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Everything posted by OverCoat

  1. You can get any old keyboard to practice on. Weighted keys don't really matter if you're just learning. The synth action/weighted action thing is just a preference. You do need to tell us if you want midi! Though 99.9999% of digital keyboards have midi on them now, on the product description [or box] they'll say if they have midi and how [uSB or DIN5] I came across these keyboards by chance. One I got at a garage sale, two from the school district, and one that was in a dumpster [though I haven't had much use for that Yamaha SY-22 anyway]. They all have midi support. Everyone at OCR is a computerwhore so most of us have basic MIDI controllers that run about $300 or less [or they click notes into a piano roll with a mouse, like a fucking tool]. I myself am using this Kawaii K11 that I got for free. It doesn't have any mappable knobs or faders or anything, but it's got 61 velocity sensitive keys and a pitch and mod wheel. And it was free. But few people come across hardware like that. These things are probably worth $50 on eBay so that's a deal there. The sounds are pretty dated but I never use them anyway since FRUITYLOOPS CAN'T RECOGNIZE MY LINE IN, THE PIECE OF SHIT Anyway, there's your answers. Also, please don't just buy a keyboard on impulse. There are, outwardly, perfectly fine looking keyboards which totally suck on the inside. Do a bit of googling and you'll find some recurring top brands and you can average out some reviews.
  2. I use a cloth mousepad [it says Gateway 2000 on it!] because they don't get sticky from... you know semen But seriously, I had this plastic one and it got all this grime clumped up all over it, so I switched to the cloth one where the dirt simply rubs into the cloth. No worries! It's also better for my wrist. I used to use a hardcover book which worked great until my palm rubbed through the cover.
  3. ctrl-select all the notes you wants in the piano roll that need the swing alt-drag the note selection left and right. voila! snap-less movement. You can apply the alt-drag method to other things as well, like the playlist. Of course, this'll take some careful listening. You could also use the snap measurement drop-down menu to select how much swing you want.
  4. I would rather my one IMC song be left buried, but meh.
  5. uh lol. This is yet another firefox vs. IE thread, and I fucking HATE these, but I feel you need some informing. Have you heard of Linux distros? Or OpenOffice? How about 7zip, XMPlay, or GAIM? There is plenty of open source software that outshines or matches its corporate counterpart(s) in form and functionality. There's also the expandability of such programs. Plugins, themes, and extensions for Firefox! What does IE get? A few toolbars that waste screen space. Nothing that really changes the makeup of the browser itself. The quality of Firefox is higher and that is a HARD FACT you can take to the bank etc etc. IE6 has been around since, what, 1998? With no improvements. That's several years of their browser not keeping up with the evolution of the rest of the internet. So something like Firefox was necessary, which is one reason why it's so popular. Another reason being the tabs, duh!
  6. WELL YOU COULD ALWAYS SWITCH TO.... OPERA I don't have Internet Explorer 7 yet, but it confused the fuck out of my grandma, and I had to walk her through how to use it by guesswork [and of course it ended up being something completely ridiculous]. Also as far as I know there's no way to downgrade back to 6. Same way you can't go back to WMP 9 or 10, or DirectX 8. Still, I don't wanna sound like a douche, but try to switch to Firefox or Opera if you can, otherwise you make web designers cry.
  7. whoa, what? Is this a remix of my song? EDIT: NEVERMIND i guess it isn't, but it is rather close in style [track 07]
  8. FINGERDRUM FINGERDRUM Reason is far more useful as a synth rack than a sequencer. ReWire for the win eh?
  9. If you wanna record all that hardware you've got, Sonar and Cubase both have excellent audio recording and great midi support [for your software stuff]. They're a lot more pricy than FL Studio, but... at least they can record audio. FL kinda sucks at it. There are different versions of the software available for different prices, though I'm not sure how cheap they'll go.
  10. Going from the channel options that NotSoFatso has, if you used all the different expansion chips you'd have... 29 channels? I'd love to hear that, ha ha! Of course you'd have to use MML to do everything all accurate-like. FamiTracker can't do any expansions yet, though I hear he's working on implementing the N106 or something. I'm not sure how virt got those samples.
  11. Just start jamming in the lobby and you will all sort of gravitate there. It works!
  12. You could do the VRC6 thing and go up to 8 channels. Two extra squares and one sawtooth like virt did with Katamari Damacy. >_>
  13. good job taking on undercovered material d00d I played Superfrog at one point, but I totally don't remember the music. You're doing a decent job with modplug, but I think you're going beyond 5 channels here ;o! LIEK, HOW COULD YOU DO SUCH A THING
  14. You can do tempo automation with Rewire d00d You just need Sonar or whatever
  15. I found my favorite drumloop mv made it for me isn't that nice of him????
  16. I think modplug is decent. If you want one with more modern features, try Madtracker. It gets you VST and ASIO support, just like Renoise, though the interfaces of the two are completely different. Renoise is pretty freakin' fancy though. I'd say it is worth the 50 euros. Oh right! Also, reduz just finished another tracker. Hooray! I played around with the beta, I haven't checked out the solid release yet, but it's a semi-IT clone, an oldschool interface I actually like.
  17. I don't understand how any keyboard developed between 1990 and now ISN'T velocity sensitive :/ Did you look at the ratings on that page? Each category only got 1 star out of 5. I'm assuming that's downright fucking terrible, so you'd be smart to steer clear of that eKeys thing.
  18. haha yes it's kind of a #mod_shrine thing, but a guy named weezl made this tune called "goofy.xm" and I've already made 2 songs ripping his melody, 'cause it's so "goofy" and I love it: http://humblefool.net/boards/music/src/goofy.xm
  19. It's quite simple. In their minds, all we're doing is changing perfectly good music. Arranged videogame music is a terribly niche thing, and we really have no right to complain when billions of people will just not "get" it. Our little circle expands every day but there will always be people who don't understand what we do. And this being the internet, well duh, the loud ignoramuses are the ones that type the most [hay wait a sec LoL]. Videogame music is already quite a specific taste, but OCR is getting even more explicit. Tons of people love VG tunes and hold them in high regard, so the opinion that we are essentially ruining their childhood with an improvised solo, new drum beat, "shitty techno," etc. is a popular one that we can... ignore, for the most part. Seriously, who gives a shit? It's funny to read, though. This same topic comes up during every major project release, or a thread on some other forum that ends up being about OCR or VGMix.
  20. That's why you search the database and contact people that way...
  21. Yeah, cheap and reliable. What do you want to do with it? Do you want a keyboard with EVERYTHING on it like a Triton, or do you just want a little midi controller so you can control your DAW? You gotta ask yourself these kinds of things! Different keyboards and synths have WAY different purposes. This is also something you can totally research yourself! Go look online for some keyboards, read reviews, and come back to us if you still have a problem deciding.
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