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The wingless

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Everything posted by The wingless

  1. I didn't read his email because I don't feel like it. I'm fair and evenhanded like that. ------------- One of the biggest strikes against this song is, as mentioned above, is the almost verbatim reiteration of the source material (aside from the 'James Bond' interlude section) But I'm in that benefit-of-a-doubt sort of mood, and realize that close adherence to source material doesn't necessarily disqualify it from being enjoyable. And I did enjoy this, which surprised me. Usually minimalism and carbon copies rub me the wrong way. But, in spite of all that, I liked it. No, it's not quite where we've set the bar in the last half-a-year or so, and yes, it wicked close to the original. But it's clean, competantly arranged, and it's simple. These things too, should not be overlooked. YES
  2. I heard Mustin once punched the Pope in the face. BELIEVE IT! Sky Oji and the World of Fucking Dweebs!!!
  3. Praw Tricity: "One mo time" Mustin: "Fo da bass" --Scene--
  4. To be fair though, I liked it, and would have voted it a yes, regardless.
  5. VH1 behind the music-- Daniel "Red Baron" Baronowski ate so much bran that fellow judge GrayLightning would often set his watch to Daniel's laser-precise bowel movements. But after nearly four months of excusively eating bran, Daniel reached his breaking point, and turned to harder drugs like cocaine and muslix. VH1: "Daniel... what were those years like?" Daniel: "Mmm... NOTATION. def-def-definitely NOTATION" When Behind the music returns... Vigilante cuts his hair after a twenty-year bout with being a damn-dirty hippy. ---------------------------------------- Anyways... I'm torn between Oji's sentiment and Danny's. One the one hand, there is so precious little metroid here that I can't in good conscience call it a full-fledged remix. On the other hand, I can hear a sincere attempt at drum engineering and some competant (albeit repetative) arrangement. So I suppose I will compromise. I'm going to vote no, and strongly advise the author to incorporate more familiar metroid material into this mix, which as far as I'm concerned, is its major failing. If it had more metroid meat, I'd vote yes, or at the very least, would be more inclined to yes it. But as it stands, no.
  6. Slowly, the dust clears, and rising from the rubble of the broken and twisted world rises... a hero. the fanboy coming this November to an Xbox near you. -------------------------------------------------- Rabid fanboyism aside (and don't worry, I own a cube too), I really dig this. Dig is different from like. You can like something by nodding your head and gently rapping your foot against the floor. You 'dig' something by air-guitaring and puttin' up tha hornz. So I dig this. And naturally, that is not to say there aren't bad things cropping up in the song. But I'm going to leave that to my fellow compatriots to knit-pick at (weak ending, sparse in patches), since we've gotta get this show on the road. So we'll play it this way. I vote yes, and everybody else prove to me why that's wrong. YES
  8. debuted is probably one of the more amusing mispelled words to say aloud.
