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The wingless

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Everything posted by The wingless

  1. Though I'm not against some form of coordination, I think the most immediate goal of the Clan is to have fun. I don't mind telling you absolutely fucking *hated* xbox live until I got in this clan, and as such, I would like to keep it as light 'n breezy as possible. Oh and don't you worry Dr. I'm sure IcyGuy was just screwing around. But if you find him morally bankrupt at some future date, tell HIM. That oughta shut his exploiting ass up for a bit.
  2. Another excellent night filled with an (alarmingly) ass-kicking Wingless New Arch-Rivalry! I'm Phoenix. He's Spartan. Our hatred is paralleled only by our forbidden love for each other. So we bear our feelings down, sowing our emotions inside of ourselves in a garden, secreted away in our hearts, where one day, love may bloom. QoTD: He's not just big... HE"S HUUUUUUUUUUUGE Hefner.
  3. Sonofabitch. Whenever we have a heavy storm, the cable just goes to hell. It's twitchy enough with LIVE on a perfect day, and today we had a monsoon Anyways, nice to see new faces, although some were a bit more audacious than I would like in beginning members. The right to speak in Clan OCRemix must be EARNED. Without further apu! Really early QoTD Me against MrB123 in RocketBall MrB hits me with the skull Me: You don't hit me, (I melee hit him with the rocket launcher), I (he hits me with skull) hit (I hit him again) you! (he hits me, I die) and a new addition! THE PAGE OF SHAME!!!! Icy guy deliberately asking for a level only to exploit it by hiding on a narrow ledge that only the most deplorable and despicable Halo2 player would know about. As such, I am demoting IcyGuy from Dork to Dweeb Errant. May God have mercy on your soul.
  4. First strike to me, so I guess I gotta talk long First thing that strikes me is, bonus points to you for trying something different. Yes, FF7 is a mire of submissions and mixes. So, I appreciate the forethought you took in not making it bread and butter. Having said that, the volume levels are (unless my speakers betray me) too diseperate. The synth that comes in every once in awhile is massively loud. The drums, though detailed and complex, don't vary one iota. Considering how sparsely and simply the main instruments are playing, special care should be given to the drums, since they're acting like the glue, the foundation, of the piece. Not enough variation on the whole, too short. NO
  5. I love the development and buildup of energy of this piece. The dynamics are schweet. I also enjoy the drum work. It reminds me, however vaguely, of the tribal drumwork in the Heroes of Might and Magic series. In fact, this sounds like some odd cross-over of the two, which, in my humble opinion, would be an awesome Frankenstein's monster. Regardless, not the best uber tera-samples in the world, and yes, the vocals do sound factory-wrapped. But the sounds are wielded so finely, so carefully, who cares. YES Arbiter, your journey begins
  6. A little sparse for my tastes, and yet, I have a definite 70's-porn-guitar bias (wahhh-jih-wahhh in the background). Simple in its execution, and because of this, it's very hard to pick apart problems. Usually, glaring errors come across from people trying too hard to heap ideas ontop of ideas (guilty as charged). In the case of this particular song, Joshy took the simple and clean route, and clarity outweighs density any day of the week YES why 6 votes for this? Post it you goddamn pansies.
  7. I'm with longhair Vigi on this one. Good ideas. Wonky execution as far as levels are concerned. Around the halfway mark, the Taiko drums become overpowering considering the new tone and arrangement. I believe the drums should take a much more supportave [sic] role, given the dynamism and effort lent to the main instruments. The taiko's are there for driving energy. I get that. But that can be expressed passively. There are other things to fix, but the taiko drums are the most obvious. Fix the levels, resubbie quickly. I AM RESUBMITIA
  8. Good texture. The "Weave" of sound is very pleasant. The chromatix doesn't offend me at all, having sold the patent rights on dissonance. Another very nice chill for our OCR-coiffeurs YES
  9. Suit up! Battleschool begins tonight at 9:00 central. /Ender
  10. Your mother must *really* fucking hate you, then
  11. http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/
  12. Once again, Comcast looks at me and goes, "Nope. Ur done fer the night, negro!" And yoinks out my connection. But a good night one and all. Stats are reset, and just in time too. We seem to suck hardcore on Wednesdays. At least, I attribute it to Wednesdays! The Halo2 Awards! Most Ego: Icy Guy Most Backup-able Ego: Icy Guy Most Petulent: Lazy Leaf Most Confuzzled: WesPip Special awards: Bombsquad: WesPip (blew up a mine as we drove right by it) Sideswiper: LazyLeaf (nearly de-torsoed us on that capture-the-flag match with the warthogs) Trojan: IcyGuy (5 people on defense, IcyGuy perpetually on offense) And just so they don't feel bad CyanIde: The Golgo13 ... award Spleen: The Ohnoesmycableconnektion award Join our Anti-government Clan!
