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Posts posted by RoeTaKa

  1. Come to repay back a comment!

    I have never heard the original song so I cannot judge how it has been used. I really enjoyed listening to it, the beginning is subtle and works nicely into the next section. @0:32 the guitar/piano is it? I felt it could have come in perhaps a tad softer so the dynamic comes in a little smoother. @0:41 this section is really awesome. Everything after that is nice, the transition @01.50 I thought was particularly well done. I did not feel like things got repetitive at all either. I'm not sure if you're finished or plan to add more but the ending as is kind of says to me "ok I'm done now" and I felt it could go on longer. If it were to go on I would personally be interested to hear a longer variation of the section @0:41 and a change up of the chorus section @0.54.

    Sample wise yeah it sounds like soundfonts, not a problem for me as a listening experience, I think you write well. The only sample for me that doesn't fit as well as the others is the higher strings in the chorus section, something smoother could make that more enjoyable. The one thing that irritates me starts right at the beginning and I'm not sure if it's coming from one of the instruments or something you've done to the master channel (or both) but there is an immediate 'hiss' over the mix. Probably due to EQ but try to figure out the cause of that and isolate it, a simple fix would be to use a low pass filter to cut off that noise.

  2. Hi! It's been a while since I've done a remix, years and years. I've wanted to do an arrangement of Castlevania's themes in the orchestral style of Lords of Shadow for a long time now and all the buzz of Lords of Shadow 2 got me going.

    The video description shows what songs were used but I'll write them here anyway: Konami Logo, Vampire Killer, Beginning, Bloody Tears, Lords of Shadow's recurring theme and The Titan from Lords of Shadow 2's E3 trailer.

    I've submitted it and hope you enjoy :)

  3. I loved the game and couldn't get enough of it. I've just been reading and piecing thoughts about the story and ending etc and although it's quite ambitious I enjoyed it to the end and came away pleased.

    If I had any criticisms I'd say that yeah in a lot of ways the game is pretty linear. Compared to the E3 demos I'd say that the way it is now is great...it's just sort of like a more refined version. In the 2011 E3 demo you can hear some of the same recorded dialogue and animations that went into parts of the game, so I'd like to think that demo was a way of showing as much as possible without giving too much away. The combat was fine...kinda expected some battle areas to be much bigger but wasn't that bothered by that, the vox guns felt a bit pointless too but some people like that diversity.

    Now into SPOILER territory.I'd almost forgotten but that YES/NO board at the start was a cool little thing to signify how many times Booker has done this. I had little theories as I played the game like maybe Booker was the song bird, there was a room with schematics about its design and how it's both man and machine combined along with a recording. Without any info at all in the game, I'm starting to think that person is important. Also I friggin' loved the scene where you're in Rapture, gave me chills. I also thought as I played that maybe Columbia fell into the ocean and that was the basis of Rapture but the ending kinda shot that out of the window. By and large though I think the dualities in this game were wonderfully handled.

  4. DmC could have been a lot better but everyone's got their opinions, some people see it as fresh and cool, I still think it has an identity crisis. At this point if they make DmC2 I think there could be a lot of potential for the rebooted Dante. Putting aside the optimism and settling of what has happened...I miss old Dante a lot he was just far more enjoyable, he was entertaining and with that I also miss Japan being on top of their games. If Platinum games could do Devil May Cry I'd be a very happy man.

  5. How to fight monsters in DmC: Turn the camera away from them. Monster AI shuts off if the camera's not on them.

    To be fair this is something you could do in at least DMC4 to my knowledge, it was a tactic used to help get through bloody palace mode without being pounded.

    I'm not trying to stick up for the game though it was a poor entry into the DMC series. It was a good game in its own way but I expected better with DMC. The combat system was pretty enjoyable in some respects with newer weapons giving some teeth to the combos but the balance was sometimes awkward and things like certain enemies only being hurt by certain weapons came off as annoying and broke the flow often. And those boss battles...I played Nephilim mode and was barely even scratched by the handful of bosses the game offers. It was pretty laughable to be honest. Also I sorely missed having lock on.

    I won't go into the story and characters, or redesign of characters. Personally I didn't enjoy any of those choices. What they were doing though I think could have been so much more.

    I could rant on more but it won't do any good. Take it as it is, it's an enjoyable game.

  6. Thanks guys, I am humbled by the positive reactions from various places and feel really good about how well it has been doing. I didn't expect many people to comment because there is a lot to take in and it has only been a couple of days so far. As long as people are enjoying it that's fine by me haha.

