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Posts posted by RoeTaKa

  1. Chrono Ark Soundtrack (A discontinued fan game)


    Release Date Out Now

    Chrono Ark on Bandcamp - Free or Pay What You Want!

    Direct download available soon.

    100 tracks, many original pieces and arrangements of songs from the Chrono games.

    Nearly 4 hours of music!

    Includes concept art and a small taste of the sprites.

    Chrono Ark was a fan game being made by a small team of people that was going to be a sequel to Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross. Unfortunately the team including myself have discontinued working on it for various reasons, mostly because we are all too busy with our lives and new work prospects. Now that we have moved on I can release the soundtrack I was making for it. I finished most of the soundtrack in 2009 and was adding to it here and there as time went on. Although I wasn't able to finish it, it is pretty much done and enough was completed for me to release it.

    Chrono Ark was a story following a new cast of characters and a new protagonist, Arc. After a prologue that shows Crono and Marle during the events of the Guardia War and their fates uncertain, the game begins as Arc in his hometown of Choras. As Arc journeys with Maia to find his "sister" Lucca, they encounter the group Terra Eventus that wish to cleanse the world with the awakening of Lavos. They terrorize time with their goals but are fought against by the Time Protection Unit, a group that try to stop time intervention. This encounter causes Arc and Maia to become split in different time periods. Meeting new faces and characters from the Chrono games, they ultimately try to get back together. But their lives are changed when they discover what happens to time when it is changed, and inevitably try to stop a being known as Protovos.

    I wish I could reveal more about what happened and what the game was about but it is not my decision to do so, The team wanted me to release my work which I'm really thankful for. To help understand more about the game each track has its use or general use in brackets and hopefully with the music you'll get a feel of where things were going. Our concept artist has agreed to include some of his newer art pieces and I included some of his older ones so you could see what some of the other characters looked like as well. He is also working on an art book which I will surely link when it is ready. And the sprite artist has let me show a little of her work too.

    I've been pretty nervous about releasing this, but also excited. It was kind of the last thing I did before taking a massive break in music until last year. I apologize if I got anyone excited about a game or something official, heck we all would love to hear about a new Chrono game.

    Please enjoy the soundtrack and let people know about it!

  2. Haha thanks guys I'll keep doing more but I'm not sure whether to keep posting as a youtube series or hold it back as an album. We'll see.

    I know that I want to do Castlevana Lords of Shadow with Castlevania IV soon, also Uncharted. Other ones I'm thinking of doing are Batman Arkham City, Metal Gear Solid 3, Street Fighter IV, Super Mario Galaxy, Zelda Skyward Sword and perhaps Dark Souls. I'm not totally sure yet because I want them to be fun to listen to and nostalgic. So I'm up for ideas but they gotta be popular titles and something I can work into SNES.

    Why'd you use such a pixelated image of the SNES logo though? I meant to annoy you about this before but forgot.

    I think the video and upload just makes it look more blurry. I've been using a photo of a box, maybe I can find a better one.

  3. I'm not sure how that came off as doubting your ability; I have no doubt that you can do it. :)

    It didn't, it's just soundfonts aren't really the best medium to do it properly. A soundfont wouldn't sound great when it would come to echo, vibrato etc...that's why I call it a last resort.

    The ultimate goal would be to have a small customized VST built to load the sounds and tweak them for SNES purposes and make it free for everyone. For example, if you want to do a proper NES chiptune, you wouldn't really use a soundfont to do it properly (..you'd use a tracker lol but some people aren't really into that, including me). So the same courtesy should really extend. I've thought about building one myself but I just wince at the thought of programming again. But yeah that is a "big" goal.

    In the meantime if anybody is using Kontakt then I would happily send them what were using for it. We'd just really like to avoid soundfonts for now, get on with ripping more sounds from games and hopefully have a viable solution when we have a website...or something like that.

  4. Ahah, nice one. That title alone had me sold. Turns out the song was pretty legit too. :nicework:

    Is SNESology a private endeavor, or are submissions open to public?

    Haha thanks.

    It's not private at all, just the sound sets kind of are at the moment. If you can grab some soundfonts you like or know how to use a tracker then bust something out and send Monobrow a message or submit through the tumblr page.

    Dave Harris has soundfonts he made on his page : http://www.iridescentaudio.co.uk/

    And there are links to soundfonts on Kage's page : http://williamkage.com/snes-soundfonts-and-samples/

  5. I felt like I was listening to new music for Dr Who with this, which is pretty damn cool! And of course the realism is great, production is tight.

    Floating Away was probably my favourite, had this nice feel I enjoy from people like John Barry and Ennio Morricone.

    I think I heard your mix here a while back and remembering the sounds were amazing. But I really like the way you compose.

  6. I'm sure that requirement remained true the entire time especially since Shnabubula was working to that rule. Infact he convinced me to always work with 7 channels in mind because that 8th channel usually was open to use for sound effects. If you notice with NES games one of the channels on a song gets disabled for a sound effect to play, but with SNES apparently one was left open so songs were not interrupted. As a composer just writing music and not for a game I'd say using 8 channels as a guide is totally fine but if you were writing and thinking it to be for a game on a SNES cartridge going for 7 has a more convincing feel. That's not to say you can only make a song with 7 instruments in mind, there were times like in Secret of Evermore where channels had samples switched in and out of them to utilize more sound but still keep to the limit. There's quite a large degree to play and experiment whilst keeping to the rules, whilst their are limitations it's still really fun and creative.

