The wingless
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Everything posted by The wingless
I love it when my internet connection decides FOR ME when to quit. But an hour with you guys is an hour well spent. Favorite Quotes: SuperSpleen: Aw man, that one was for Wingless -or- haha! I got Wingless! -or- WINGLESSSSZzzz! Honorable Mention: Michael Jackson-esque squeels from LazyLeaf whenever she became the Ninjanaut and immediatly got killed. Me as Ninjanaut: Mwa ha ha. How can you kill a God? Come to me {insert name of Character obliviously running away}. Come to me! Cyanide (I think): Man... I actually feel bad for these guys {rapid fire sniper shots} Huzzah to Clan OCRemix!
Quote of the Night: Me: Sorry boys, mind if I cut in? 1 second later, a double kill with the sword. Honorable Mention: Fruity Tuty: (In little girl voice) Are we gonnah pway Hawo two team swayah?!
Bungie.net I'll do my best to be on sometime. But being it's a schoolnight, I dunno. ...Or any goddamn website on the internet that has anything to do with Halo or games... or anything. Sweet tap-dancing Jesus, you're out of the fucking clan. /mean
Sadly, my connection crapped out on me at the tail end, so I decided to call it a night on a high note. BEST XBOX LIVE NIGHT EVER. It's the only time I've played xbox live and didn't want to kill myself or cancel my subscription immediately. I was actually laughing my ass off the whole time. Oh, and a fond thank you to our gender-confused compatriot, Leafy, who showed that wether male or female, you'll scream like a little bitch when you've got a flag and a warthog. Huzzah!
we start at 9:00, cocksneeze! Enjoy playing by your lonesome!
SaintSaki... you will serve the Emperor above all others.
OCR01357 - *YES* Final Fantasy 10-2 'Under a New Moon'
The wingless replied to djpretzel's topic in Judges Decisions
Bandwidth exceededed'd -
OCR01345 - *YES* Ninja Gaiden 2 'Ninjascape'
The wingless replied to djpretzel's topic in Judges Decisions
omg. Guitarbias I think this is great on all fronts: production value, development, arrangement. Good stuff all around. I'll have defer to Vigilante, who will undoubtedly spout some trite reason why this guitar has no quadra-action-pull or why that chord doesn't have enough fenderbar-strata-lithium. But, aside from technical issues that I am not aware of, I think this is a winner, and a definite keeper. YES edit: Um... why is this not a DP? Pretzel, you fat fuck! Post it! -
So... again tonight (tonight being 4-22) at 9:00 central? Be there or be Sword'd.
Aside from some *very* foulmouthed Texans, me and Wespip had a magical, Montreal night together. *sighhhhh* Oh Wes, if only you could shoot as well as you win hearts...
Gamertag: TheWingless... last I checked. It's going to be a bitch to unlearn all the mad Unreal Championship moves I've got ingrained in my muscle memory... that and I suck woefully at Halo2. So, it is with a heavy heart that I accept this heavy, heavy burden.
Man I wanted to like this. I really *really* did. The problem is, if the artist was going for that radiohead feel, they missed the mark simply by having their vocals soooo goddamn wobbly and riddled with pitch problems. If it's a stylistic choice, great. It's too distracting and/or grating to add anything to the piece, and does more than it's fare share of detracting. That, and the recording equipment is sorely lacking for this kind of in-your-face listening, where every nuance flows through the speakers. NO -make the voices (pitch, quality, general *Singing*) immaculate -better equipment, if possible. If not~ -better takes
*NO* Sonic the Hedgehog 2 'Robotnik's Immortal Presence'
The wingless replied to djpretzel's topic in Judges Decisions
omg. Malcos, ur ears are teh sux. The theme is in the very beginning, then after about a 5 second break, whammo, it's there again. I deem thee unforgiven. Some of the sound samples sound peculiarly... wonky. Like the main lead in the introduction that sounds like a duck playing an oboe. There is this odd hollowed out sound as well. It's as if one vital part of the register was missing. I suspect the middle range, but I would encourage experimentation, as it cries out for a fuller sound through much of the piece. I also agree with Larry's complaint about the non-human sound. I can hear a lot of would-be legato instruments being retriggered often and obviously. NO -add more human phrasing -add fuller sound. -be ever-vigilant of the quality of sound as it compares to it's real-world counterpart. -
*NO* Blaster Master 'Fire, Water, Metal'
The wingless replied to djpretzel's topic in Judges Decisions
*Alert* *Alert* cymbal/hi-hat overload in main reactor core. Dump cymbal/hi-hat? y/n >y *Warning* Cymbal/hi-hat ratio too great. Containment seals 1 through 999 broken. Jetteson engine room? >y Engine room jettesoned. Threat level reduced to Amber. -------- Larry hit my concerns pre-ci-sleeee. Tone down that sea-of-fuzz hi-hat and take the treble down a notch or two. Otherwise, I like the manic energy in the piece and harmonies contained therein. Just clean up the sound. Less is more, and all that rot. NO *Warning* Jetteson misspell detected. Initiate spellcheck? >n -
*NO* Final Fantasy 7 'Sephiroth Absolute'
The wingless replied to djpretzel's topic in Judges Decisions
Time for me to pull an oft-unused Wingless trademark feature: the lone YES vote. I felt this was a very well done reinterpretation. The parts that were villified as too sparse or dense, I chalk up to a change in density, which just implies to me forethought in varying the quality of the piece. I enjoy the dissonance quite a but too. And there are so many "cool" bite-size moments than I can count. I feel it would be very sad indeed to let this one slip through the cracks. YES fight da powa -
When I click on the link, it sends me on an endless loop of infinity.
