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Posts posted by OverCoat

  1. Now I see why Bethesda only uses like 3 voice actors

    and then kills off their big-name voice actor early in the game [see: Patrick Stewart / Liam Neeson]

    Patrick Stewart totally played a fantasy king already though, in Lands of Lore:

    great old dungeon crawler game. They also put Patrick Stewart's character into a coma from a magic spell. Must be a common budget-cutting technique, since writers are cheaper :P

  2. This guy has been posting tons of threads asking for musical and production advice so just giving him more high-end gear isn't gonna help.. he needs to learn.


    better to start out with free stuff and move to the professionally made shit if you feel like the freeware is limiting you [but it shouldn't! I could go on all day about free stuff but I won't]

    my free bread&butter is like




    -wav samples looped and processed to oblivion

  3. I'm still reeling from that news about Goonswarm though.. What the fuck...

    my alliance had a TCU in fountain for a whole 10 minutes! haha

    some talos coalition Cynabal came along and started shooting at it. I had a cruise phoon for ratting though so I couldn't really do anything

    anyway they got a huge fleet and blowed it up before it even onlined :<

  4. If you want a total timesink you can play EVE Online with me :3

    you don't exactly fly your ship around like in freelancer [it's more like click in space to move, like Homeworld or something] but it's got depth, an interesting setting, and plenty of good fun.

  5. You can clearly see the $29.99 on the fucking box

    I see a lot of ebay items like this actually. When I was searching for Secret of Mana I found this


    there's a couple more like this. search for "VGA 85" and you'll see a bunch of overpriced crap. $365 for Metroid II :( it may be the best metroid game but it's certainly not worth that much.

  6. [08:16:37] Nark Achura > go home pirate))

    [08:18:21] Nark Achura > OverCoaf, go home

    [08:18:29] OverCoat > I am just here to help :)

    [08:18:37] Nark Achura > no-no

    [08:20:32] Nark Achura > OverCoaf? go home

    [08:23:42] Nark Achura > OverCoat, go home

    *steals Ship's Crew*

    [08:24:13] OverCoat > ok

    [08:24:23] OverCoat > if you insist

    [08:26:17] Nark Achura > no good boy

    [08:26:45] Nark Achura > you afro-american


    I wish more of you guys would play with me

    I'd put in a good word for you if you joined my corp

  7. EDIT 2: Crap! It's discontinued! That sucks!

    No way! It's only like 2 years old!

    Also uhhhhhh it's a mixer, they typically don't have USB interfacing, though some do I guess... I think that's for controlling your software mixer maybe? Anyway, I have mine plugged into a nice E-Mu 1212M with lots of i/o on the back.

  8. this AND the fact that its run for like 400 episodes

    no show that runs that long can possibly be worth the time invested

    There are a few really long series I can recommend

    Kodomo no Omocha

    Legend of Galactic Heroes

    Fist of the North Star

    Hayate the Combat Butler [but this one is only for the people who have already seen way too much anime, every minute of this one is a parody]

  9. I've been using a Tapco Mix.60 for a couple years. Works FANTASTICALLY and is similarly priced to the budget Behringers which are cheap pieces of shit. Actually, the Behringers might be more expensive by a tiny bit.


    check out which one you may need. Generally you should think of how many tracks you'll need for the next couple years and add a couple more channels to that, and there you have your mixer.

  10. the Major finally bought a pair of pants

    I seem to remember this event, for some reason, if only because Aramaki says something like "what's with that outfit, are you trying to seduce me?" and I sat there like "what? because she got pants? what"

    then I fapped

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