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The wingless

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Everything posted by The wingless

  1. It's time for a classic Wingless vote-dam Good beat, great groove. Too short? Now hold on a minute, Hoss. There is something for being compact and suscinct [sic]. Not every piece absolutely has to be a six minute Holland's Opus in three mind-numbing movements. Sometimes it is best to make your point and bow out gracefully at the 2 minute mark. Lord knows the last thing I want is for a piece to just drag on and on and on in a shameless display of self-indulgence. But I am 100% on with Prot's comment about evolution. It seems to hover at the same developmental level all through the piece. For a song so short, one would think that development would be a highlight, not mention easily pulled-off. But, I promised a voting stand-off, and I plan on delivering. YES Suck on it, status quo... and look up at me when you're doing it... that's it...
  2. I liked the "audience" in the beginning of the piece, and then as it trailed through the rest of the mix, it oscillated between annoying and distracting, both of which are not good things. But for the piano piece itself, the first thought that immediately sprung to mind was, "Awww, this is cute" and I NEVER F'N say that. There is some obvious competency with the arrangement, and normally, I would be the first one to push for more complexity or sound breadth. With this song, the minimalsm works completely in its favor, adding to that "Aww" factor. If it's live, what a horrible piano. If it's sequenced, what a horrible piano. But I really like it. YES I'm still on the fence about the ambient audience effect. I'd like to hear what my constituants think. edit: for spelling. Cause spelling counts, bitches.
  3. From seventh sign of eleventh generation, Neither Hound nor Guar, nor Seed nor Harrow, But Dragon-born and far-star-marked, Outlander Incarnate beneath Red Mountain, Blessed Guest counters seven curses, Star-blessed hand wields thrice-cursed blade, To reap the harvest of the unmourned house. And wingless gives this mix a YES
  4. Before I judge, isn't there some company policy on games with gratuitous sound-clips? I seem to recall some legal-woes with something along these lines, but I can't quite place it. Any thoughts?
  5. HAHAHAHA. You used Descent 3 clips to make ur song. NICE JOB, MATERIAL DEFENDER! Anyways, I don't think I had as much of an issue with the continuity because I enjoy the kind of "stream of consciousness" orchestration. I don't think we have much of that around here. I'd hate to think that, when in Orchestra Town, one must write from point A to point B and one must make it rife with activity. I'm not defending this piece's short comings, but I am advocating that there are, heaven forfend, different ways to go about a genre. To which, I'm sure, my compatriots will label me, Teh Ghey. To them, I can only assure them that their mother was most satisfied with my sexual exploits, and that they have been summarily PWNED by a black man. Honestly, I really enjoyed this piece. But this should come as no suprise, since it's done it that same meandering style as Eutopia Pegasi. I think the technical issues brought up (though quite valid) are not enough to keep it from the OCR library. At the very least, it is imbued with a soul I don't get to hear very often... and that's good enough for me. YES
  6. I swear to God. I'm going to kill you. DON'T YOU EVER QUESTION ME IN FRONT OF THE JUDGES. YOU KNOW HOW THEY F'n LOOK UP TO ME!!!! Nevertheless! I'm torn with this one. There are some wild ideas being thrown around, some work, others don't, but I enjoy the vast majority of the risks taken. It has a very different "flavor" then what we're used to around here. The drum programming is great (another rarity) and I like the game-over ending homage. There are parts that irk me, mostly the stuff that's already been pointed out by my constituants. But I'm going to vote yes on the grounds that I'm quite curious as to what others think. That, and America loves an underdog. lukewarm YES
  7. Though I'm a firm advocate of "when in doubt, boost the reverb" to solve most of my sound issues, much of this piece sounds needlessly washed out and cavernous. This does not, however, mask the inherent talent behind the arrangement, which is as deep as it is broad emotionally. Yes, we've been stringent on sound quality, notoriously so on Orch. pieces, but as I've mentioned time and time again, we reject this song based on quality, and I'm damn sure he ain't gonna run out to buy the $400 phat-b33tz sound font or whatever the hell you kids use nowadays. In any event, as far as rejecting mixes on the basis of sound quality, that just makes me sad like Michael Moore on a day without cake. It's good stuff. Deal with it. YES And let us not forget... Mikey's got one... fat... ass.
