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Everything posted by Evilhead
^ No, it's just shows how greedy Nintendo is for charging $15 for a N64 ROM. Yes, which is why I laugh at the people who are excited about the Wii's virtual arcade. Why not just emulate on another console for free? But if Sony has a decent catalog of PS1 games, I'd say it would be worth it for a $5 download, even as a hardcore emulation fanatic/software pirate such as myself. I hate PS1 emulation for performance reasons (even if you get a emu working well most games have their glitches) and tracking down a ISO, burning it, and getting it to play on a PS2 is difficult to do. You have to buy these special discs to get a modded PS2 to play burned PS1 games. So instead of worrying about all that it would be nice just to click once, and have whatever game downloaded and ready to play at any time on the PS3 harddrive. Wouldn't download a lot, but it's a nice service for $5. Whereas downloading an NES ROM for $5 is just a ripoff, plain and simple. For the non emulation inclined it's good, but even the slowest of PCs can emulate the NES perfectly, not to mention a non-modded PS1, Dreamcast, etc.
Why are these so expensive. you would think that when spending 600 on a system that it is going to work, what is so special about these that make them worth the money. I never buy them, and never need them. The reason they are expensive is because the parts are expensive. They charge you that much because they might have to replace a part worth over twice that amount in the future. It's pretty much a gamble, on their part and yours. You're betting that your stuff will need to be serviced, they are betting that it won't. It depends on how reliable you think Sony's hardware is. Evilhead: Having worked at Best Buy, I can tell you that we don't work on commission, ever. Besides the fact that we are pressured to make the numbers, which I'm pretty sure most retail employees are, there isn't any reason for us to sell you that shit unless it's for your benefit. And I've had many a time where I've had to tell someone a repair costs half(or more) of what they initially paid for. Once a guy had to throw away a three month old TV because it was surged, and the repair would have been about 3/4s the cost of the TV(MFW almost never covers surges). We could have repaired it for him for free if he had spent $30 on a service plan. But it just doesn't pan out in the long run. I've bought a LOT of electronics in my life, and I've never had a problem with any of them aside from my iPod which was under warranty. If I payed for service plans for all of these products, I'd literally be out thousands of dollars for absolutely nothing. And most plans are only for a year or so anyway. Most stuff breaks much further down the line. For instance, my lappy's HD died recently. Had I bought the $250 service plan from Best Buy, I'd STILL have to buy and replace the HD myself because the plan would be up by now. It's just a big scam. If you have shitty hardware, it will tend to fail pretty quickly. If it fails years down the line, you're probably in the market for a new version of whatever it is you bought.
ISOS??!?! WHAT? There are things called ps1 isos? Those can be incredibly hard to find for size reasons. Just try finding a non-clone Jet Moto 1,2, or 3. Exactly. I can download any game for old systems instantly on any computer. A 64k ROM isn't hard to find, even if it's something rare. But getting a 600meg ISO for an obscure PS1 game is can very difficult. Even if you get the ISO, it's hard to play burned PS1 games on even a modded PS2, and PC emulation is not 100%. $5 is a deal. So... point is I can still download for free. My computer that sucks can play PS1 iso's perfectly. The PS1 emulator works better than the N64 one for me. Yeah, I understand your point of view. I think the Wii's virtual arcade is pretty dumb too. I doubt I would buy more than one or two PS1 games anyway, since I already own all the PS1 games I like, but all I'm saying is that's a good deal for the games. For the same price as a 32k NES ROM you can get a 600 meg PS1 game that was released not too long ago. Not a bad deal at all. And can you find ANY PS1 game ever on BitTorrent? It's so easy to get complete ROM sets of any 8-bit ot 16-bit system, even for the N64, but it's much harder to find ISOs of PS1 games, especially if you are looking for something that's not too popular.
^^^ If it's under warranty, wouldn't it be free for repairs? Service plans are for suckers. They always try to get you to buy one at Best Buy, and it's so annoying. "I'm not getting a commission on this, I swear!" Yeah right. You might as well spend that money on two new games and punch the CSR in the nuts for trying to rob you of your cash. ISOS??!?! WHAT? There are things called ps1 isos? Those can be incredibly hard to find for size reasons. Just try finding a non-clone Jet Moto 1,2, or 3. Exactly. I can download any game for old systems instantly on any computer. A 64k ROM isn't hard to find, even if it's something rare. But getting a 600meg ISO for an obscure PS1 game is can very difficult. Even if you get the ISO, it's hard to play burned PS1 games on even a modded PS2, and PC emulation is not 100%. $5 is a deal.
