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Everything posted by supremespleen

  1. I'll seed. Maybe give seeders access to the torrent early? That way, some people will be seeding when the project is released.
  2. I think there is. Check around DeviantArt.
  3. That is probably the sexiest website I've ever seen.
  4. Boy, if this could be run within the BOINC client, I'd love contribute. But I'd rather not have BOINC running seti@home and einstein@home and the standalone folding@home.
  5. It's not so hot, so I won't be offended if you don't use it.
  6. Also posted in the unmod sig thread.
  7. Heyyyyy kids. Wanna see a dead body?
  8. Wow, I've actually heard this one before. I think Blad posted it in a thread where people were showing off their live music skills. I loved it then and I loved it now. When I first got it, this song sat in my walkman for many moons. I think it's time to stick it in there again. Glad to see this is finally on OCR!
  9. Alright, I'm working on something. Thanks a lot.
  10. Also posted in the unmod sig thread: Request: A sig featuring Falco Lombardi, SSBM era. I'd like the sig to be kind of dark and gritty. Maybe even film noirish. Thanks.
  11. From... MOTHER RUSSIA?That's cool.
  12. I might want to dust off my xbox just to play with neminem.
  13. omg tis YOU! *slaps* where have you been ;_; I messed up my headset, and haven't really felt like putting it back together. And now I'm wayyyyyy out of practice, so I suck more than usual. a messed up headset is no reason to leave me in the dark like that ;_; (it's fun to bicker like a married couple ^^) AND I'M PREGNANT WITH SOMEONE ELSES CHILD
  14. omg tis YOU! *slaps* where have you been ;_; I messed up my headset, and haven't really felt like putting it back together. And now I'm wayyyyyy out of practice, so I suck more than usual.
  15. I do, supremespleen. Yesssssss. And Deej... I'm supremespleen. Duhhh.
  16. Wow. I forgot about Halo. I bet you guys miss me. Right? right?
  17. Maybe you should carry some XX or XXX's. For the fat people.
  18. Not too bad. Maybe if they were slower, a tiny bit smaller and didn't go so straight. Really nice sprites though. I'd like a bit of movement in the sig. Anyone up to fixing Redshadow's edit up a bit? I tried a little something but I'm still a n00b at animated gif... I added a background to better show the snow storm effect thingy. That's hotness. I'm gonna alternate between you and Hulks effort. Thanks to you both!
  19. From unmod. Not too bad. Maybe if they were slower, a tiny bit smaller and didn't go so straight. Really nice sprites though. I'd like a bit of movement in the sig. Anyone up to fixing Redshadow's edit up a bit?
  20. bump. Also, I fear I'm gonna have to drop out. I have way too much going on this school year.
  21. You guys are still playing? Shucks, I should fix my headset.
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