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Everything posted by supremespleen

  1. This is really awesome. Now I just need to find the OST.
  2. This is quite a fun mix. Almost makes me want to get up and dance. Wait- I already am.
  3. The beach. No no, you're confused. That was like a week ago. She was back. Unless...she didn't go to the beach..AGAIN, did she? oh. Yeah, it's summer time is all wobbly for me. Like space jello.
  4. Starfox mixes are great. DJP mixes are great. DJP Starfox mixes are the best.
  5. The start of the song was a little weird. But it got better really fast. The crashing piano in the 1:40s was great, and the guiro was really fun. This mix is going to have a special place in my playlist.
  6. This is a very pretty remix. I've never heard the source material, but now I think I may have to get a copy of it.
  7. Man, I'm mean to this clan! Yeah. I've noticed.
  8. Wow. Tonight was fun mostly, but there was a lot of animosity between Icy and Lazy. Seemed like Icy was freaking out over nothing. It's a game, you gotta settle down. If you care so much about your level, don't play with us.
  9. You will join us.
  10. Videos? What? Where? EDIT: I haven't been on cos I've been playing KOTOR. Damn addicting that game is.
  11. I'mma try to be on.
  12. Ahahahaha. He does that. Funny how his story was totally different.
  13. Hey, who booted Xela? Ha, what'd he do?
  14. PICKMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEME! Hahaha. I haven't been on in awhile. I'll be on a lot once I'm done with finals. Wes, I like the ones with the ranks, but they're kinda pointless since we've only a couple staff and one overlord. It might be cool if we had usernames there. Anyway, I'm ready to put these in my sig.
  15. Might be better with white text. I liked it with the plain transparent background too.
  16. Ooh. I like it that way. Maybe white letters though.
  17. Mr. Red, I like it. The headphones seem hard to see. It might be a little big.
  18. Oohhh, I want a badge!!!
  19. Annnnnd, I'm still not allowed on after nine. <sob> (nice reference)
  20. I know Xela, I'll send him one today.
  21. Yay! Welcome aboard.
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