  13. (Luke Skywalker trots down the stairs) I'm with you too!
  14. Yeah, I lied. But I'm making really excellent progress with the new site(s). You'll thank me when you see them, then it's back on the horse, as they say.
  15. I shall lend my phallus to the proceedings. For as we all know: Wingless is the papal magnet in the Populus of Team OCRemix . . . Goddamn that's alot of Molyneux
  16. Sorry kids. Haven't been on because A.) The cable went all wonky, thank you Comcast and B.) Been making some major headway in redesigning the site(s). So maybe we'll kick it up a notch Tuesday. BAM!
  17. Afternoon (Evening) Delights! QotD: (Wingless during Rocketball): They're after me frosted lucky balls! Honorable Mention: HALO2 LIMBO! For those of you in the match actually... you know, doing your jobs, allow me to explain Halo2 limbo as I have come to know it. I think it was Cyan, I'm not sure, but somebody had managed to wedge a ghost inside the window of that city level (whose name also eludes me). So he's firing off a steady stream of plasma as I walk up the stairs. I take it upon myself to duck underneath the beam and sing, "Jack be nimboo, Jack be quick. Jack go undah limbo stick!" And thus, Halo2 Limbo was born... until whathisname got his ass sheared off by an assassin through the opposing window. Check the stats. Soon we'll be able to cast Fireball level 2!
  19. Team OCRemix grows by leaps and bounds! QotD: (That guy)Wait! Wait! Don't shoot! I just wanna talk to you! *Crack* Honorable Mention: Icy Guy: {5 minute monologue on who's going where, what they're carrying, current accelleration, current rate of decent in meters per second squared, median exchange rate, bio-metric luminescence, and thermo-quantum rate of reuptake per kelvin per 3 AU (given the current solar rotation relative to the center of the galaxy}
  20. Time to ostracize [sic] myself from the rest of the group! Perhaps it is because I have a guitar-bias, but I liked this. But after say the 2 minute mark, it dawned upon me that there was this *hollow* feel to the mix that was difficult to get over. Hollow, in the sense that it felt like a key filler instrument or register was missing. Maybe it's Larry's comment about the stay-at-home-mom malaise of the drums. Maybe it's just the intense length of the piece vs. the idea it's trying to convey. But this mix needs to be added upon, though with great care. Too much could make this mix quite muddy. But yes, it needs more of what we in the industry (heretofor refered to as soft core) call more Oomph. NO
  21. Totally agree with Da Gahray here. You need to prioritize the instruments through eq'ing. Right now, everything's vying [sic] for attention, creating clutter. Good music is like good Capitalism. You've got the big important CEO's at the top who control 99% of the wealth, then the corproate types, then blue collar types, then the dregs of society, who shall be ultimately suffocated by the imperialist shadow of the hegemony above. So yeah, eq that bitch. Eq her brains out. And flesh out the rest of the register, most noteably the middle range. No.
  22. We caught you. We know you have 40,000 blocks of Hilary Duff on your XBOX. My favorite quote of the night: Wingless: Anybody call for a web slinger?? Haha! I forgot about that. What made that so hillarious (for me) was that right before I said it, I walked up to the top 3rd level where the elevator drops you off. There were two of you guys up there looking down, and as I looked down myself, I saw about three opponents. So, right before I jumped down three stories, I said, "Anybody call for a webslinger?", and (I believe) killed everybody down there once I landed. Or I could've been killed outright in the first few nanoseconds. That's showbusiness.
  23. Big showing! Our power grows by the hour! QotD: We're Level 2!! (Entire Clan at our first clan vs. clan match against level 3's) Oshit! (Entire Clan at our next clan vs. clan match against level 6's) Honorable Mention: WesPip: I *still* have no idea what's going on! (Game of Ninjanaut) ---- Excelsior!
  24. Haha. Worse excuse ever. Just come clean and say, "I fukked mah skewl werkx and mah pappy dun cut off de elektricitee" Clan OCRemix will soldier on while you Breakfast Club yourself to a more promising future!
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