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Posts posted by RoeTaKa

  1. I'm a big fan of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow's music so that always comes to mind in this case. LOS2 has some cool diversity,

    for instance reminds me a lot of Don Davis' work on The Matrix films.

    Batman Arkham City also has some really excellent music, great stuff. I like the action/predator music but the scores for the City inbetween all that


    The big battle songs in

    are pretty damn good. There's a lot I like about this soundtrack.

    Whilst it's on my mind,

    was one of the first video game scores to ever be recorded live and it has some awesome stuff, blew my mind at the time back in the Dreamcast days.

    Also continuing on with Richard Jacques if you can find the Pursuit Force OST (the first one) that also has some damn nice stuff for a PSP game.

    has music too good for the game, still a good game though.

    I love the credits song to

    , I'm not particularly fond of japanese vocal music when it comes to some JRPGs but this one gets me, lovely violin solo later too.

    I could list a lot more but that's more than enough for now!

  2. Thanks for the comment man. How can I add more buildup?

    And to make the low end stronger, should I make the lower strings louder?

    There's not really a lot else you can do with these samples. It's a nice arrangement that is just a bit flat throughout, there isn't really a dynamic shift between the start and the end. You could make the lower strings louder if you want but I don't think it makes much difference to the arrangement.

    This reminds me a little bit of Okami and I think that's really cool. The song is nice and if you had better samples I'm sure it would shine more.

  3. SEGA won me big with the Dreamcast. There's loads of great games with great music, many SEGA exclusives. I have to give Jet Set Radio a shout out (Jet Grind Radio in NA) which has amazing music.

    Going off the top of my head, I've always loved this Shining Force remix by Gray Lightning http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01233 (Shining Force 1 and particularly 2 have exceptional music)

    And since I've heard it a lot recently, I love this remix by Hideki Naganuma of his own mix in Jet Set Radio Future

  4. I just thought I'd drop in and say I cleared the game 100% with about 18-19 hours game time. I wanted to stop around 90% but when you get that far you think you might as well do the rest. Perhaps I played it a bit too much but that's Metal Gear for you, it was a lot of fun to play. And if I'm honest, I'm actually starting to really warm up to the idea of Keifer Sutherland playing Snake...I can feel that a much more emotional story is coming and a performance that demands that. Still I hope for the Solid Snake moment near the end of Phantom Pain that reintroduces Hayter, Kojima you gotta please you fans man!

  5. I bought it digitally for the 360 for £20. For what I have got out of the game (which is over 8 hours of gameplay and counting), yeah I do believe I got my money's worth. Even though DJP hasn't played it I do agree it should be cheaper and the physical copy isn't necessary. However I'd be happy if they either included some more content or provided some money off voucher for The Phantom Pain's release; considering Ground Zeroes is technically a glorified demo. The one thing I am mostly pissed about is the exclusive mission for each console, it's not necessary and having one more extra mission would have helped justify the cost a little more.

    But let's look at positives. If you would have paid money for the tanker section of MGS2, you probably would for this (then again I did play the crap out of the MGS2 demo and played the tanker section way more than the Big Shell). It is incredibly fun to play, the stealth and action elements are both excellent (besides the somewhat clumsy cover system from time to time). After finishing each mission I found myself returning to Side Ops more often than the Ground Zeroes mission, a couple of them in particular are great to replay. I recently went back to Splinter Cell Blacklist to compare the game mechanics and I have to say that Ground Zeroes really feels great in comparison and has really psyched me up for The Phantom Pain. Ground Zeroes is also really about gameplay so if you've been keeping tabs on the games story from trailers and such, there isn't a great deal more to discover.

    Kojima pretty much confirmed that no extra content will be planned for Ground Zeroes as it would extend the development of The Phantom Pain. Personally I would have loved a few more missions that just had some basic goals akin to the old VR missions, but I can make do for now!

  6. Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen. Gave it five minutes the first time around and completely wrote it off. Something compelled me to go back. Glad I did. Man. I was/am obsessed. And my pawn is such a hottie.

    I wanted this game when it came out in 2012 and then I forgot about it - thought the demo was great. Bought it a couple of days after Christmas so it counts for 2013! I have been playing it every day since new years day, it is amazing. The sequel to this game is going to be absolutely incredible.

