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Darth Lime

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Posts posted by Darth Lime

  1. as of 4:25 EST today, i got engaged =)

    so, today was the second anniversary of me meeting her. so, we were talking about that on the way back to my room, and she mentioned that she had just gotten a late valentines day gift for me (a book). i said i had something for her too, and she had to close her eyes and hold out her hands. she did, and i put the ring on her finger and asked, "will you marry me?"

    she was so totally surprised, and said yes (of course). so, now i'm engaged. OCR meetup before/at my wedding (NOT AFTER), sometime in summer of '08.

    i'd post a picture, but i don't have any good ones uploaded right now.


    Win. You are a lucky man. Congratulations and may it last forever.
  2. Sonic Adventure 2: Battle for Gamecube is the saddest excuse for a Sonic game ever. The voice acting is horrible, graphics are ok, gameplay is choppy at times. Sonic used to be this awesome character. His games were so fast paced and it felt good from playing Super Mario. But now, they are horrible. Please, make a better Sonic.

    Whoa. What did I write? I'm to out of it to know whats going on.

  3. Why do people like this thing so much dammit. It's fucking archaic as far as RPGs go now a days, but still too young to have any nostalgia to allow it to be remade like FF4 or 3. Plus if it's coming out somewhere it's on the freaking PSP. It's practically decided already, everyone knows it'll come out sooner of later, it's just a matter of when, not if.
  4. Personally, I like them just the way they are. The lyrics just kind of dilute the whole "video-game" background music aspect that has come to make this site one of a kind. Yes, the sites mission is to show that the music isn't just background noise. But making the song sound better by remixing shows that the music sounds good any way. I just don't like lyrics cause they usually are pretty bad and (no offense) the singing is pretty bad.

    Just my two cents.

  5. untitledhv8.png

    Can is not an adjective. It doesn't describe a person, place, or thing. Can is an auxiliary verb, meaning "to be able to."



    On a serious note, pretty good stuff. Educational games are making a comeback, with BrainAge and Big Brain Academy for the DS. I would love to see this one out for the DS. I would to be able to correctly find verbs just by reading a road sign or in a excerpt from my textbook. Good job.

  6. I like it.

    Also, I'm composing a list of 100 things I want to do before 2010.

    My continued favourite on it is 'give a girl a haircut'.

    If all goes according to plan it should be up on my site in a few hours. Or I might go to the pub and see if I can't get a girl to kiss me at 12.

    LAOS, you never cease to ammuse me. Heres hoping you still as witty as ever in 2007....... Now where are the smileys when I need em?
  7. Videogames are "fun" because you enter a realm where you can escape the pressures of "the real world" and enjoy a fantasic RPG or an exciting shooter or a pedal-to-the-metal race.

    They are fun because it pleasures the brain by releasing endorphins. That makes us feel good.

    Also, as many have said, they make us feel on top of the world, the king of kings, the almighty, the superior. I get this feeling when playing violent games such as God of War and Postal 2.

    Not saying I am a violent person or not. I enjoy RPGs as much as the next guy but most of the time, I end up frustrated. But when I overcome an obstacle in my way, I celebrate. Beating a mission on Tony Hawks American Wasteland made me very happy. Slaughtering hundreds of Hades' undead soldiers and ripping of harpy wings in God of War makes me grin with anger. Games are fun to some, annoying to others and degrading to some politic ians. It our job as gamers to dispell those hateful remarks and show that games are more than just evil and vile things but joyous and wonderful creations that entertains you and helps hand-eye coordination.

    /end rant

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