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Posts posted by OverCoat

  1. I did not know that they could be used with VST instruments.

    Renoise is actually the most stable VSTi host I know of... which is funny, most people wouldn't think of a tracker doing that. A couple years back in the #renoise IRC channel I talked with dBlue a lot and he uses Renoise personally, he also used it as the main reference for bugfixes while making the ever-popular Glitch plugin.

    However, most trackers do NOT support VST, mainly because the legacy music formats [it/xm/s3m/mod/etc] predate VST. However, Renoise is not a legacy tracker.

  2. but I've seen no need to move away from FL Studio - I really like its capabilities.

    Yeah, true that, i've seen how FL Studio evolved from version 2.7 to now, and the transformation is absolutely amazing, though certain design changes helped my decision to move to Renoise, I think FL Studio is a solid DAW that has just as much capability as Cubase, and honestly it's a lot easier to get into.

    The main problem I have with FL or most other DAWs is the way everything's hidden in right click menus [anything requiring context menus is just bad design imo, as it disrupts workflow], and how annoying it is to manage all those windows when the project starts piling up instruments and effects... In renoise, everything is in front of you and accessible with hotkeys. :nicework: Though if you're not used to the tracker interface, you're going to be confused for a while.

  3. virt made a song for Blockparty '09 featuring Miku


    won the compo [and I got 6th place lol!]

    but yeah check that song out it's pretty amazing. Also I have heard vocaloid used pretty effectively. Examples:


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6QsIRxtszA Last Night, Good Night

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Ox5-fEH4Ww Meltdown

    Sugar Chocolate Waffle [omg so cute]

    Lately almost all I have been doing is listening to vocaloid music, there is some pretty amazing stuff out there, and it tells me a few things:

    -Technology is good enough that you can make a computer sound like a heavily autotuned real person

    -Vocaloid would not be anywhere near as popular and widespread without the mascots. Giving a machine a cute appearance and persona lessens the uncanny valley effect greatly.

    -There's a lot of brilliant musicians and songwriters out there held back by not having access to cute japanese girls that can sing for them. Vocaloid unlocks their potential.

    -There's also a lot of people who enjoy having a vocalist that can do whatever they are asked.

    I still have yet to actually make a song with vocaloid, but I really suck with lyrics, much less japanese lyrics. Dammit if only someone helped me :D

  4. Anyone else going? I would love to attend [read: be on] another wonderful OCR panel :) Also, I need another year's supply of free t-shirts! Also also, it'd be awesome to see Metroid Metal YET AGAIN, plus seeing the Protomen would be super sweet.

    Anyone else going to be in Seattle for this wonderful, hopefully swine flu-free event?

  5. Recommend me something with really well done voice overs and un-cheesy main characters. A decent amount of martial arts would be nice. I don't mind some R rated material but please not something that is too Quentin Tarantino-esque.

    I'm new to the genre, so a little help would be great.

    Edit: Oh, I forgot. Definitely needs to be in English.

    I will reiterate Monster, what a fantastic series.

    If you don't mind a little blood and gore and gratuitous sex, Rin: Daughters of Mnemosyne is something I watched lately and can recommend. At least, I enjoyed it. It's a short OVA so it won't take you too long to finish if you want to.

    A classic I enjoyed from back in the 90s, and probably one of my absolute favourites, is IRIA: Zeiram the Animation. An often-overlooked and very unique scifi classic.

    You'll probably see a couple people in this thread recommend Black Lagoon. It's got about all the depth of a hollywood action flick but it's very polished and the fight scenes are well executed.

    A friend of mine watched something a couple years back called Bartender, his review of it is here. I've still been meaning to check it out, but I keep forgetting. It looks pretty unique.

    Right now I'm watching a fantasy anime called "The Beast Player Erin." Despite what the thumbnail suggests, this show is enjoyable for adults as well. It centers around the life of Erin, who lives in a village and takes care of giant lizards. A tragedy forces her to leave the village and the series follows her as she grows into an adult. Very involving and very well imagined, even if the beast lords look a bit silly.

  6. holy shit! a classic xerxes tune

    downloading like the motherfucking fist of the north star

    intro makes me wanna pee, but man this is sexy as hell otherwise

    I'd say come into #mod_shrine on espernet and show this to xerxes but he rarely comes on anymore, since he's busy touring. You should email this to him though and see if he'll put it on his site :)

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