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Everything posted by Evilhead
Man, all this eBay shit is annoying. It's going to turn out that only extremely rich people are going to end up with one until more are released. Unless the ultimate happens and since so many people are planning to sell PS3s on the net that they actually don't go up much in price. GG to all the fake bidders, though. I'm tempted to do it myself.
How are stores like Target getting a lot more than Walmart anyway? 2 PS3s for a big Walmart, what gives? Revenge for all the GTA bullshit?
No one can say for sure, but I'd say that within a year they will have the compatibility to 100%. Seems like there is some bug in there that the next firmware update should fix, which is basically a downloadable (or present on game discs) upgrade like Windows updater.
Hey man, at least you are keeping it. That's some dedication right there. Good luck and I hope you can get one. I'd like to see more people actually using the system rather than selling it to make a quick buck.
It isn't that cold actually... Ah, it's just been chilly where I'm at lately. Good luck to all of those trying to get the systems though. I don't think I could stand waiting in line that long.
Two or three thousand dollars? Please. I'm sure PS3s will sell for over a thousand though, and a $400 dollar profit isn't bad. But if I camped out all night to have a PS3, you'd be sure as hell I would keep the damn thing. A few hundred bucks isn't worth sitting in the cold for 20 hours to me, but I guess it is for some people.
Wow, seems like you really want that PS3! Good luck getting it! Bring your DS and a lot of games, and maybe a good book. I think you meant to say, "He really wants to sell a PS3 for a hefty profit." Good luck to you Bahamut. I am waiting in the same boat, starting tomorrow night most likely. But he still wants it badly enough. Although you could just work regular hours and make that much money, but if you have free time it would be a good way to make a buck. I'd rather have the PS3 though.
Wow, seems like you really want that PS3! Good luck getting it! Bring your DS and a lot of games, and maybe a good book.
Yeah, if you want to do that much upgrading I'd say stick with a PC. You don't get quite the amount of software for the PC, especially from Japanese game companies, but you'll have a kick ass machine for FPS's and whatnot. Still, the ability to put a high capacity high speed drive in the PS3 pretty much negates the need for a faster blu-ray drive. Since most of the game will already be loaded to the HD, you'll only really be using the blu-ray drive to verify the fact that you actually have the game and for viewing movies (which don't benefit from having a faster drive speed to my knowledge). And I'm sure with the HD included there will eventually be some softmodding for the PS3 that allows you to run an OS, emus, homebrews etc. Imagine the emulation potential for the PS3 with a huge HD and it's computing power. You could probably emulate just about anything at 100%, aside from maybe Xbox games. Plus you wouldn't have to mess with discs, you could just have craploads of games on your HD available for at times.
AWESOME. For those of you who can't find it in the big article: This is good news. The 20 gig still lacks WiFi, but for the extra $100 you can get a LOT more storage space if you buy it yourself. In fact I just bought a replacement 2.5" hard drive for my laptop yesterday. 120 gig 7200rpm drive for about $100. With that amount of space you could put your whole collection of games on there for easy and fast loading.
Yeah, and how much shit would Sony get if they pulled that off? It's a free market. Sony is selling the console at a loss, for much less than it's market value as seen by auctions. Yet people still say it's too expensive...
You haven't made any kind of arguement whatsoever. You basically said, "THE PS3 IS OVERPRICED!!" Yes, I know people will be frustrated that they won't be able to get the PS3 right away, but they had a chance. If they lined up for pre-orders or go to Best Buy very early they could get one. For the others, they will get one when they can. How is not being able to get one right now because they are sold out vs. not being able to get one right now because the launch is delayed any different? People will be pissed either way. I don't think the people who have been waiting patiently for years for the PS3 will be so put off by having to wait a few months at most that they will swear never to buy one. If that was true the PS2 would have failed, as we were in the EXACT SAME SITUATION when it came out. You couldn't get a PS2 ANYWHERE for months, right during the Christmas season, there were rediculous eBay auctions, and it still became the #1 console. And if Sony keeps it's word we should be seeing a lot more consoles out there by the end of the year. They have the hottest thing out right now. Do you think they are sitting on their hands doing nothing? They are cranking out Blu-Ray drives as fast as possible. The rest of the parts are all built and ready. The Blu-Ray just caused a lot of problems but with time I'm sure manufacturing will pick up. My argument was that the poorer people are the ones most likely to get hit hard by the disappointment - for an example, I have a friend who only makes like $20000 yearly and has a hard time making ends meet, yet he goes out of his way to buy every console/handheld at launch. What type of crap is that? These are the type of people Sony has here - fanatical gamers who don't care how much they're spending, and these are the people who Sony is bound to disappoint, and for a company poised on the edge like Sony is, that is everything right now, unlike at PS2 launch. They need every dollar they can get at this stage to survive to only possibly see blu-ray mature, and that doesn't even guarantee them survival. Well, if you are having a hard time making ends meet, don't buy a $600 video game console. That's just called common sense. But I don't see how people are going to be dissapointed in the PS3, really, unless they aren't satisfied by the launch titles (which is just a temporary problem anyway). The graphics are blowing me away and there are tons of great games set to come out for it. Not to mention the HD capabilities, motion sensing controller, improved online services, built in hard drive, etc. If someone is really scrapped for cash, I'd recommend buying it after the first price drop. Then they can save some money and by the time that happens there should be a big library of games to choose from. Either that or buy a 360 instead since it's cheaper and already has a great library of games. Buying at launch is a luxury afforded to those with disposable incomes. If you buy a PS3 instead of paying your rent you just aren't using your brain.
