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Everything posted by Evilhead

  1. Man, this a just a kick ass ReMix. If any of you have missed it, give it a listen!
  2. Wow, I'm shocked there are only two reviews for this one... Excellent song, just another reason why AmIEvil kicks ass. Download it!
  3. This mix is the shizzay in my nizzay, bitzzich! It's insane. Insanely good. Love those crazy dnb beats, totally sped up. I need the WTF mix!! Anyone have? Plz PM me if you do. Nice work guys! I'd love to hear another mix!
  4. This is badass! I really love this remix. Even if I didn't think Phantasy Star was the best game in the universe I would like this one, because, like others have said, it is high quality and is just good to listen to. It sounds great on my car stereo, a big system with tons of bass. There is a nice clean separation, and all the sounds are perfectly clear and well-mixed. I really liked the guitar part. It fit so well! You also changed the melody from the original song just enough to make it interesting and fit the feel of the remix (I actually like your reworked timing better then the original), yet you didn't change it so much that it was unrecognizable. It is a little short, but I think you cut it off at a good place, as a lot of people make the mistake of dragging a song out too long and making you sick of the melody, especially for songs like this where the source material is fairly simple to begin with. Anyway, good job! You've got a new fan.
  5. I bow down in humble worship of this song. Download this. Now.
  6. I think you did a great job sequencing this one, like DJP said, this sounds like the OST redone with nice sounds, but why is it so distorted and choppy in parts? Was that how it was intended? There is a lot of clipping, and sounds a bit like when my computer can't handle a big arcade ROM and the music starts to cut out. It's a bit distracting, but everything else is great! A definately worthy SOR2 remix, and would be top notch if the distortion problem was fixed.
  7. Ah, yes! A Phantasy Star remix of any calibre is like nectar of the gods for me--I think the Phantasy Star series has the best game music ever, hands down. That said, I don't *LOVE* PS4 title theme (even though it is still great), but I do love what has been done with it in the remix. The guitar riffs are perfect for this song. They could have gone the more industrial way with this one, but the dark, moody metal guitar really suits this song. I agree with DJP that the drums could have been more apparent... I think this track would have ruled with some rockin' metal drums, something kind of frantic, fast and noisy, but it's still good as it is. I'm glad DJ Pretzel seems to like Phantasy Star as much as I do, insuring that he will post any good PS mix that comes his way... Keep 'em comin!!
  8. I know it's probably rude of me, but I'm going to BUMP this song in the hopes that some people will see it on the main page and download it... such a gem!
  9. Really wonderful... it's a shame it's so muffled!! To some extent it gives it a somewhat erie feel, but that can accomplished in other ways. Either way, you are a very talent pianist!
  10. Okay, I am just crazy then! Sorry for the mix-up, I seem to remember hearing that! Anyway, regardless of your sex, I'm glad to hear some more Phantasy Star mixes are in the works! I can hardly wait!!
  11. A seem to remember Quinn mentioning that she is actually a FEMALE... am I just crazy? Anyway, Quinn is probably my favorite remixer on here, and it's nice to see a different approach taken... This kind of seems to me what the FFVI battle theme would sound like if it was in Phantasy Star II, which is appropriate considering Quinn's remixing history. That said, this one just doesn't strike me QUITE as much as QF's other mixes... Maybe I'm just a sucker for Phantasy Star mixes. I DO really dig the part starting at 1:50. Very smooth. Keep up the good work! You're mixes are always a delight to listen to!!
  12. Woohoo! I've been waiting for an Illusion of Gaia OC ReMix for a while now! Great game with an even better soundtrack! I really like this mix, but I'm not really sure which IoG song it is! An interpretation of the main theme? Dark Space? Anyway, I really like the drums and the guitar parts a lot... The flute sounds a little off in the beginning and middle, but it sounds great when the (reverb?) filter is applied to it at the end. IMHO, it should be like that the whole time, but then again it's a nice way to end it. Great variations; a great mix! Now tell, of what song?
