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Everything posted by supremespleen

  1. Not me. I burnt disc one with Nero.
  2. I'm torrenting this thing, expect a full review sometime tomorrow.
  3. Hm. I will do my best with Link, but I may need some assistance.
  4. The link pic you posted was called by me sir. I'm not doing WW though.
  5. My aim: then spleen said I'm typically on aim more in the evening... 7-11 PM central. However, I live it up and away most of the day. I think it would be good if people "claim" three or so characters at a time. If it's okay with you, I'll claim: Mascot 1: Link(Ocarina Art) Mascot 5: Mario(64 Art w/ wingcap) Mascot 25: SSBM Bowser I'll follow the outline you gave. Then maybe if I notice any issues, I'll let you know about them. I might have trouble with some of the linking things though. And since we're going to stick this bugger into the message board as topics, should I just type it into here or copy from word?
  6. Luna=luna is cool, but I prefer Yooj. It's pretty and the music owns.
  7. Take your Xbox up into his room and play it there, since he doesn't seem to want to do it. Clever.
  8. So. I'm listening to my first show ever. The intro gave me chills.
  9. I'd like to do some Nintendo characters.
  10. Well, I went through 37 gigs of video last night and found the three matches you were in Spleen! Ipicked the rocketball match on collosus out of the three. So I am currently uploading that right now and it will be done in about 4 hours. If any one else has a request just ask. Since the older vids are so big in size I probably won't post many more of those unless some one requests them. well, off to work...w00t -.- O, and this link here is where you can view all the files I have uploaded. I'll leave it in my profile so now you can just go there yourself and check which ones you wish to download. adios! Dmanit. Forgot to post the actual link: http://hosted.filefront.com/LazyLeaf Thanks!
  11. I could write some bios. I think the best way is to divide it up so people write for characters they know. Dibs on some Ninty characters.
  12. I think moving this stuff to GenDisc would be a good idea. And sorry, next time I'll PM the stuff.
  13. How come someone hasn't given Lazy Staff?
  14. Any of 'em have me in it? I know one night did, but I don't know which one. If someone could point me in the direction of the one that I'm in I'd be eternally grateful.
  15. I quit this evening. It got to the point where only two people in the room were in the clan. The rest were prepubescent scuzzballs.
  16. I know the feeling.
  17. Double post: Anyway, good times tonight. I enjoyed that king game. You know I would've won if my connection hadn't died. And next time, maybe closed parties.
  18. I'll be on around 30 mins late tonight.
  19. I'm going to try hard to be on at the usual time tonight. I want to play some of the new maps.
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