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Posts posted by RoeTaKa

  1. Interesting. I was enjoying the moodyness, piano and atmospheric synths filling the background with an enjoyable flute melody (reminds me of something I can't think of right now). But then the brass and acidy synth came in and kind of just broke all that nice mood (weirdly reminds me of mass effect lol). Think it would have been nicer if the strings added to the atmosphere rather than double up with the flute, that's just my thinking though. T'is a shame it's so short if it were longer it might make more sense altogether.

  2. I remember a couple of years ago there was a FFVI project with a private forum but I doubt it's the same project as the private one mentioned. I've got quite a bit on my plate music wise so I'm not going to claim anything but if I were to choose anything it would probably be Locke's Theme or The Unforgiven. I'll check this thread again later at some point though and possibly claim one of those.

  3. I'm sorry it took so long. Was busy over christmas and stuff. Been having to remind myself to do this since I wrote a review for each song then had a powercut, not fair, so I apologize for the lack of detail in some reviews.

    pu_freak - Master of the Blades

    A soft beginning to the album. It somberly hums BadAss but the haunting and operatic qualities are nice. I never really played any off the FF's pre VI so sadly I'm unfamiliar with Gilgamesh :(. The beginning was great I thought it would become something really energetic but as the music box came in I knew it would stay moody. I enjoyed the mix and I really liked the section at 1:56 and the arpeggiations there was some good build there. I didn't expect this to open the album, but the mood is solid.

    The Dual Dragons - Routine of War

    Crazy choice of material! This boss battle was tense, one of my favourite bits of the game. I love the mix of orchestra and guitar, sections like 1:31 get me right into the song. The very end was a bit of a let down but the whole thing was a consistent headbang and the second half was a great listen. Nice production values.

    BGC - Dual of the Apes

    Lol DK, enough of the where is bowser, this guy was the original badass! I didn't expect this to be your mix when I heard guitar, it has a great tone about it and parts like 0:40 make it really memorable. For a BadAss song I thought it was a bit too jolly and swingish and the choir feels out of place. It's a good mix, the first half of the song is really good but I wasn't keen on it.

    Arcana - To Slay a Butcher

    I love this. Great choice to remix. It has a real subtle epicness about it and it made me go look up Suikoden II again. It might stick close to the source at times but I think it does a great job at celebrating it. Personally I would have ended the song around 4:20. Good job on this, I found myself looping this for some time. Wish I had more to say because this is really cool.

    Lashmush - Lights Out

    I think this is a great example of taking an old boss tune and BadAssifying it. A real stick out moment. It's not my cup of tea genre wise but thinking about it being Zelda and how pounding it is, can't help but think how this suits this album so well. I love how crazy it gets at the end as well, if I were drunk I'd be moshing to it in a club!

    Skummel Maske, LuIzA, pu_freak - All Existence Denied

    Another moody mix but as I'm a lot more familiar with this song I find it wholly appropriate. Infact my favourite moments of this song are the piano moments which have a eery feel of imminent devastation. There's some good guitar playing and Luiza adds good creepyness but for me this song is all about the tension. The last minute has great energy about it.

    Jago - A Daring Escape

    An optimistic and heroic sounding mix. The orchestration is good and I particularly like the brass staccato that gives this a good drive. For this album I expected more, something heavier, something more of a beat. It sounds like it would fit right square into a Smash Bros game which is great. I thought the change of time signature towards the end was a good idea but the transition in and out of it for me is a bit odd. It's a good mix but I just didn't think it really fit on the album.

    Chernabogue, NintenJoe 64 - The Belmont Revolution

    The Castlevania feeling in this is awesome. Sometimes it seems quiet or the orchestra isn't brought out enough, which made it a hard listen for a while. But when I really listen closely there's loads of awesome detail here, if I think about playing castlevania I get really pumped about it. It took me a few listens to properly appreciate it and think it's pretty awesome. But the end was awkward and weird I'm afraid.

    The Dual Dragons - Astaroth's Awakening

    Shadow Hearts 1 and 2 are a couple of my favourite RPG's ever with awesome soundtracks. Can't say I really remember this song though. There's some great texture throughout this mix between the instruments and the lead guitar like 1:09 really sells this mix. I wish you guys did Evil Gate Opener (2) that is a really badass song.

    Nutritious - Real American Hero

    Love the orchestrated intro, really dynamic and edgy. It's pretty consistenly energetic and packs a punch. The balance of orchestra with guitar and drums is also really nice. I can't think of much else to say but it's a good mix, just doesn't stand out much for some reason.

