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Everything posted by Kiyobi

  1. More likely than not, I won't catch Wednesday. Me and a bunch of friends crash the game room practically every week. Saturdays though, sure.
  2. Prolly won't catch it every week, but I'll be glad to drop in every now and then.
  3. Reminds me of this thing I saw at Anime Expo. (Oddly enough, there was a significant number of TF2 people over there...) BLU Spy holding hands with a RED female Medic. So... the RED Scout's mom is a Medic? I also witnessed a Heavy get backstabbed, a Demoman get pissdrunk, and an Engineer dominating everyone with a level 1 sentry.
  4. Holy crap, this Thursday? I won't be able to make it on Thursday, I'll be out of town. And scribble a "maybe" for Sunday. My poor lappy hasn't been handling TF2 very well for the past week, to the point of unplayability. I dunno how else to lighten the load on my poor graphics card, everything's on the lowest setting and I'm still dropping to 5-10 frames.
  5. So, are we both playing only one day each, or what?
  6. I love the FaN! =D And what's Highlander? Did I ask this before? I can't remember.
  7. Uh, I'm possibly interested, if you guys don't mind a guy with a poor shot. ; I'm a pretty decent dedicated medic, though. As for times, I'm up anytime, pretty much.
  8. Some good Arena action wouldn't hurt on this server, IMO. Also, B> cp_ or ctf_sawmill
  9. I'M ON A BOAT MOTHAFUCKA! Oog. Ironically, I went on my first boat ride in my life a couple of weeks ago. DEFINITELY not a boat person. But anyway, enough of that. How about that Backburner? =D
  10. That might explain why I'm being caught an awful lot. Bloody spycheckers D8
  11. On top of that, a few friends of mine have been picking up how to distinguish a DR death from a real death. Not just from how unnatural it is, but how the ragdoll acts when it dies. So, I kinda fear the DR's power is shrinking a bit.
  12. Man, that Neotokyo mod looks epicly awesome and sexy, but my hard drive cries for space. DX
  13. I LOVE YOU! I get to use my new skin edits now :3
  14. From my experience, programs tend to run better in full screen, not windowed. BTW, if I may ask, who's this Tiddlywink banhammer victim?
  15. Since we all love Badwater so much: http://www.fpsbanana.com/maps/99909 And my friend put up cp_clash_a2 for those who want to keep track of how the map's coming along. http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?wmwhlgmvxnw You think we could get it on this server? Friend tried running one himself, ultimately failed.
  16. Friend just put it up, if anyone's interested. http://www.mediafire.com/?149muodm2v4 My friend also asked to pass on a simple warning:
  17. Hey guys, one of my friends is working on a CP map and is about ready to throw up an alpha release. The concept is slightly different. There's five points, two RED, two BLU, and one neutral. The neutral one is locked, while the other four are open. You can only cap the neutral point if you control the other four. If you guys are interested, I'll post up a download link whenever he puts it up for distribution.
  18. Meet the Crashes: It's pretty much AFV with TF2 soundclips. It's pretty epic.
  19. I'll probably wait until Prototype falls under the $40 or so. Thanks for the lists, everyone! I'll go scope out some Gamestops probably this weekend, hope if they got anything used for my $30. BTW, no FPS should be played on a console (except the Wii). Mouse and keys ALWAYS tops the traditional controller. Always. That, and it makes me severely dizzy very easily for some reason. Any of you guys get the same problem?
  20. I just got this 360 around November last year, and I'm finally getting tired of playing the same five games I got since I bought the system. So, I ask you, OCR, what have I missed out on with the 360? I'm looking for any good, cheap, not necessarily new games that I could have possibly missed while I was gaming on my Wii, DS, and PC. I don't care about online features, I had some serious NPE during my free Live trial so I don't plan to get any subscription ever. I'm just looking for some good single-player (multiplayer feature optional) offline gaming. I can play practically any kind of game out there except for the traditional RPG. It has to be an action RPG. I also fail at simulation-type games. Forza made me cry. So yea, lay it on me. What did I miss while I didn't have a 360?
  21. Caption: !!! WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO!?
  22. I had a logical comeback to this but I'm failing to piece it together in words. It's almost 4:00 here. I need sleep. It went something along the lines of "what kind of logic you running if you don't wanna mute the people who annoy you?" In an unrelated note, how is my score quite a bit higher than Vivi, yet Vivi has a significantly better KDR?
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