Where's the April Fools edition, you black bastard!?
*NO* Final Fantasy 6 'Decisively Metal'
The wingless replied to djpretzel's topic in Judges Decisions
Lawerence performed the Invokation of The Wingless, thereby binding me inside a pentagram until I review this song. Recharge time: 24 hours. I think it's great. Great equalizing. Varations in dynamics, tone, rhythym. Everything's all good. Plus, we're lacking in hard-driving metal mixes here, so when a really exceptional cross my path, it tends to stick out. I'd be very curious to hear the rationale behind a NO for this one. YES'm -
I'm in the same boat as the Longhair, but I'm going to temper his critique by being Paula to his Simon. I really like the avante-gardeiness of it all. I really do. I'm just wierd like that. And yet, I am not so weird as to understand that virtually 95% of the OCR fanbase would find this passing an incomprehensible phenomina [sic]. I myself have no problem passing it, aside from this little "phrasing" problem Vigi brought up. While you have an obvious structure with the piano, the sax is freewheeling all over the place. Alright, I get that. But too much of that gravity-less movement gets irritating, which is where the phrasing comes in. You can be as scrambly as you wanna be, just so long as you root that randomness in something the ear can percieve. Hence, the phrasing. Phrasing is what's going to make this a purposeful abstraction, rather than a knot of sound. NO
*NO* Mega Man 2 'Spiked Ceiling Bubble Bop'
The wingless replied to djpretzel's topic in Judges Decisions
Ah bubbleman, we hardly knew thee. I appreciate the effort in trying to make this well-worn song different. But even *I* have some trouble in advocating some of the quantum-liberties given with the source material. My biggest beef is that, if the middle section had more to do thematically and melodically with the original source, I'd be much more into this piece. But as it stands, it's an odd original-new-original format that doesn't work for me. The entire middle section could be used for something better and, I can't believe I myself am saying this, more familiar. NO -
OCR01338 - *YES* Mega Man Zero 2 'Cool Mind'
The wingless replied to djpretzel's topic in Judges Decisions
Massa-full workmanship. Whereas Darke must confess a bias of groove, I myself must confess a bias of texture. The tapestry of sound created here creates such a delightully rich and enjoyable loom that it's nigh-impossible to deny the artwork behind the scenes. Another great 'mixer who has an ear for the picoscopic details. On behalf of the United Negro Mixer Association, we applaud you, sir! YES!!! -
I wish I could add something substantive, but Larry pretty much hit it in all the right spots. So, do what he says. NO
I'm totally with the Red Baron on this one. While I may not have his rather substantive knowledge of the genre, the attention (And downright adoration) of detail really shines through. Very nice ideas thrown about and *gasp* nicely executed throughout. Praise be unto the Ph4t B33tz. YES And let that be a lesson to you prospoective technophiles (subgenre semantics notwithstanding). It doesn't matter what genre you throw it in, the devil's in the details, and the secret ingredient is love.
Luke Skywalker: I'm with you too!
I was more enamoured by this piece than Larry. I really loved the intro, aside from some really *glaring* spikes in volume on the strings. And I mean glaring. It's like making out with a beautiful girl on a dusklit beach just before the sun arcs its halo below the horizon... and then having that girl bite your tongue. Hard. That's how bad the spikes are. But other than those rampaging EQ issues, I thought this was a very unique and, dare I say, soulful take on the oft-remixed Metroid title. I'm down widdit. So here's how the vote's gonna go-- RESUBMIT PRONTO --fix the damn strings. Dammit. For the benefit of your ego, that's a YES. But for technical and bureaucratic [sic] reasons, it's really a NO.