  8. And ohh, how I loathe phat b33tz. Objective criticism shall be, dare I say, difficult to aspire to. The piano solo in the middle dances on the razor's edge of awkward and forceful. Sometimes it misses the timing completely, but that's only apparent to the readily critical ear. I completely agree with Darke about the millenial synth solo. The second half is the strongest arguement for this song, but all things being equal, that is just a half of the song. Don't get me wrong. Most of the piece I enjoyed. However, the irksome parts I simply could not bring myself to ignore or forgive. A luke-warm no
  9. More Guardian Legend to fuel my madness! Very interesting interpretation. At first, I wasn't quite sure how to feel about it. But upon closer and repeated examination, I think its the mixture of discord, and the unique instrument choices that make this piece stand way the hell out there. This song could have been taken into woefully familiar territory genre-wise, and I'm impressed that it didn't go there. It certainly won't be everyone's cup of tea, but I get the distinct impression the author didn't want this piece to pander to the CS-playing, cheese-eating, basement-living chuckleheads out there, and for that, I commend him. Loves it. YES
  10. Way to suck Pretzel!! Ahem-- Right off the bat, all I can think of is midi rip with tha Phat B33tz. There is some changeup, thankfully, but that verbatim intro was quite the turn off. Unfortunately, the unique parts of this song (which are far and few between) do not compensate for the ludicrously large amounts of ripped material. In other words, the original parts aren't original or show-stopping enough to justify all the stuff you've heard time and memoriam. NO
  11. Man, look at all the free time
  12. NEVER! I'll see you burn for this, Baranowsky, if that is your real name!
  13. Hmm. It started out with the promise of being interesting by virtue of being different. But then it runs into some FUGLY harmonics after the intro. The song recovers and does some pretty interesting things after that, but man, for a second there, I was not luvin' it. I have no doubt that some people are going to be against the slow, plodding nature of this remix, but I like it. It would be better if the sound were fleshed out more (more instruments, every range filled, etc.). There are some moments where it is awkardly empty, awkward in the sense that the emptiness doesn't really add anything to the piece. Another strike against it is that it's pretty repetative without adding new and/or exciting variations our way. This is doubly important in this kind of piece where the tempo is so ponderously slow. Kind of an awkward, first-kiss-on-your-cousin ending too. :/ NO
  14. Man, I luves this theme. This is lovely. It has the kind of laid-back attitude of a live acoustic version of the previous storm eagle theme we already have on this site. Lovely arrangements, crisp recording, ice-cool atmosphere. It's on the short side, and unfortunately, its a song that's so uniquely cool that I want to hear more. So the short length is a detriment, and I would have been tempted to use my YES OVERRIDE powers to put this to the top, but... I'm a coward. So in the meantime, you get a - YES At the next family getogether, set the studio back up and record some more. I AM A FAN.
  15. meh. Geocities. I've said it before and I'll say it again. It be the work of the white man... um... present company excluded, of course. (bandwidth exceeded)
  16. Man, how many hours did I spend trouncing about on that game with my granny-panties huge Gameboy One. --- Ooo. It kicks into high gear. Judging by the intro, I thought it was going to be something... I don't know. Cookiecutterish. But it ain't, and fresh-thinking is always a plus in the Book of Wingless. It's short, but this is the ultra-rare example of when brevity is more to this song's benefit than stretching it out for miles and leagues. This guy had a simple idea to get across, he did it, and there was nothing more to say, so he left. It seems obvious, but in execution, few people remember the obvious... A part of me knows this will not be everyone's cup of tea for one inexplicable reason or another, but there is nothing I can think of to keep this from going up. YES
  17. Quadra/ped - Four legged. Quad/raped - Not a real word. Syllables are the backbone of our language. USE EM. ------------- I'm the middle of Anna's opinion and Grey's. On the one hand, this is needlessly repetative. I'm of the mind that repetition serves a purpose, but if you go one step beyond that purpose, it becomes boring. The guage for that varies from person to person, of course. But for this person, it's too long without any significant change. Or, put another way, it's too long without being wholly intruiging by itself. And yet, it's a bubbly light happy little thing, and I'm always attracted to that. Like I said before, it needs more variety, but as it stands, there's nothing horrible or glaringly out of place about it. It feels good to the foot, and perhaps that is as good a barometer as any. YES on the grounds that in making his next piece, he pays special attention to variety, the spice of music.
