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Posts posted by OverCoat

  1. I write a lot of ambient/atmospheric stuff.


    ^here's a short EP I made of ambient drone

    you can find a lot more great ambient at www.ansiform.afraid.org. I have a release there too but it is a sekrit :3

    www.kahvi.org might have some stuff for you as well. They have a lot of releases by now and I haven't checked in years, but I recommend CDR#2 by Lackluster and any release by Workbench.

    As far as new age/celtic stuff, I have only one lady to recommend. I wish she'd do some more vg arrangements and release them here again :(!

  2. But the changes made to the DS have been small and frequent


    the DS lite improved upon the original in many ways:

    -much much smaller, sleek design

    -way better screen

    -longer battery life

    the DSi improved on the ds lite in this manner:

    -twice as much ram and a faster cpu clock speed

    -even larger screen

    -camera, with built in image editor to boot!

    -free shit you can download onto the DSi

    DSi XL is basically the DSi except four times larger, so it's like an alternate version that some people may prefer.

    would you call these "small" improvements?

    Obviously more details are yet to be announced about the 3DS, so I would refrain from judging the handheld until we get more information, otherwise u r dum

  3. Seriously, Nintendo. Stop doing this all the damn time. When it comes to console development, take your time. Make it right. Make it well. And then LEAVE IT THE HELL ALONE.


    isn't that what they already do? except for the last part. because "leave it the hell alone" is bad business practice. you gotta update your shit some time.

  4. Can anyone point me in the right direction of where to get started working on C64 chiptunes? I really know absolutely nothing about C64 (I don't even know what one actually looks like), but I'm in freaking love with the way it sounds. I wanna get my hands on that instrument and make my own musicz with it.


    good luck figuring GoatTracker out, because I can't.

    you have to know a bit of programming I think, to make heads or tails of it. I can understand the tracking bit and the wavetable bit, with the hex values, but I do not understand how to actually export anything, lol

  5. also can we make this into what is good chiptune advice thread? i love anamanaguchi and from what i've searched this evening sabrepulse. what else is good?

    Anything not on 8bc

    unless it's DJ BOOTY BLIP

    no actually wait, there are several fantastic artists on 8bc:





    http://8bitcollective.com/members/overcoat/ >_>



    "LSDJ+DMG LOL" people fucking bore me.

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