  7. I watched this about a month ago. After the first episode I was just compelled to see the rest, it's pretty interesting and entertaining. I didn't play Melee much but I used to play a lot of Street Fighter IV and watched some tournaments. I didn't really know anything about Melee as a tournament fighter even though I was aware of it, so this pretty much kept me up to speed - it's well made. If you're interested in competitive fighting I recommend watching it.

  8. Yep it's pretty much what the title says, straight up SNES covers of 'A Link Between Worlds' songs that are originals or good twists on the older songs done in A Link to the Past's sounds. I'm not sure how many I'll do but it's been pretty fun so far:

    Songs can be downloaded on my Soundcloud which is in the video description. Or just head straight on over https://soundcloud.com/roetaka

    As usual these are added to SNESology. Fancy doing some fun SNES stuff? Checkout SNESology.com for more!


  9. i reeeeally recommend this card if it's within your budget. you'll easily be getting performance that is greater than an xbox one or a ps4. plus, graphics cards these days are so friggin HUGE that you have to get bigger cases to fit them in, but this one is so tiny and powerful. it's more powerful than my current card and costs about $200 less than i paid for mine. gonna get a couple of these myself to run in sli. check out these benchmarks. it was able to run assassin's creed 3 at 1080p with the highest settings at an average 60fps, and crysis 3 at highest settings (which looks friggin amazing) at an average 43 fps (which is still plenty better than last gen's 30 fps consoles). you should def look into it

    This card is a good price for what you get. However if you're not fully interested in playing the latest AAA games I think you could get a cheaper card. But if you do not plan to upgrade for a long time you should always tell yourself to get the next best card if it's about another $30 because it's always worth it. Playing games at 60fps is alllways worth it.

    Assassin's Creed 3 wasn't a great port to PC but with a decent card it did look really nice. Also Crysis 3 was really pretty to look at, shame it wasn't so great to play. I do miss the original Crysis.

    edit - I'm currently using a GeForce GTX 650 2GB card and I wish I spent the little extra to get the Ti version. Last year I bought it for about £90 which is around $140. It's currently $130 on newegg and I played Assassin's Creed 3 between 40-60fps at 900p which looked good but most other games I've tested ran better (since AC3 isn't a terrific port and neither is AC4). It's going to struggle with newer games now and I will probably need to upgrade before next Christmas.

  10. If you've got a certain budget to spend on the card then check out wherever you're planning to purchase one and pick a few that fit your price range. Then you can compare those with a graphics card comparison site and see which one offers the best results. Or you can just simply youtube the card you're looking at with a game you're planning to get for example 'Nvidia GTX 650 Tomb Raider'. It's not a great way to go about it but you can see how well it's working. Obviously the CPU and RAM will be a factor too. Some games might recommend an Nvidia card but it isn't mandatory though.

    Another easy thing you can do is google something like "next gen pc builds" and you'll probably see some good builds for the price of a next gen console that will offer some recommendations on what graphics card to buy. Those will offer the value and performance to play the newest releases well enough.

    Those are just some things I used to do so I don't want to give you more complicated answers if they might be confusing.

  11. too bad macgan wasn't able/willing to come back as the 8th.

    He did but it wasn't for 'The Day of the Doctor'. As a build up to the 50th anniversary there was a mini episode called

    which explains the regeneration and how that event passed. It would've been nice to see him on the big episode though since he really shines here.
  12. Matt Smith is good, I liked him a lot anyway. Not as much as Tennant but getting there. As far as companions go though I could not stand Rory at all, he was just the punching bag of the script and even though Clara is hot she annoys me a bit too. I wasn't terribly into the series that just ended, it just lacked umph throughout. Still, looking forward to tonight.

  13. 'SNES Generation is a series of arrangements and covers of modern game music composed to the limitations of the Super Nintendo. Each game is paired with one from the SNES that was either from the same series or they shared similar gameplay and sounds.'

    Yo everyone, this is a series I started over a year ago for SNESology and finally put together as an album release. It has 8 tracks that include arrangements from games like Assassin's Creed, Mass Effect, Castlevania Lords of Shadow and more. Get it for free or toss a buck if you're feeling generous, it all really helps and I'd like to do a volume 2 some day if all goes well.