^ Whoa, $5 for a PS1 game?? THAT'S the way you do a virtual console. Don't try to screw gamers out of their money like Nintendo is doing by charging too much for ROMs you can get anywhere for free. There are TONS of great PS1 games I'd be willing to to pay at least $5 for. Just another reason to get the 60 gig model... And Megadave, you are thinking of Jumping Flash (and Jumping Flash 2), which are great games. There really haven't been too many games like it since. Trippy assed 1st person platformer with weird environments and the ability to jump miles into the sky. I still play my copy from time to time. To answer Yokai's question, no, I don't think it will fail miserably. There is a chance the Wii or 360 will give it good competition, which is the best for everyone. I hope all three systems do well so the companies actually have to try to sell their games to people. But 3D0 or Saturn-level failure (well, Saturn in the States anyway) is impossible. The 3D0 was graphically advanced and expensive like the PS3, but it had almost NO software support. Go look up some list of 3D0 games. There's nothing on there. The Saturn died because of it's limited 3D abilities. There are TONS of great Saturn games out there, but at the time people where whores for the then impressive PS1 3D cababilities. When I go back and play both systems now, I have to say the Saturn was pretty damn solid. And had a great library, at least in Japan. But that's the American public for you. Anyway, with the amount of software support, jaw-dropping graphics, and brand-loyalty Sony's got going, there's no way the PS3 will fail. Just watch some of the videos and say you don't want to at least try the damn thing.
http://www.webster.com/cgi-bin/dictionary?sourceid=Mozilla-search&va=rediculous This has been annoying the crap out of me for forever. Also: YOU EVIL PERSON YOU HATE NINTENDO WHAT ARE YOU AN AETHIEST DO YOU HATE GOD AND/OR MERIKA? Yes and yes.
Well, it's a little hard to take your comments seriously when the previous five posts you made were outright trolling. You can't just threw a pile of shit around and then carefully place a tiny nugget of gold in the middle. Man, these analogy things are awesome. Like I said, I don't give a fuck any more. I posted seriously in the previous Wii thread and this one but I've given up. Everything I do there now is to piss people off. It works. It's funny. Especially Kak. That guy sure gets worked up. But this is way off topic...
I've tried it. A lot of times. Read the whole Wii thread, I dunno. I've come up with some honest doubts or tried to spark discussions MANY times in that thread with no bad intent and literally been flamed for 5 or 6 pages, whether or not I respond. It's rediculous. No discussion is possible, so I'm over it. Try it yourself. Say something that isn't 100% positive about the Wii in that thread. 20 people will jump on you, and some will outright insult you personally, often without any kind of counter argument. Why try to debate with these people? It's a waste of time. Now I get my revenge by typing out a 5 sentence post or link one article and watch the fireworks. It's too easy.
Yeah, but if I talk about the Wii in the Wii thread I get flamed for 10 pages... That's because you troll there. Here, you're the king of the land, ruler of all you see. Well, I troll there now for fun. But I've tried to have serious, legitimate discussions many times there and I get flamed to hell and back for not worshipping the Wii. People who dislike the PS3 are free to join the discussion here without getting flamed. Not the case with the frothing Nintendo fans.
Yeah, but if I talk about the Wii in the Wii thread I get flamed for 10 pages... Good interview. Says a lot about how I feel the PS3 will play out. He was a bit vague in places, but that's his job really.
Well... have you played the Wii? I have, and the thing is really responsive. In Zelda, it's not about the swordplay, it's still the same, but with the remote, things become easier, not more difficult like using the steering wheel on GT3. No, I haven't, but the same could be said about the DS. The stylus is really responsive, but when given a choice, I always use the d-pad for control. The stylus is needed for games like Wario Ware and Metroid Prime, but do you really need it for games like Mr. Driller or some others? Actually, most of the games I like the best for the DS are d-pad based games like Mario Cart, Castlevania, etc. Basically, I think the remote should be used when it fits the game, NOT being forced into every game out there when it just doesn't make sense. And considering the remote is the primary means of control, we'll probably be seeing that a lot.
Yeah, it comes out to balancing game play experience and gameplay. For instance, when Gran Turismo 3 came out I played it non-stop. Of course I wanted the official logitech weighted steering wheel and pedals. So I bought them. And returned them the next day. True, it was pretty cool to have that fairly realistic steering wheel in my hands but my game was suffering for it. My lap times were terrible when compared to the ones I got using the Dual Shock 2, so there was no point for me. Was it more fun to use the wheel? For about 10 minutes, then it was just frustrating. That's my main concern for the Wii. For some games I think it will be great, as it will allow some pretty creative titles. But why use the remote when you don't have to? Just for the hell of it? The new Zelda title is a good example. Does the Wii remote benefit the game at all? Really, there's nothing you couldn't do with a regular controller in that game, and it seems like the fighting controls are unintuitive and clunky. What's the point?