^ Be glad you don't live in Japan then. New PS2 games are often up to $70. $50-$60 really isn't that bad for a new game, especially since you will be able to get it used for $40 or so almost right away. Minidisc was awesome! stfu! People still use minidiscs here in Japan. They are pretty great for recording music onto, at least before MP3 players became so good. Still with the 1 gig minidiscs you can put a LOT of CD quality music on one disc.
My impression was the price range for PS3 games was from $60-$100. You're impression was wrong. Sony has announced quite a while ago that there are going to be no first party games for more than $60. And we can assume third parties will follow suit as they always have. You can check the prices right now if you want. I'm sure plenty of sites have PS3 GAMES available. So you're saying no gaming machine is worth $600, no matter how good it is? Tell that to all the PC gamers with $2000 gaming rigs. I'm no rich man, as I make about $35,000-$40,000 a year or so, but $600 isn't going to put me in the poor house. It's less than a week's pay for something I'll be using constantly for 5 or 6 years. That really boils down to a $100 a year, $8 a month or so. NOT that much money, sorry. Yes, it's expensive for a console, but it's extremely powerful and has a blu-ray player built in. If you don't think it's worth it, by all means don't buy it. But by assuming NO ONE will think it's a good value is crazy. Agreed, they are extremely overpriced on eBay. I would never pay more than retail for ANY system, even old collectable ones. But for the young single IT who makes $150k a year and is a videogame nut, technophile, and has a badass home theatre... $1000 is nothing to have the hottest thing right away. I'd never buy a $1000 PS3, even if I had tons of extra money because I know I can just wait a few months and get it for regular price. But don't assume everyone is in the same situation as you. Obviously there are a lot of people willing to pay this much for the machine, so what's it to you? These people are not poor. You haven't made any kind of arguement whatsoever. You basically said, "THE PS3 IS OVERPRICED!!" Yes, I know people will be frustrated that they won't be able to get the PS3 right away, but they had a chance. If they lined up for pre-orders or go to Best Buy very early they could get one. For the others, they will get one when they can. How is not being able to get one right now because they are sold out vs. not being able to get one right now because the launch is delayed any different? People will be pissed either way. I don't think the people who have been waiting patiently for years for the PS3 will be so put off by having to wait a few months at most that they will swear never to buy one. If that was true the PS2 would have failed, as we were in the EXACT SAME SITUATION when it came out. You couldn't get a PS2 ANYWHERE for months, right during the Christmas season, there were rediculous eBay auctions, and it still became the #1 console. And if Sony keeps it's word we should be seeing a lot more consoles out there by the end of the year. They have the hottest thing out right now. Do you think they are sitting on their hands doing nothing? They are cranking out Blu-Ray drives as fast as possible. The rest of the parts are all built and ready. The Blu-Ray just caused a lot of problems but with time I'm sure manufacturing will pick up.