  18. As a classically trained pianist (toot your own horn + 2) you gotta expect me to come down like a hammer on piano pieces. And this, dear friends, is no excepetion. There are some very good elements at work here, but what is most irksome is the fact that there is so much dry air in the mix. If it were a picture, it would have alot of white space that doesn't really add to the picture. Musically, it's deadened air that the ear desperately wants to find something substantive. This could be anything from a tempo change, to added instruments, to more dramatic dynamics. Take your pick. In other words, there needs be more, says I. Arr. Right now, it's Suzie Plainandtall. We would like somebody we can think naughty thoughts about when she bends over to pick up a quarter. NO Har. Sexism.
  19. I'm going to give it the final definitive yes with this reasoning: I think we all demand a certain level of originality and exoticism [sic] in our remixes. I know I do. But at other times, you want something... visceral and totally expected. Like a hard-edged SF2 tune. I think there are alot of people out there dying horrible deaths waiting for something like this, and I am loathe to let it slip by, minor gripes not withstanding. I am of the opinion that the criticisms placed against this song's production value and arrangement do not equal or overpower its other sterling qualities. YES RaWk
  20. Captian: You there! Commander: yes sir! Captain: N*gage tha PHAT B33TZ, level 10! Commander: aye aye, sir! ------- FIN ---------- I agree with everybody here in the Grand Enclave. Original + phatty drumb lupz = oh 'lizabeth... it's the big one. It is, however, fun and enjoyable and boppable. But it's just not where we have collectively placed the bar. Make it your own, sans the drums and original melody. Be like Vigi. Don't do drugs. NO
  21. Microphone check, biatch! Score another one for the unconventional 'mix (who wage their constant battle between TEH TECHNOxorz!) Wonderfully exotic in terms of genre and it's rarity in the OCR library. The recording is certainly going to rub people the wrong way, but 2/3 of the way in, my ear adjusted, and I was a-rockin'. Beyond the microphone made of a tin can and string, I can't think of any reason on heaven and earth why this shouldn't pass. YES
  22. Interesting... But it seems to suffer from what I like to call the "Cottoncandy Syndrome" where its all fluff, and offers little to no nutritional value. That is to say, the bulk of this piece is ornamental and decadant, but without the substantive material to hang all that decadence on. It's got too much fluff, yah see? As it stands right now, it's a great intro, or foundation layer for a lead part to jump in and steal the show. But beyond that, it simply cannot stand on its own. Baby, you've got the candles... now you need the birthday cake! NO
  23. My diatribe on samples: So we reject the song on the basis of sample quality. Is this poor bastard going to run out the next day and plop down $300 on Hyper-Dragon-Goku-XP-Special Edition sound fonts? Hardly. I win. That having been said- -Very unusual arrangement, and I say unusual instead of odd because unusual has more of a positive slant. It's a very meandering piece, more of stream of consciousness style of writing that we rarely find around here. I really enjoy the moments when he "kicks it up a notch" at -1:07. There are some odd rhythmic [sic] hiccups here and there that may or may not be intended, but overall, it's competantly written, wildly original, and that ain't not bad in my book, samples be damned. YES
  24. makes protricity feel like a big man. Feh... white boys...
  25. I like it. It's subtle where the original was garish, somber where the original was abrasive. I do have to agree with Protee that this could have been developed a whole lot more (Russel of the Cox Clan comes to mind) but as it stands right now, it's a very smooth little haunt for the ears. Good, with the potential to be greater, which is alright in my book. YES
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