  9. Dear Oji, I pleasure myself once every day, but this Sunday during a sermon, my local pastor stated that such acts are blasphemous, and encroach upon me 'coveting' myself. I want to be a good Christian and go to heaven, but I really enjoy spraying my left eye with the cock-sneeze. What should I do? --Ornery in Oak Park
  10. Bear witness to why Wingless fucking gums up the works! I'm going to completely circumvent the technical and somewhat rhetorical parts of reviewing, and go right to that ephemeral, ghostly quality called the 'soul of the piece' I really, really, REALLY enjoyed the piece, and the atmosphere it set out to create. In this regard, the piece is very successful. It has energy, it has development, it has that certain jeeh nuhh sayy qhaa that I certainly try to put into my music. Yes it has technical flub-dubbery and yes, nit-pick if it pleases you. But I believe, taken as a whole, this piece works, and would touch the dork and dweeb community in a wonderful, wonderful way. I can't honestly think of a reason why this should NOT be put up. So, on the basis of the wildly subjective and superpartial-- YES
  11. Since the drums are the primary subject of controversy, let's start with that. The drumloop, as it stands, does not work. It has a very odd frequency (either too high or low) and repeats ad nauseum [sic]. Personally, I would push for a resubmit, specifically asking the remixer to add ALOT more variation to the drums. I can almost garun-tee that would solve about 75% of the problems. If not, suck it. As an interesting side-note, if you completely omit the drums, this isn't a bad little ditty. The competency with the arrangement is there, and there are interesting little ideas being thrown about here and there. The only real problem (and for the sake of convenience, let us label it a BIG problem) is the clockwork drumloop. And that can be solved quite easily with a redo. so, NO ++ resubmit
  12. Songs so nice, they had to post 'em twice F-Shadow's Wingless and Larry Bukakke explanation (see the id-tag for a moderately accurate transcript) http://www.thewingless.com/BukkakeExplanation(ShadowMix).mp3 Wingless and Seattle Overcoat's, Sex-Soc http://www.thewingless.com/socsex.mp3
  13. sorry if the answer is in the above posts, but-- Has anyone asked the artist what he wants done? (replacement vs. addition)
  14. I liked it too. Furthermore, being black, I do not have to justify my opinion. (Aww c'mon, look at Malcos' post! That kid gets away with EVERYTHING) YES
  15. Note to other remixers: if you mention my name in the blurb, you AUTOMATICALLY get in, djpretzel be damned. What I'm hearing across the board is a lack of the tried-and-true bellcurve of musical development. Simply put, it starts out low, climaxes, then gently places you back to earth, roughly forming the shape of a bell-curve (the hump placed somewhere around 2/3 or 3/4 of the way back). This piece doesn't really bellcurve insomuch as it makes a plateau. It rises to a point of energy and density, then stays that way, not really offering an incentive to the ear to keep listening. Which is too bad, since there are alot of really good choices being made in terms of instrumentation and the restraint to use them. It really does have an epic breadth to it (but at this point, not an epic depth) Like our own Prince of Persia, I would recommend a lot more common ground with the original. This will give you more to play off of, and it will appease the masses who will cry foul: "Dood, where's teh Chronoxors? lOLZ" So -- Look at your piece as a whole. Try to approach it from the movement of the piece. Ask yourself, how is this developing. Where am I taking it? What is the audience expecting... etc. If you are indeed going for the epic genre, movement/development/evolution is key and king. Also, don't be afraid to jam more original CC into the mix. We won't hit you if we here familiar notes (Prot might take a dump on your chest, but it's cute when he does it). Maybe clean up the errant notes that other judges have pointed out and resubmit. Since you're steeped in fanboyism, I'll give you the more sympathetic lowercase no there. It's like Charmin for the ego.
  16. It's official. I hate all Middle-eastern people now
  17. I agree with Anna, plus there is this persistant fuzz (Vigilante will have to clear me up on the proper technical term) in the background. Distill this piece to its basic elements. You have a bass, a secondary guitar, and some ambient hiccuping effects. Nothing really new or exciting is being added. It's really just a ground-less experiment. I commend the experimentation, but am totally disengaged by what that experiment yields: an hollow piece with a melody that has been done before. It need a better hook/gimmick to keep me engaged. As it stands right now, it's just... different. No
  18. Alright. MIDI-rip! SWEEET! Go Go Go!!!!!!!!!! Honestly, what's going on here? You've got the midi-rip intro, then the ultra-repetative, dare I say, grating additions. And for the love of Vishnu, why eight minutes for what is essentially 1 minute's worth of song? No
  19. As ever, I let sample sounds slide because I don't expect hard-working twenty-somethings to shell out a billion dollars for Mr. Fatman's Glory Hole 2005 JigaSamples deluxe Negro League edition. Still, after that first suspended note, I was literally CRINGING. After taht point, the piece gets progressively more enjoyable, and the Roland sound because less and less distracting. And then the actual arrangement captures the ear, and it is absolutely lovely (and multifaceted like a goddamn diamond). Final project or not, this has dedication written all over it. And beyond that, you really get a sense the author enjoys the subject material. That's something I don't thing readily translates in many mixes. Really, the only thing going against this guy is the fact he's done this all on a Casio-001, and it is to his goddamn CREDIT that he's able to get such a sound out of such... humble 1950's technology. Magna Cum YES
  20. Obvious comparisons are going to be drawn from this song to Punchout, and rightly so. On a purely technical level, there's nothing particularly wrong with it. Levels are fine. Full sound. Competant arrangement. Etc, etc, etc-- I think on an emotional/personal level, I have gripes with some of the lyrics, which dance on the razor's edge between enjoyable and downright loopy. "Cyborgs headed for war section?" Guffaw? There's also an issue of clarity in the lyrics (which probably falls into a technical issue). Sometimes you can't make out what's being said, and with the aid of the lyric sheet, you don't understand why it's being said. Still, I can't really conceive of a reason why I would give this a no (or any other judge, for that matter. But suprises abound here). It's fun, it's driving, it's got robots in it. I haven't a doubt in the world alot of megaman and Gameover fans will be xstatic [sic] over this one. YES Heeeeeeeeeeeeeere we are! ::BOOM:: Born to be kings... WE"RE THE PRINCES OF THE UuuuuuuuNIverse!