    Thanks for checking it out! If you're interested in making your own SNES music or want to participate with SNESology then please check out SNESology.com for soundsets and info. Cheers!

    (If any mods read this, I do feel a bit cheeky posting album releases and not being as involved with OCRemix as I used to be but I have submitted remixes recently, hopefully that is ok?)

  14. This was a game I always thought was awesome as a kid. Sure it's no MGS or Syphon Filter but it was a blast to play and gave Nintendo fans their own much needed espionage action. I decided to put together a video to go with the music on Youtube, it might be crap I don't know haha but I thought I'd give it a go.

    Listen and Download on Soundcloud

    There was one song that always stuck in my mind which was on the first level (either the level or the song is called "Ground", maybe both, I'm not sure) and it became dynamic when you lost health throughout the game. It was a really catchy tune. I was surprised to find no WinBack remixes on the web and I felt compelled to cover this game.

    Anyway, please enjoy, hoping there are some WinBack lovers still out there!

  15. This thread hasn't been updated in a long time. So I thought I'd bump it with some new updates!

    SNESology is still strong and were still accepting submissions from anybody that wants to have some fun writing SNES music. The good thing is now we have some of our Kontakt libraries to share and you can download them on our Soundsets page or if you're a dab hand with a decent soundfont or fancy making your own that's good too.

    Anybody who wants to submit or just listen to some new SNES music, check out the blog at http://snesology.com and you can check out how to submit there too. Other details are still in the first post like the Youtube channel and Facebook page.


  16. I've been listening to this whilst playing games of Street Fighter and other things. Some tracks I thought were pretty awesome: Divinity Space Corp Intervention (sounds like it could've came straight out of Chaos Legion which is a straight win for me), Struggle with the Scythe, With My Soul, Ascender. There's a lot to like though and it's really consistent with some sweet genre twists here and there. I already told you I'm gutted the team disbanded but I love this soundtrack and it reminds me of so many games I've enjoyed in my life.

  17. There's some interesting suggestions in here. Vagrant Story is something I've found to really like now that I'm older, back when it came out it was a much more frustrating experience and was difficult to enjoy. However it does take time to really get into it.

    Like Mustin said, you can't really go wrong with Wild Arms 1.

    Grandia 2 was also great, brilliant battle system and some of the voice acting carries it too. I always thought it was funny that Cam Clarke was Ryudo and Paul Eiding (the voice of Roy Campbell) was Skye, just kinda interesting. Grandia 1 is I think considered better, but I really enjoyed this one. I think Dhsu said get the Dreamcast version, not sure if there is a special reason for that but you do get to hear its lovely disc reading noise for every magic spell cast in battle.

    Suikoden 2 I think is an absolute must play. I only played it for the first time earlier this year whilst looking through forums for threads like this. And it made me finally go back and finish Suikoden 1, which made me want to go back and play 2 again for special reasons. Just great characters and story, incredibly absorbing.

    I'm surprised Radiant Historia on the DS hasn't been mentioned. It's a fantastic game, if you love Chrono Trigger you'll get a kick out of this. It has a Time travel element, there are two parallel timelines that produce different outcomes to the story which you need to switch between in order to progress either one, you also can get things wrong which is interesting to see and sometimes surprising. You also need to travel back in time to make certain things happen or play something out differently, which is really cool. Like CT, all enemies are on the map so no random battles. It has a very addictive battle system, right up there with Grandia 2 if you ask me. I'm not even that into grid based battle systems but this just works in a way that's fun and tactical whilst sometimes challenging. Eventually you get to the point where you can set up about a dozen turns for your characters and manipulate the grid so you're attacking all the enemies at once dealing huge damage, it's awesome. I wouldn't say the story is typical JRPG, there is a political aspect of countries going to war and gets much more interesting as it goes on. Yoko Shimomura also composed the soundtrack, personally some of her work is hit and miss for me but I thought this was a really good soundtrack that really got the feel of the game right. It was at one time out of print, I think there was a reprint maybe last year I'm not sure, yet it's still not that pricey if you can find a copy.

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