    As for songs and looping, there's different reasons for that. Short songs obviously are very catchy if done right but also where they were used, the areas weren't too big and didn't require such dynamics. A random battle song for example, it's rare to have a fight go on for one minute so there's not much reason to make a massive song. It makes sense and also for example with Square many of their composers were in-house so they had the time to work on lots of small but memorable songs. I wouldn't particularly call it a constraint in this case I would just say it was the management of time with the forward thinking that a lot of places didn't need long songs and repetition actually benefited the player.

    Either way constraints are constraints and that was what we were used to and enjoyed as kids/gamers of that generation. But we don't get paid and we have the luxury of time and absolute creativity to decide what we want our pieces to be and I think that is really important because music is always about the composer/writer.

  7. I'm not really doing an admin role but I have been helping out here and there. I'm sorry if any elitism comes across, I mean that's something I really kinda hate. Sam has been busy and generally just taken some time for himself so it has sort of put a dampener on things. Like he was building the sound sets in Kontakt and we agreed that was a bad idea for people to use so he was looking into some free VST's that would get the same job done but then he had to step back. I know soundfonts are the really simple solution and it's been done but we kind of wanted to do more complete sets that had the DSP sound in them so it would be simple to get that full SNES sound out the box and have some fun.

    Kage has been building his own soundfonts/sets to use himself and weve also been grabbing some soundfonts and rips to use ourselves just to get some more stuff out. So far what we had done was Final Fantasy VI, Contra 3 and Terranigma. I think Super Mario World, Kart and TMNT4 were being worked on and I started doing Secret of Evermore. But they've been on the backburner for a while.

    Anyways, Meteo I don't know why you're "banned" from project, I didn't really know that till now so I will talk to Mono about it and see what's going on. Kage, as far as I'm aware Protricity was handling the domain situation, he knows what he's on about so you're in good hands and you've apparently been sending emails back and forth. I'm sorry Mono didn't respond to you directly about that, I don't want this thread to turn into a drama zone but you posted and the reason you had to fulfill a "difficult request" was because you did something you shouldn't have done in the first place.

  8. It's looking better every time Strike, I know you guys will do a bang up job of it when it's done. The ship's redesign looks great, I can see from the previous video you've chosen to go for whiter bodies for both the enemies and the player, it makes sense with all the effects going on. The main ship could do with a little colour maybe, I thought it would have more red tints to it. The 3D elements look fine to me though.

  9. For some reason I have a memory of Batman's suit having some sort of force countering device in his boots to break long falls. I have no idea why I remember this because I've watched the films again and didn't notice it mentioned. Checked sources online and there is no mention of it. I must be going mad but it seems vivid in my mind.

    Some of TDKR's plot points/scenes did irk me a little bit. But damn I enjoyed the film. Much more than Spiderman.

  10. SNES Generation is a series I'm doing every now and then to mix modern popular games into SNES songs. Pairing up a modern game with the soundset from a SNES game that is similar in the sound and the game in some sense. I'm trying to do one every couple of weeks.

    It's really fun and sometimes I'll throw in some song references from the game the soundset is from. If you like this subscribe me to keep updated on new ones! And if you're generous, like on facebook


    Also check out SNESology for more great SNES tunes from other cool artists:

    SNESology Blog

    SNESology Youtube

    SNESology Facebook

  11. This scene in Shadow Hearts: Covenant. (spoilers for folks who haven't played the first or second Shadow Hearts games). I also laughed because of Yuri's BAWW face.

    I tried not to cry at the end of Skies of Arcadia on my first playthrough, but that's only because that game was amazing and the ending music was beautiful.

    Pretty much took the words out of my mouth.

    Had I been a young teenager, Zelda A Link to the Past and Terranigma's endings might have done the same.

  12. I have the same headphones as you!

    I love this song so I thought I'd comment. Firstly I'm not gonna say I don't dig the vocals, they're nice, I'm just so attached to Adele's voice with the big sound. Your voice accompanies the jazz elements nicely I just wish it was slightly more announced - perhaps with more bass to complement the piano. If the arrangement wasn't so busy I reckon it would be fine, like when the instruments drop out around 4:45 I hear it so clearly and enjoy it. You're a decent singer so I hate to have a criticism about this.

    The arrangement is fantastic though, really great stuff. Major props for doing everything live, I am envious! Definitely deserves more youtube hits. And that place looks really damn nice to record and compose.

  13. Lords of Shadow was brilliant. I played God of War 3 sometime after finishing it and didn't think it was anywhere near as good as LoS; it annoyed me how people kept calling it a clone.

    This trailer is so awesome though and Oscar Araujo's music blows my mind, I'm just as excited about the soundtrack as I am the game. The E3 trailer for the first LoS had me really excited and I this just did that all over again.

    As Johnny 5 would say, need more input!

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