    Dragonfood - Rozovian

    There's some great sounds in this, in the big sections I keep thinking it's Ridley's voice and he's just singing in a way I've never heard haha. I wasn't so keen on the first half of the song it felt like it took some time to get into the best parts, I really like the moody parts like at around 2:00 I think it would have been great if the intro was longer like this then built into the sections like at 2:45. This whole mix really sticks out though, great stuff.

    Mazedude - Saren's Prayer

    I love Mass Effect. I can't recall Saren having a theme...the game has a good soundtrack, the only song I really cared for was the Normandy's theme. I'm two sides about this as on the one hand it feels pretty moody and dark but on the other hand I just want to skip it after a minute, sadly it's a pretty boring mix.

    Dreams of Death - Brandon Strader

    I have a love hate thing going on with this mix. One, I love that you did it, why the fuck not, it actually makes me laugh because I just wouldn't expect it. Then I hate that it isn't something else, when I first heard this song when the trailers for FFX came out I thought it was the most awesome song...so I was expecting something really epic. But this is good death metal and a great interpretation in that respect so I'm sorry I couldn't like it more.

    The Shredder - Sixto

    Great intro, awesome into the first minute, the last minute is also particularly awesome. Hard to fault anything it's a great rocking mix (blame the power outage).

    BadAzz - Prototype Raptor

    This is probably most people's favourite track on the album. After hearing the clip in the trailer I thought I'd love it but I think I just set my expectations too high. It has really good production values. I love what goes on just after the first minute and at around 2:40 those are my favourite parts but besides that I wasn't really digging this mix. I think I would've enjoyed something shorter more.

    The Sound of a Thousand Voices Screaming in Unison - Kidd Cabbage

    I'm furious at my power outage because I actually wrote you a great review. There were some really good moments in this song...bar the piano part, that was just so out of place I thought I was being hypnotised. The whole tone of the song does feel flat and a little lifeless, it sounds like it wants a lead but if the production were nicer I know it would already feel like a complete song. I really liked 1:42 and 2:28, mosh mosh mosh.

    The Last Dance - The Joker

    King Dedededelicious, Dededelerious, Dedededelightful! I could go on with the puns! At first I didn't really get the mix for some reason. After hearing it alot now...I think it's brilliant. What you've done with the melody and style is really creative. I dont like to do the "this one's better" thing, but im gonna and I think this is way better than Mazedude's mix. My only gripe is there's this big contrast between the high pitched sounds and the low end, it feels like it could have been filled just a little. I totally can imagine Dede with a sort of Saints Row trailer now.

    From now on, Ctrl S every minute, must get that into my muscle memory. I already lost a bunch of song tonight from a crash, if there is a God he is telling me to save much more often. So this is a really good album but I hope with volume 2 there is more quality control because there were a few mixes here I thought could have been absolute standouts but were let down by production values.

    Thanks to those that commented on my mix. It was already over a year old or so before the album came out and I've been on a big break, lots of changes, and will do even better for volume 2.

  4. He was referring to the british spelling, "sileunt". Those crazy brits, adding U to everything, like armor, and honor. :)

    I resent that...when you don't take the U out of a word like pour :-P

    This album surprised me, I didn't really know about it until I saw the trailer. Thoroughly enjoyable listen, good for tea and reminiscing! Secret of Evermore was one of my favourite games as a kid and I was overjoyed to hear this arrangement (gives me ideas to remix SoE myself). I also loved Suikoden's 'Eternal Empire' and this arrangement of it is really fantastic. John's Persona 3 mix is also quirky awesome, don't know the song but really enjoyed that. Those were my personal favourites but the rest of the album is just as good.

  5. Some lead guitar would fit like a glove over this, really melodic and inspiring. The melody with the lead synth towards the end is a good one you could easily play off more on that with guitar, begging for some more chord changes though, bit too static for me. Goin' good son!

  6. I wasn't sure if it was gonna be my cup of tea but there's some lovely stuff here. Wrath was surprisingly meaty, loved the guitar playing and the organ parts. Dreams of Happiness also made me think of Windwaker and Chrono Cross, I particularly enjoyed the bass part, had a Mitsuda vibe about it but yeah quality song. My Oath was pretty heart felt, probably the most touching song on the ost. I also thought Uncertainty had a great unsettling mood, those types of songs don't always hit at me but it was pretty striking.

    There's a lot of quality here, it's sad when projects die I've been through it before. Glad you can share the music though if I wasn't strapped for cash I'd toss some your way. Keep up the good work!

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