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Everything posted by supremespleen

  1. Emblems: no. Just..no. <sob>
  2. Hi. Enjoy your stay. We should try a weekend gathering time too. And I still think we need matching emblems!
  3. John Lennon > Hanniblal Lector He was in my old sig. And yeahhhh, since I'm gonna be gone, you clanners should hit me up on the messaging client of your choice, maybe get a little 1v1 going on sometime.
  4. Yeah, and on top of that through several strange events beyond my control, I won't be on Live after nine o'clock forever. So, I doubt I'll be seeing you guys as often. <sob>
  5. You better. Last night we pretty much got owned.
  6. Do we want matching logos or colors like some of the cool clans?
  7. Good. Your site better make sense by tomorrow. We missed you though. We tried to befriend the other team... they refused. And then we played a bunch of level 27 n00bs that didn't do anything but plasma pistol battle rifle combo.
  8. I'm gonna try. I have oodles of algebra, but I'll try. I've gotten really good at Team Slayer on Zanzibar. I've found if one person snipes from that sniping hill, they can usually keep people from leaving the base. Then someone grabs rockets and ghost spams. It's worked in several matchmade games.
  9. Not bad. Sounds like something out of a High School band or something. Those little bird chirps are kinds of annoying though...
  10. Get another TV. Seriously, ever since hologram projectors got popular, TV's are freaking cheap. Anyway, I won't be on tonight either, I'm a bit sick. Kill some n00bs in the name of Spleen.
  11. Yeah, I won't be on tonight. Icy, I like your mix.
  12. Sorry guys, mum kicked me off. Oh well.... What was up with that one guy: "I'm not gonna kill you! I promise!"
  13. ....and guess what we didn't play....until you left. Great night everyone. Now I have to stay up all night writing my "50,000 page dissertation" as penance for my Xbox Live revelry. Ha, that was funny. Lazy: Well, if you aren't going to play CTF, I'm leaving. <leaves> Me: Let's play CTF now just to spite her!
  14. We caught you. We know you have 40,000 blocks of Hilary Duff on your XBOX. My favorite quote of the night: Wingless: Anybody call for a web slinger??
  15. Fixed... I think. I said that last thing, I have no idea who said the first. I still thought your little speech on Alucard was the best. *Guy named Alucard joins* Wingless: Hey guys, did you know Alucard is Dracula backwords?? I read it in a book..... I think it was called Nintendo Power.
  16. Hahah, that was some fun stuff this evening. We owned mostly. I enjoyed TheWingless' dialogue on Alucard.
  17. Nice playing with you this afternoon, Lazy and Aku. I finally got the pay maps to download right. I wanna play some slayer with everyone on Turf, Warlock and Sanctuary. They seem like nice slayer maps.
  18. Twas some fun stuff. However I couldn't understand anyone but Akugarou(sp?). You're mike's were breaking up like crazy. Lazy was especially difficult to hear.
  19. Well, I will be on for sure tonight. Prepare to face the wrath of Spleen. Let's just hope my headset stays on.
  20. Bungie.net I'll do my best to be on sometime. But being it's a schoolnight, I dunno.
  21. Gahhhh, must. go. on. soon.
  22. I'm on now. Dunno if I'll make it to nine. We should start at 8 instead. Nice playing with you Mr. Goalie.
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