    Listening to the album makes me want to play the game. Any chance that development will resume?

    I'm afraid it almost definitely will not pick up again.

  7. There is now a release date. The Chrono Ark soundtrack will be released on the 31st of January! With only a couple of days to go I've made a trailer for some of the music:

    I'm bad at making videos but wanted to do something haha, I wanted to announce earlier but really wanted to show something before hand. Enjoy the video and hopefully you'll look forward to the release in two days!

  8. You should make remixes because you're passionate about those songs and have great ideas for them, people will appreciate that. If you've learned a lot then give yourself some credit and have some confidence. I used to be a bit sore from rejections but I came to understand a lot eventually and value what I took away from here. I don't know if I will submit here again, maybe some day, I just get a whole different kick from writing original songs. If you're doing it for publicity that's just something you need to figure out for yourself, there's many ways to make fans and it's always better to get the attention you feel you deserve by doing what makes you happy and what you're happy to keep giving.

  9. so, even though this game was discontinued, does the music you guys made count as "original" enough to be remixed for this site? i doubt i would, but its an interesting thought.

    Although that's a really nice thought there is no released game to attach it to. So I really just consider it as an album like any other but just based on the idea that it was for a game.

    Doesn't really help that it's an unfinished soundtrack due to changes in script, the discontinuing of the game and general lack of time to dedicate to it now. I could easily imagine it needing around 20 more songs before it was considered a full thing, but I will never know now and I really just want people to see and hear something to say it existed and get some closure from it

    Pending on a few things I should be releasing this within a week.

  10. Thanks for the kind words and hopefully haven't annoyed anyone about the possibility of a new game. Truth is I'd love to see it happen but it's just been difficult tying people to the project, but I want people to enjoy something from it at least.

    Unfortunately I have to postpone the soundtrack release until some point in January. The games artist has said he will do some more art just for it which is exciting and he deserves attention. And then I hope to get a site done for it with a proper release trailer, if things work out. I just want to make it the best it can possibly be.

    So when it is released it should have a nice amount of art to glance over and sprites.

    Have good holidays and I'll update some point in January!

  11. Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 trailer. 'Nuff said, I was only waiting for this.

    This, can't wait for that game. Dark Souls 2 was also an awesome surprise, that was something I hoped for but didn't expect so soon.

    I guess The Walking Dead deserves the recognition. Even though I watched a Let's Play of it I was hooked. But to be honest there hasn't really been much out this year I've found that memorable at all.

  12. Thank you for the bumps people, already excited by how much this kickstarter has made!

    While I wish you guys luck, RoeTaka, (and congrats on reaching the funding!) without seeing the game in action I can't really jump on board with the Kickstarter. The sprites definitely look nice however.

    I don't blame you dude it's perfectly reasonable. The creator and team are very passionate though, something that drew me in which is very promising. But hopefully you'll be more enticed in the future!

    Hey, how come SNESology gets a link in the KS description and we don't? I feel snubbed! :twisted:

    Because SNESology is cooool, it is truth. Don't feel snubbed, I hear OCRemix is doing pretty well!

    Thanks for the bump Katie! Not long left to go now and I'm gonna be working properly after Christmas, can't wait to work hard on this.

  13. Haha, no problem. I was kinda surprised my sarcasm went undetected, but it is the internet, after all. And booze is involved, so that basically automatically reverses the connotation of all written language to the reader.

    Yeah the booze is not helping lol. It was pro internet sarcasm though!

    No problem! Thanks to you for writing some great music dude. I've been listening as I surf the web and am super impressed with it.

    I'm really curious about this game. Do you know how far along the progress of the game is? I'm considering adding myself as a backer. There's not a lot said about how far along in development the game is. Even if it's still only 5-10% complete, by knowing that before I go into backing it at least I'd be knowing what to expect.

    Thanks buddy. It's still in early stages as the engine is still being coded but I know Karim (the project leader) is eager to update with progress as much as possible. The kickstarter will definitely make progress happen faster when the deadline is met. The core team is constantly working though and hopefully within the next couple of months some gameplay can be shown off.

    I uploaded the music I've done so far to youtube, with another track that's not on the page and the trailer music. If anyone's interested:


  14. Rainfall: The Sojourn is being developed for PC and is a 2D Action RPG. Inspired by classic games with a visual style similar to some of the old SNES and early Playstation 1 RPGs. Much more detail on the kickstarter:


    The game is currently funded but there are still stretch goals to reach to improve it and meet bigger demands. I just want to spread the word out on it and make it even better.

    Give it a look and let people know about it if it excites you!

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