  21. Right out tha motha-fuggin' gate, I'm loving this song. (which is so rare... I fear a may cry ) I really enjoy the liberal interpretation of what I can only assume is the main theme (I have the OST, so you can't pull nothing past me). I think some, maybe many, would argue, "Hey! Where's the Halo music?". Personally, I commend you on not going through the note-by-note arrangement. We're going to get alot of Halo songs in the mail , and doubtless, they will all go the same route of tried-and-true. This song is unique. You can hear the remixer's work intermingling, working together with the original material. Again, a supreme rarity for this judge's ear. Samples sound good. Nice pacing and flow. Obvious competency in arrangement. The only real obstacle I can see is my other compatriots debating whether this is 'Halo' enough to qualify as a remix. But then again, we've had mixes push the edge time and time again. I have high hopes this will pass. So I will do my part. YES
  22. Nice title... what, did it take you all of 2 seconds to think that one up? ::slaps the piss out of whoever this cat is:: I heard this over at vgmix a while back I believe. One of my biggest complaints is the infrequent but prominent keyslips and note-clashes during what I can only assume is a live playing. HOWEVER, seeing as how it is live (if I assume correctly), these flubs are forgiveable. My own personal live playing has gone to hell thanks to sequencing. Still, at times, the slips are are glaring to the point of distraction. Beyond that, often times, the dense nature of the piece creates a very tangled web of sound that's hard on the listener. I get the distinct impression the author was going for fullness of sound, but at times, it comes out as clutter on a small note-by-note level. It's like having a tall building built on very irregular bricks. Still, none of these gripes really outweigh the good points of the song. I can't quite place if anything has changed in this version versus the one I heard in VGmix, but I like them both very much. Could be alot cleaner, but I can't see any reason why I should condemn it to OCr hell. YES might I suggest as an excersize, trying to get the biggest sound out of the least amount of notes. See where it takes you. Oh, and get a better title, professor-no-imagination. What, did you name your dog, "Doggy" too? Get the hell outta here!
  23. Hahaha. I'm convinced Pretz only includes me in the song blurb to make me look as insane as possible. Anyways, I was especially impressed with Fray's implimentation of the judges critiques. When I first heard the song on the panel, I was edging on the side of "meh". The revised edition just about floored me, which is saying something because Wingy is rarely a fan of the "Phat B33tz". So, great job Fray. You made me replay the game after a four month hiatus.
  24. HAHAHA! SUCCESS!! get tha fukk get tha fukk ohh... how I have missed thee!
  25. If Christopher Lowell was in there blowin' the hell out of Rip Taylor... that video clip COULD NOT HAVE BEEN GAYER. Couple that with the fact that one of the pugilists in the clip looks uncannily like our resident long-hair hippy, Vigilante, and you've got a recipe for wildfire gossip! *sigh* how I wish I had my old OH SNAP! gif right about now...
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