

    I view violence in games as a good thing. Some games are good without it, but after a while of not killing anything, its nice to pop in God of War and slice up some mythological creatures.

    This just popped up into my head. You notice how politicians only go after games with human-on-human violence? EX: Grand Theft Auto, Postal 2, Manhunt, Bully. Why not God of War or any other game of the sort? Because mythology and fantasy isn't real and 3D rendered humans in an imaginary location are?

    If you have seen Michael Moore's "Bowling for Columbine", it shows that the American society is such where we have violence everyday. But why pick on video games?

    There is something violent happening right now, as you and I read this. Someone is getting stabbed, some house is being broken into and the owner is beaten an inch to death, theres a car accident with 2 or 3 fatalities. And yet the politicians choose to go after games.

    Please find any faults in my post, as I just woke up and this is "wake up anger" release.

  2. lulz. I attempted this thread back on the old forums, before the switch.

    Jack of Blades from Fable. Easy to beat when you use multi-strike.

    I have to agree with Bowser in SMB1.

    The Rival in the Pokemon series. If you know the weaknesses, then its cake.

  3. This is a serious thread. So many bad artists get listened to everyday (mainstream music, I'm talking to you), whereas good artists are so far underground, they can't get their stuff out because it isn't made with the latest software or instrument or what-have you.

    Edit: Then again, some mainstream artists are good because of skill and talent. Just look at my last.fm player. :D

  4. Tom? You gotta come out of the closest, ohmygod.

    Watched that episode in my psychology class. We are doing the Werther effect and the effects of cults. Very interesting. As was the episode :D

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