^ How are $50-$60 games overpriced? I'm sure you remember the day when SNES/Megadrive games were very expensive. I got my copy of FFVI for $80 back in 1995 or whenever it came out. That's like $100 today. Did I enjoy the game any less? This has already been linked here (i.e. PLD), but to be fair this has little to do with Sony and more to do with how the retailers handled the situation and the short supply of PS3s available. Beyond that it's just monetary gain that leads people to do stuff like this. Rich businessman pays poor Chinese men $200 to stand in line for a few days to buy a $600 system. Then sell said system on Yahoo Auction for $1200. There's a $400 profit just for one system, and multiply that buy X and you'll have people making decent coin off of this thing. Supply and demand issues will create this. Not saying Sony is not at all at fault here, but it seems they are producing systems as fast as they can. But $18 million isn't just decent coin - that's an incredible amount! I think Sony should've delayed launch though - there's no reason why delaying the launch would have an adverse effect, considering that people would gulp it up anyway. This shortage is completely Sony's fault. Think about it from Sony's perspective. They have a finished product ready to go, and a public who is clamoring to buy it. Production issues limit the amount of units they can produce by launch, so in order to help out the situation in Japan and the US they delay the European launch to many jeers, even though a worldwide release is very hard to accomplish for such a system. Would you sell all of your available units now, get people so hyped up about it they are willing to pay over $1000 for your system or let Nintendo and Microsoft eat up even more potential customers? Sony is just getting the machine out there. The kids who stood in line for days will surely be bringing all their friends over to play it. Those kids will want one too, and will buy it when the next shipment comes in. How is driving the demand for your system through the roof a bad move for Sony? Who cares if some people make money off of this? It's not like this wasn't the case with the PS2. But also from this perspective, there are surely many buyers who might get pissed off that they payed so much for what is frankly so little (at least at launch). From a purely business perspective, it's dangerous business, especially since it appears that they won't be able to manufacture as much for launch as they did for the PS2 launch, and with this expanded market, it could backfire. They already alienate many consumers with many big incidents, and it partially shows in their huge losses & decreased profit - right now the company is on dangerous ground, and moves like this can only serve to possibly hasten their death. You're telling me the people who managed to get a PS3 at launch are pissed off? If they are so disappointed, then they can easily sell the system on eBay for a large profit. And for those that buy the system in eBay, they obviously really want the system and have enough money to pay that much so I don't see why they would be pissed off. No one is forcing these people to buy the PS3. I really want the system myself, but does the fact that there are people out there right now who have it piss me off? No, because I wasn't willing to camp out all night or pay double the price to have it. Let the fanatics snap it up, and the rest of us who aren't children can deal with the fact that we might have to wait a few months to get the system. I've been waiting for the PS3 a long time now so a few more months isn't going to kill me, and with a lot of the great games out there right now there are plenty of things to keep myself busy with. Delaying the launch would just create the same situation, except at a later date.
This has already been linked here (i.e. PLD), but to be fair this has little to do with Sony and more to do with how the retailers handled the situation and the short supply of PS3s available. Beyond that it's just monetary gain that leads people to do stuff like this. Rich businessman pays poor Chinese men $200 to stand in line for a few days to buy a $600 system. Then sell said system on Yahoo Auction for $1200. There's a $400 profit just for one system, and multiply that buy X and you'll have people making decent coin off of this thing. Supply and demand issues will create this. Not saying Sony is not at all at fault here, but it seems they are producing systems as fast as they can. But $18 million isn't just decent coin - that's an incredible amount! I think Sony should've delayed launch though - there's no reason why delaying the launch would have an adverse effect, considering that people would gulp it up anyway. This shortage is completely Sony's fault. Think about it from Sony's perspective. They have a finished product ready to go, and a public who is clamoring to buy it. Production issues limit the amount of units they can produce by launch, so in order to help out the situation in Japan and the US they delay the European launch to many jeers, even though a worldwide release is very hard to accomplish for such a system. Would you sell all of your available units now, get people so hyped up about it they are willing to pay over $1000 for your system or let Nintendo and Microsoft eat up even more potential customers? Sony is just getting the machine out there. The kids who stood in line for days will surely be bringing all their friends over to play it. Those kids will want one too, and will buy it when the next shipment comes in. How is driving the demand for your system through the roof a bad move for Sony? Who cares if some people make money off of this? It's not like this wasn't the case with the PS2.
This has already been linked here (i.e. PLD), but to be fair this has little to do with Sony and more to do with how the retailers handled the situation and the short supply of PS3s available. Beyond that it's just monetary gain that leads people to do stuff like this. Rich businessman pays poor Chinese men $200 to stand in line for a few days to buy a $600 system. Then sell said system on Yahoo Auction for $1200. There's a $400 profit just for one system, and multiply that buy X and you'll have people making decent coin off of this thing. Supply and demand issues will create this. Not saying Sony is not at all at fault here, but it seems they are producing systems as fast as they can.