  13. Personally I don't think anything is "too experimental" unless it's completely unlistenable, and even that I like. Why limit yourself with musical boundries? Any why couldn't it be compared to some other remixes? Because it's not the norm? You voted for Bush, didn't you? Hehehehe...
  14. Awesome!!! This is my new favorite OC Remix. Truely one of the most creative and well-executed game ReMixes I've heard! Can't stop listening to it. A surface of noise reveals endless depth. Great variations throughout the mix; electrofunkyteknogamelovenoise. Tight breaks, and a nice ending, too. It IS ironic that you use a game with "bad" music and noisy file-randomness and craft it into this masterpeice! It just shows what you can do with talent and creativity. Great job Mazedude!! 11.
  15. You worked hard on those drums and it shows. Great work again DJP!!
  16. Man, this is an awsome mix! As a fan of house music, I personally think the slight clipping adds to this mix... Kinda makes it sound like a sample of an old record, which is a good thing. Either way, I really love this song. I might be biased because I really like house, and I like upbeat game music, but hell, you did an excellent job. Nice break, love the beat (especially the house bongos/congas)... And don't worry about any negative comments (Mustin the Jerkaholic likes to focus on the negative to tout his apparently superior skills... don't worry about him), this is an extremely solid mix, one of the best on here in a while. As you said, "ultimate master piece"!!
  17. Maybe because reggae and dub sound similar, and the Cops theme (done by Inner Circle) is a reggae song...
  18. I agree with you Mustin, that a lot of the sections seem to be in the wrong key, but they way you say it just makes you sound like an asshole. Just trying to help you out. If you want to get better at being a human, you'll listen to me. S'all.
  19. I agree... The main melody is sometimes obscured by the drums and other elements... It seems like it's almost in the background at parts. I really like how it fades from the moody intro into the main theme, though. Also, I'm a huge fan of Space Harrier music, so any remix of the songs are great in my book, but this one could have been a lot better if it was clearer.
  20. Great mix!! One of the best on the site! You've really come a long way DJP.... I really like the drum-work on this one, and the funky dub groove. The strings also sound really nice in this mix, and I'm usually not a big fan of synth strings. I haven't heard the source material on this one, but now I'm inclined to seek it out... though I might be disappointed due to this great mix! Oh, and it goes great with the ganj... heh...
  21. Man, why all the complainers? Personally I think this mix is fantastic, the guitarist included!! I prefer the guitar to be a little sloppy, as I pretty much hate over-chorused, over-produced butt-rock guitar. I'm so glad they went the punkish metal route with this one! Seriously, how many of you people who complained about the guitar-work actually PLAY guitar? I do, and I'd have to say that he did a pretty good job, especially since it's all live. Rock on!!!
  22. Man I love this mix... I really like the subtle record scratching effect that is mixed in with the beat!
  23. Quinn, simply put, you are the man! As usual, a totally awsome mix, and great song selection.... PLEASE do more! "Pressure" and "My Home" remixes would be so awsome...... along w/ any other song from any Phantasy Star game. Anyway, keep up the good work! You have fans!
  24. One of my new all-time favorite OC remixes . . . This one is just awsome!!!!
  25. I love this mix. Its is a truely beautiful piece, and it really captures the music's original feel. The things Quinn Fox added to the piece as far as instrumentation and effects are compatible with the song's original mood and really enhance it. This is really important because I think a lot of remixers are good technically, but in the end they are simply taking melodies and dropping them on top of their own beats, which can have good results, but often ignores the song's true feel that lies beneath the notes. I think to truly remix is to capture what the original composer was trying to express, or at least to understand it. And I think he's achieved this! PSIII music definitely had a unique feel to it, very dreamy in parts, which lent to the fantasy-aspect of the game. Really some of the best game music ever. Overall, this is one of my favorite remixes ever. Great work!!
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