Well, something along the lines of the Wiimote would be far more better for FPS IMO - you have even more freedom and you're not doing something as ridiculous as moving your mouse superfast to do something highly uncharacteristic of a supposedly human-controlled character. This is a contridictory statement. You are admitting that mouse control is so good that it almost makes your character TOO strong, yet you are saying something like a Wii remote is better? I've been using a computer mouse for over 15 years now, all the way back with the old Mac Plus, and it's gotten to be completely natural for me. With a mouse calibrated to my liking I can just instantly point to anything on the screen with great accuracy. So using it in an FPS is quite natural. Using a Wii remote might be fun, but it's far less accurate, at least at first. Take a laser pointer, point it at something across the room, and chances are you'll be a bit off. True, I'm sure you'll get used to it, but a mouse and keyboard is great for those of us who already use them every day and have been for years. Basically, we are saying the option to use it is cool, and that more developers should add that option. If they only way you are increasing difficulty in your games is by limiting the amount of control the player has, you're not making a good game. There are plenty of mouse controlled FPSs for the PC market that are quite difficult, even for seasoned FPS players.
Getting way off topic here, but I agree that mouse/keyboard is the way to play FPSs. Controllers are doable, but if you can use your mouse well there is no comparison. You just point where you want to shoot. Analog sticks are just way less accurate, although you can get used to them to the point where you can play well. In the end though, it's just a preference. A friend of mine only uses controllers since he's no good with a mouse. I could go either way. Some PC gamers probably can't use a controller at all. It might be a simple task to replace the drive but there are lot of morons out there. How does Sony know if you spilled your Dr Pepper in there wile you were swapping the thing out? Basically if you open your machine for mods you are on your own if it breaks. Most of the time the warranty is pretty short anyway.
Good info there. The only think that is irking me about the PS3 is the fact that I probably won't be able to get one for a while, especially with the miniscule launch in Japan. It's alright because I'll just get one down the line when there is a bigger library, but I still want one right away... Oh well, I have plenty of other games to keep me busy in the mean time.
I just hope that hard drive installation crap doesn't become standard. It's an optional install. If you want to speed up loading times they give you the option to install the game on the hard drive so it loads directly from that. If you have the 60 gig version and only a handful of PS3 games, it would definitely be worth it. Even if you had the 20 gig. Load it up once and you can play Ridge Racer with blazing load times until you decide you want to use that space for something else. Pretty cool if you ask me, and I hope more games offer this option! I tend to focus on one or two games at a time, so while I'm playing them it would be nice to be able to load them on the HD to kill any loading times. I can't believe people would complain about a feature like this... It's actually pretty cool and makes good use of that HD you are paying for.
I talked to a friend of mine about this today. He works for Eurocom as a game tester - he said that when he showed this commercial to someone, he drew a small crowd of people. Most were creeped out about it. When he tried to play it again, most of the ones who had seen it fully(as opposed to the people who came in late) left in disgust. Why would anyone watch any commercial two times in a row? Anyway, all I'm saying is there is a huge buzz about this commercial, so they are doing something right. It's not like anyone is going to refuse to buy a PS3 because of it. I think the marketing group is going for: "Hey did you see that weird PS3 commercial? WTF?" "Yeah, what's up with the baby LOLZ" "There's not even any footage of games." "When is MGS4 coming out anyway?" ETC
Wow, the marketing guys at Sony must be geniuses. I haven't seen a commercial as talked about as this one...
Seems like it's quieter. From http://www.digitmag.co.uk/news/index.cfm?RSS&NewsID=6408:
Apparently they don't, I still see PSPs in stores. Ba-da ba ba-da bum. Oh the comedy.
The PS3 doesn't turn off properly, right? You have to use the button in the back? I'm sure it'll use less wattage in standby mode, but still. For the PS2, it was recommended that you left the button on if you were leaving it connected to the power since the change from AC to DC repeatedly could damage the system. My guess is that the PS3 would be similar. Really? I've never heard that. I've been turning my PS2 on and off with the power switch for about 5 years now with no issues.
The PS3 doesn't turn off properly, right? You have to use the button in the back? I'm sure it'll use less wattage in standby mode, but still. It's pretty much the same as the PS2, I believe. You can cut the power completely, or have it so you just push a button to turn it on. It's nothing like a stand-by mode, unless you consider powering one LED being in stand-by mode...
$5 a month? I think I can afford it...
Seriously, what use are ethics to a big company? Absolutely nothing. It might have to do with the fact that there is a seperate PS2 (and PS1) inside the machine rather than using emulation like the 360.
Yeah, replacing millions of defective batteries couldn't help either.