This is what has me hopeful for the console. Looking at titles like MGS4 and White Knight Story, I have to stop and remember the early PS2 titles I thought were gorgeous back when the system was still new and look at the improvements since then. Though I don't think either of those games are launch titles. Still. I remember when the PS2 came out I was a little dissapointed. It seemed like a bunch of PS1 games with higher res textures slapped on, which were true for a good number of games. To have early PS3 games look like this is a good sign. I think if developers really push the machine we can see some fantastic games. And as for the Japanese launch, who knows when I'll be able to get a PS3. They are selling consistantly on Yahoo Auction for $1500+ and there's no way I'm spending more than the retail price for the system. I guess I'll just have to wait.
Um, you use it every time you play a game. There are no DVD games for the PS3. Plus some of us actually have or plan to buy HDTVs in the near future and HD movies look damn good. I'd buy Seven Samurai, Ran, and a ton of other movies the second they came out on Blu-Ray. But this argument has been played out too many times. Yes, the PS3 is more expensive than most systems. It's still cheaper than a high end PC yet has a crapload of power. If you can't afford it now wait for a price drop or buy a 360 instead. The 360 has a lot to offer for the price.
Very true. The only people that are going to be amazed by the PS3s visuals are people who have never seen a good PC game. The games look good, but PC players have been accustomed to visuals of that quality for a year now (F.E.A.R.). Until the PS3 can produce better visuals than the 360 puts out in Gears, I wonder how they can charge so much for it. Because they can. Even though the 360 has competitive graphics and is a great system in my mind, the PS3 just has the developer support that will drive the demand for the system.
Amazing screens Atomicfog. Everytime I hear someone bitching about the PS3's price or whatever nitpicky thing is the topic of the week, I just wonder how their views will change once they actually experience some of these games. Yes, graphics aren't everything, but DAMN. And for the first time these kinds of screenshots aren't followed by the comment, "Yeah, but how will it look on your TV with crappy resolution?" If you're lucky enough to have a widescreen HD setup I'd say be prepared to have your mind blown. Even if you don't, it will still be an amazing experience. I can't wait to get my hands on one of these things...
Does a 720p machine cost more than a 1080p machine? Until it does, I'd rather have the higher resolution for when even better displays come out down the line.
The only case I have that even closely resembles that is the tin that Serenity came in, and even then a normal DVD case was inside. That won't stick out further when put on a shelf with normal games/DVDs, will it? I hope not... It looks kind of squat so maybe it's the same height as a regular DVD case. There is enough wasted space in regular DVD cases as it is that I sure hope they don't make them bigger. I guess the blue part is supposed to indicate it's a Blu-Ray game, but if there are DVD games for the PS3 will they be in regular cases? It would suck to have more than one type of case. I'm totally into having my games looking neat on a shelf. I don't have a source, but I am positive I read in one of my gaming magazines (Game Informer or PSM) they said that they have decided that ALL PS3 games are going to be on Blu-Ray disks, no mix of Blue-ray and DVD. Okay, I wasn't sure about that. I thought it might be like the PS2 which could play CD games and DVD games. After all, what's the point of putting a 3 gig game on a blue ray disc? I guess it would be a good way to prevent piracy for one, at least for the time being.
The only case I have that even closely resembles that is the tin that Serenity came in, and even then a normal DVD case was inside. That won't stick out further when put on a shelf with normal games/DVDs, will it? I hope not... It looks kind of squat so maybe it's the same height as a regular DVD case. There is enough wasted space in regular DVD cases as it is that I sure hope they don't make them bigger. I guess the blue part is supposed to indicate it's a Blu-Ray game, but if there are DVD games for the PS3 will they be in regular cases? It would suck to have more than one type of case. I'm totally into having my games looking neat on a shelf.
Well, he started it by saying Nintendo screw's people out of their money with games from the VC I just don't see why you'd pay $20 for four NES games when you can buy a Dreamcast for $20, burn a CD with 400+ NES games on it and play it on your TV just the same, not to mention having one of the best consoles ever made. But like you guys said it's your money! Anyway, sorry for starting some dumb console war type thread. I'll try to avoid it. Although it seems this is the only way this thread gets any replies. Trying to get this back on topic, here's a shot of a PS3 game case: http://www.kotaku.com/gaming/ps3/case-shot-of-ps3s-sonic-the-hedgehog-201176.php And yeah, I agree it's kind of weird. What's with the blue bar on the top? I liked having games in DVD cases. That way my game collection looks nice and uniform and they fit nicely on a shelf with Xbox and Gamecube games along with DVDs. I wonder of the Japanese cases will be any different. We always get better packaging over here (like for GBA and GC games).