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Everything posted by Kiyobi

  2. Sonic Unleashed. I dunno about you, but those nighttime stages felt very satisfying when you just singlehandedly clobber those giant mobs. Underrated game of the year, IMO.
  3. That's not cool, dude. I like your style, though.
  4. I am going to cry. This is not going to work.
  5. Explain? It had to have been made official for a reason.
  6. This. And for that "custom map" thing, what exactly is defined as a custom map? I'm pretty damn sure that list is bigger than the official map set. And why does everyone hate Hoodoo?
  7. This. Also, I dunno about you, but this is epic. There was also a teleporter right outside of view, to the right. Oh yeah, the engineer responsible for this also captured the intel 3 times.
  8. I just thought these freezecam shots looked cool.
  9. Looking deeper into the topic KyleJCrb posted back early on, and it looks like the whole dig is legit. http://www.romhacking.net/forum/index.php/topic,8582.msg134276.html#msg134276 I don't know about the whole OCR v. Zeality shenanigans, but it sure sounds like you all hate him. I dunno who the hell he is, all I know is that he's involved with this CE project.
  10. I dunno if you guys ever heard about Crimson Echoes. I haven't either until I stumbled upon this. http://kotaku.com/5249897/square-enix-putting-the-squeeze-on-chrono-trigger-fan-projects Some of you might be thinking they were gonna get them for copyright sooner or later, but throwing a C&D right before planned release? What asshattery is this?
  11. All the more reason to chase after SuperNova2 for me. Congrats!
  12. http://www.ps3center.net/story-394.html The next Katamari too: http://www.joystiq.com/2007/04/18/beautiful-katamari-damacy-confirmed-for-ps3-and-xbox-360-not-wii/ (I stol- erm, borrowed this from VG Cats.) I'm also gonna go out on a limb here and say that KH3 won't be a PS3 exclusive either.
  13. I never would've thought I'd see a Touhou remix on OCR. Good work, but man, I sure with it was longer.
  14. I'd actually look at this. 1) I've never played a SF game in my life. 2) It looks really nice, a graphical overhaul looks fresh for a newbie like me. But I don't have either a X360 or a PS3. Ah well.
  15. Frappe' Cafe Vibe - Mario Kart 64
  16. Good gravy, what was that last part all about?!
  17. Smooth delivery, lyrics of fury. I likey. Werd.
  18. This is THE Trance/Techno OCR to end all Trance/Techno OCRs! 64/10!
  19. This should go into the next (good) StarFox game! Awesome song and remix, and if you've never snagged the SF2 rom, you'll recognize the song when you play it.
  20. That opening synth beat is so addicting!
  21. How come I don't like this song? Sorry guys.
  22. Eh... this didn't click to me. Sorry, I just didn't like it.
  23. first the Bust a Groove remix, then this! I love it! I think we have a new OCR rising star here, I think.
  24. I never played Unreal before, so this would sound rather original to me. I like though!
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